Newsletter Term 1 Week 6
Patumahoe School 9th of March 2022
COVID-19 update
As expected, COVID-19 case numbers continue to surge. We currently have 39 active student cases who are at home isolating. These cases are from across all year levels and classrooms and the background for each case is different, with some having tested positive after a period of self-isolation, to some testing positive but presenting as asymptomatic. Fortunately, the vast majority of symptoms are relatively mild and short lived. So while our current positive case number is reasonably low (12% of our total roll) we have a large total number of children (115 pupils) away either self-isolating as a positive or household contact or just generally sick. The majority of these absences have emerged since last Thursday and have gathered momentum over the weekend. So school is a little bit quiet at the moment.
Our school follows the latest Ministry of Education guidance, and whilst in 'Phase 3' we are no longer required to inform our school community of every single case due to the complexity of monitoring and tracking each unique case, we will provide weekly updates in this newsletter. Furthermore, the guidance from Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education under 'Phase 3' is that only household contacts are required to isolate. So this places importance on every family closely monitoring symptoms irregardless of your child's movements such is the widespread nature of this outbreak and for our school to continue to provide the best possible conditions to ensure the spread is at the very least mitigated.
To the rest of our families, please remember that school WILL continue as usual.
- Only positive cases and household contacts of positive cases need to self isolate
- If you are required to self-isolate classroom teachers will provide your child with a programme for distance learning option if required. Please contact your child's classroom teacher
- Monitor the general health of your child and apply normal judgement on whether your child is well enough to be at school
- Notify the school if you have a positive household case, in which case your child will also have to self isolate
- Keep informed with our COVID update in the weekly newletter
Principal's Desk
Kia ora parents, caregivers, and extended whanau
Next week's Kotahitanga Meetings have been postponed due to the high number of household's isolating. With parents and some staff members unavailable, senior leadership made the decision to postpone these until we have the majority of our parents able to attend these meetings face to face.
The school Reading Challenge is ticking along very nicely. I have been really impressed by the number of children giving it a go. Only a small number of students yet to get out of the blocks. What is equally impressive are some of the reading efforts of our leading book worms. Local family owned company Air Conditioning Services Ltd have come forward to kindly donate 2 brand new scooters as part of our major prizes. Thank you very much ACSL.
We continue to receive great parent feedback from our Dinner Talk initiative. Several of our teachers have shared lovely email snippets from parents. It appears that Dinner Talk is proving to be an effective way to bring you closer to us in terms of what is happening at school and to promote healthy and focussed learning based discussion with your child. Thank you for trying this at home.
I had a busy weekend with sport. I was brought out of 'retirement' (again) for a senior cricket match against Morrinsville. It was the Waikato Valley semi-final. We posted a commanding 302 with the bat and bowled them out for 160. I was once again given the new ball. No wickets but I didn't leak too much oil. Mind you my rusty joints need a bit of regreasing. As promised in last week's newsletter I must also give a quick report on our senior golf pennants encounter against Windross Farm. We had a torrid battle against their number 1 ranked team. The combined handicap of their 8 man team came to less than 3. We eventually went down 5-3. Our final round robin encounter is against Waiuku at Waiuku this Sunday, where we only need to beat them by a half point to make the semifinal. Fingers crossed.
Noho ora mai
Mr Tawhiti and the Patumahoe School team
Upcoming Events
- 14th-18th March - Kotahitanga Meetings- POSTPONED
- 22nd March - BOT Meeting - 5.30pm
- 28th March - Class, student leader, netball photos - POSTPONED UNTIL 20TH JUNE
- 12th April - BOT Meeting - 5.30pm
- 14th April - Last day Term 1
- 02nd May - First day Term 2
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Contact Us
Email: admin@patumahoe.school.nz
Website: https://www.patumahoe.school.nz/
Location: 38 Patumahoe Rd, RD4 Pukekohe 2679 New Zealand
Phone: +64 09 236 3802 - 027 336 3802