Philip R. Smith Elementary School
November 15, 2024
School of Distinction Celebration
To say I’m proud of our amazing school would be an understatement. The “State’s School Report Card” was released last week. This is called the Next Generation Accountability System and assesses how schools are doing across the state of CT. In addition, this data determines schools across the state as Schools of Distinction. This “report card” looks at SBAC results (student growth and performance and closing the achievement gap), student attendance, LAS Links results, Gr. 4 PE and factors in other criteria. I’m pleased to share how PRS has done over the past several years…
PRS Results
2016-17-School of Distinction
2017-18-School of Distinction
2018-19-School of Distinction
2019-20-No results due to Covid
2020-21-No results due to Covid
2021-22-School of Distinction
2022-23-School of Distinction
2023-24-Blue Ribbon Recognition for High Performance AND School of Distinction
As you can see PRS has been very consistent over the past several years. To put this in perspective, we have been the only school in district that has been consistently recognized as a School of Distinction over consecutive years.
So much for each of us to be proud of! Our team of educators here, our amazing students, coupled with the support of our parental community has made a positive impact on our student growth and performance. As always, thank you for being such an active and important part of your child's growth, development and academic performance. 😊 Michelle
PTO Corner
Here is the PTO newsletter and calendar of events for November. Market
Wolf Pack Family Event
PRS Bricks for our Memorial Garden
If you have had a chance to spend time outside in our beautiful memorial garden, you would have noticed engraved bricks in the walkway. There have been two opportunities over several years for families to purchase engraved bricks. We would like to offer this to our families again. Please see the link below for more information if you are interested in purchasing a brick that would be included in our memorial garden!
Student Leadership
The Student Leadership Team's Holiday Food Drive ended today. Our donation of one box of food will be delivered to South Windsor Human Services. Thank you for your kind support. We raised $161 for Mission22 on our Wear Red, White, and Blue Spirit Day on Monday! We will have a Wear Blue for World Diabetes Day on Thursday, November 21. Please consider a donation of $1 or more to Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. See our flyer for more details. Thank you for your support. Information about our December projects will be in next weeks eblast. a Resilient Child-Nov/Dec.
Latest article about building resilience in our students.
11/19 PTO Meeting 7:00 pm
11/20, 12/4, 12/11, 12/18 Parent/Teacher Conferences
11/28 and 11/29 Thanksgiving break
Adding Someone to School Messenger
Yearlong Calendar
Peaceful Parenting
Parent Power Attendance
Holiday Hoopla
Operation Graduation
Veterans Day Pasta Dinner
Open House Informational Links
Nurse's Blog
Universal Stories
Volunteer Registration: This is the newly revised Volunteer Registration form-In order to volunteer you must complete this form. If you have already completed it in the past and have been approved to volunteer, you do not need to complete it again.