Falcon Ridge Elementary
October 2024

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🏫 Principal's Message
From Mrs. McEachern
It is hard to believe that it is already October and we are quickly approaching the end of the first nine weeks of school. All of our students have finished their beginning of the year (BOY) reading MClass and math Dibels screeners. These assessments help our teachers gain a better understanding of each students strengths and weaknesses. We use this data to target instructional needs and provide intervention support for your child. Your child's assessment report will be sent with their report card.
In the coming weeks, teachers will be reaching out to set up first nine week parent/teacher report card conferences and will be able to answer questions about MClass and Dibels assessments as well. Teachers will review your student's progress so far this school year and will communicate to you if your child is meeting behavior expectations and academic standards. Teachers will also share positive feedback about your child's progress and areas in need of improvement. Please ask questions about how you and the teacher can work together to help your child with some of his or her challenges.
Classroom teachers offer tutoring either before school or after school every week. If you have academic concerns for your child, be sure to communicate with their classroom teacher that you would like for them to begin tutoring. As we partner together, we want what is best for your student so that they can learn and do well in school.
Dress Code Reminders:
As we come to the end of the warmer weather, please be mindful of shorts and shirts lengths as students are outgrowing them. Shorts must be fingertip length and not skin tight (ex: biker shorts, leggings), and shirts must not reveal the stomach when arms are raised (ex: no crop tops).
Elementary also does not allow mums or garters at school due to safety concerns. Thank you for understanding!
📆 Upcoming Events 📆
- October 1 - Celebrate Hispanic Heritage and wear your favorite sports jersey!
- October 2 - School Custodian Appreciation Day; Celebrate Hispanic Heritage and dress as your family's heritage/native country! , PTO Meeting 9am
- October 3 - Fall Individual (Yearbook) Photos
- October 4 - Pink Out $1 Day and Pink Out Game; Instructional Specialist Appreciation Day
- October 7-11 Fall Break
- October 14 - 18 Fire Prevention Week
- October 16 - Unity Day: Celebrate Blue House by wearing Blue, Homecoming Parade 7pm
- October 18 - Homecoming! No mums/garters in elementary; Fire Department visits K-2
- October 21-23 - Vision and Hearing Screenings
- October 23 - 50th Day of School - Dress 50s school appropriate attire
- October 25 - CCMR Day or Neon Day, Last Day for Fall Food Drive
- October 28 - Nov 1 - Red Ribbon Week!:
- Monday, Oct 28 - PJs
- Tuesday, Oct 29 - Camo
- Wednesday, Oct 30 - Wacky Clothes/Hair
- Thursday, Oct 31 - Halloween (school appropriate costumes: no gore, weapons, face masks or revealing clothing)
Coming up:
- November 1 - No school for students/ Parent Teacher Conferences
- November 7 - Class Picture Day/Individual Retakes
Clubs, UIL, and Tutoring:
Current Openings:
UIL Music Memory (tplaisance@huffmanisd.net) - 3rd, 4th, 5th grades
UIL Spelling (cnason@huffmanisd.net) - 2nd and 5th grades
UIL Listening (mclark@huffmanisd.net) - 5th grade
UIL Maps, Graphs, and Charts (mclark@huffmanisd.net) - 5th grade
You must be using Parent Square to receive notifications on clubs/tutoring cancellations!
PTO Information
Next Meeting: October 3rd at 9 a.m. in the Community Room
Nurse Notes 👩⚕️
Nurse Thomasson
Vision and Hearing Screenings on October 21st, 22nd, and 23rd for K, 1st, 3rd, 5th grades, and students new to the district.
**New Policy**
Over the counter meds (Benadryl, Tylenol, etc.) can NOT be given without doctor's orders.
💕Counselor's Corner
Mrs. Foster
October is Bullying Prevention Month!
Bullying is a targeted, repeated offense or even a large single event that targets one person that exploits an imbalance of power. Sometimes people are just mean. So how do we help determine whether a person is just unkind or a bully? We run information on the announcements and provide guidance lesson many times during the year to help students distinguish unkind behavior from a bullying situation. Attached you will find more information about bullying that can help you at home as well if you are discussing a "bully" or a "mean kid".
Character Trait of the Month: Respect
Backpack Buddy (food assistance) Form (If you need a paper form, please reach out to Mrs. Foster)
For bullying reports or requests for your child to see the counselor, please use this form.
Bullying SB 179 ("David's Law")
These are a few things our FRE students learn about when it comes to bullying:
Click to enlarge the graphics below!
What is cyberbullying?
What can you do...
Advice from students
House Spotlight of the Month📸
Blue House
Third Grade Math/Sci/House Lead: Nikki Latta
Third Grade RELA/SS: Amanda Mosqueda
Fourth Grade RELA/SS: Shelly Terhune
Fourth Grade Math/Sci: Melanie Thibodeaux
Fifth Grade Math/Sci: Tatum Plaisance
Fifth Grade RELA/SS: Miranda Ramirez
- School information is sent weekly in Tuesday Folders or through Parent Square.
- Students are counted tardy at 8:25 when instruction begins. If a student arrives after this time, you must walk your child to the front office to be checked in. For safety reasons, do not allow your child to cross the parking lot on their own.
- To contact the front office call: (281) 324-7100 between the hours of 8am-4:30pm.
- Latest news and additional information may be found on our school website, Facebook page, and through the Parent Square App.
Students MUST have backpacks with dismissal lanyards attached in order for us to dismiss your child correctly and safely.
Water bottles may only contain water.
Label all jackets, lunch boxes, and water bottles with student's first and last names.
Interested in volunteering?
Reach out to a house leader for volunteer opportunities. We offer a variety of ways to volunteer from working with students, making copies, assisting with special projects, helping with the chicken coop, etc.
Red House: Amanda Zientek
Yellow House: Corona Nason
Blue House: Nikki Latta
Purple House: Vanessa Jaspe
Green House: Taylor Jordan
Orange House: Kim Padgett
Teal House: Jennifer Underwood
Pink House: Pam Phelan
*NEW Parent Hub*
Our Parent Information can all be found in this Google Drive folder. It is also linked in Parent Square under "Links".
This is the information found in the first day packets.