Mountain Lions
October 18, 2024
Dear Middlebrook Families,
It was another exciting week here at Middlebrook School!
October is National Fire Prevention Month!
Students in grades K-2 participated in a Fire Safety Presentation on Thursday. Students learned about fire safety from local fire fighters and also had the opportunity to go outside and learn about the fire truck. Please be sure to spend time as a family discussing fire prevention and safety plans, and don't forget to change the batteries in your smoke detectors this month. Please use the link for more information: Home Fire Safety.
Early Release Days
As a reminder, TPS Elementary Schools have afternoon conferences and will have early release days, 1:00 dismissal, on Tuesday October 22nd and Thursday October 24th.
Kind Regards,
Debbie Ponte, Principal
National Dyslexia Awareness Month
Italian Heritage Month
Fire Prevention Month
Friday, October 18th
Plasko's Creamery
Monday, October 21st
PTA Meeting 7:00pm in the library. There will be an option to join virtually if you can't attend in person. You can access the link here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87058712814?pwd=J5UA5dN2gjQ8oRaeQjbbFxNStXLVxd.1
Tuesday, October 22nd
Early Dismissal 1:00pm - Conferences (by appointment)
BOE Meeting 7:00pm
Thursday, October 24th
Early Dismissal 1:00pm - Conferences (by appointment)
United Nations Day
Friday, October 25th
School Store - grades 1-5 only
Tuesday, October 29th
School-wide Read Aloud
Wednesday, October 30th
Halloween parade for K and 1 students
Thursday, October 31st
No School - Diwali
Student Spotlight
Kindergarten enjoying time with our local fire department
Second grade students read, Little Blue and Little Yellow. The children did some color mixing to create their own characters. They then wrote their own fictional narratives.
A Message from our Student Council Representatives
On Tuesday, Mrs. Ginand and Mrs. Castillo met with the 5th grade students and spoke to them about Student Council. Students listened to the expectations and responsibilities of being a Student Council representative. Forms were distributed to any student who was interested in pursuing this endeavor. The first step in the selection process is to write an essay explaining why you want to be part of Student Council. In addition, homeroom teachers will complete a rubric for each interested student. Consistently following PAWS behavior is a necessity since Student Council representatives are ambassadors of Middlebrook School. We are looking forward to a successful, productive year for the Middlebrook Student Council!
October is Dyslexia Awareness Month
Read-Alouds with Characters Who Have Dyslexia
Below are some kid-friendly books that can help children with dyslexia see themselves in the stories.
Wild Child
The Alphabet War: A Story about Dyslexia
Magnificent Meg: A Read-Aloud Book to Encourage Children with Dyslexia
Fish in a Tree
Finding My Superpower: A book for dyslexic thinkers
Aaron Slater, Illustrator
Halloween is fast approaching and will be celebrated at Middlebrook School on Wednesday, October 30th. This is a fun time for our students. Kindergarten and First grade students are invited to come to school dressed in costume; while Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth graders can bring a costume that can be put on in their classroom over their clothes.
Please know that costumes are OPTIONAL. Costumes cannot be violent in nature. Face paint or scary masks such as the “Evil Jester”, “It”, “Grim Reaper”, “Chucky”, “Scream” or any other costumes that contain blood/scars will not be allowed to be worn. No accessories of any kind are allowed.
Thank you for helping us to keep our students safe.
CHET Dream Big Competition
The CHET Dream Big! Competition launched on August15th! This competition is brought to you by the Connecticut State Treasurer’s Office as Trustee of the Connecticut Higher Education Trust (CHET). Dream Big! is open to all Connecticut residents in grades K-12.
This is an opportunity to win contributions toward your child's CHET 529 college savings plans!
This year, they will be awarding almost $350,000 in CHET 529 College Savings Plan – Direct Plan (“CHET 529 Direct Plan”) account contributions to students in grades K-12 and technology prizes to schools. For the winning students, they will be awarding:
- Three prizes of $20,000
- 24 prizes of $6,000
- 239 prizes of $500
To enter, students are asked to answer a question in the form of a drawing, painting, essay or video. Younger students will be asked to answer a question focusing on lessons they’ve learned and their dreams for the future. Older students will be asked about an experience or person that has impacted them and how that will influence their future goals
Submissions must be uploaded by 11:59 p.m. on November 4, 2024. There is no cost to enter. For program details and entry process visit:
Thank you for your support!
The CHET Dream Big! Competition Team
Fathers Club
See the Zombiebrook flyer below.
If you have any questions about the club, please email your Co-Presidents at middlebrookfathersclub@gmail.com
Ryan Mones & Max Palmer
Co-Presidents, Middlebrook Fathers Club
Our next PTA meeting will be on Monday, October 21st at 7:00pm in the library. There will be an option to join virtually if you can't attend in person. You can access the link here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87058712814?pwd=J5UA5dN2gjQ8oRaeQjbbFxNStXLVxd.1
School Activities
Do your kids enjoy art, music and dance or have an interest in writing, producing films and taking photos? Then have them submit their creations to the PTA Reflections Program. This year's theme is: Accepting Imperfection.
For inspiration, visit the Reflections virtual art gallery and learn more about prizes and scholarships.
Click here for full details and how to submit your creation. Submissions are due on December 20th.
5th Grade Activities
Lunch Menu
Community Information
The Great Pumpkin Classic Run/Walk
The Great Pumpkin Classic Run/Walk, which benefits Trumbull students through the THS Scholarship Foundation, is looking for participants. See PDF below for details.