The Bonneville Buzz
September 2023

July 2024 2nd Edition
OUTSTANDING in all areas!
Bonneville Priorities
- To ensure our children are happy and we explain things well- achieved
- To ensure no child leaves our school unable to read- achieved
- To ensure children learn a broad vocabulary to access the world around them- achieved
- To enhance the educational experiences of diagnosed and undiagnosed children with SEND- achieved
a message from Ms Parker...
In this final Buzz of the academic year, I will share some updates and events from when I last wrote to you.
In a fantastic turn of events, Ms Innes (current Reception class teacher) will no longer leave us this term. Instead, she will continue with us as a year 3 class teacher in September.
Thank you to everyone for your patience and flexibility when we have had to change the dates of key events. We appreciate you accommodating some last-minute challenges, including the weather for the years 5 and 6 Sports Day.
Last week, we celebrated the arrival of our new staff members on a warm and welcoming handover day. We welcome Mariesa Ford, Sesi Thomas, Tanesha Edwards, and Louie Da Costa into our Bonneville family.
Thank you, Tina and the catering team, for keeping us all fed throughout the year. You are a big part of the team here at Bonneville. Your consistent presence means you know our children well and help us provide them with what they need to thrive. We appreciate you.
To mark this phenomenal year, we unveiled our new 'Outstanding' banner to the community. We share this moment with great pride and hang our achievements for the world to see!
By now, you should have received a welcome letter from your new teaching team for September. Please familiarise yourself with the routines for the next academic year and get in touch with your child/ren's class teacher at the beginning of the year if you have any concerns.
For those leaving us, I wish you all the best.
For those joining us or returning, I will see you at the gate no later than 8:59 a.m. on Tuesday, September 3rd.
Keep safe!
Thank you from the Governors!
Dear Bonneville school team,
What an achievement!
As Ofsted says, you have all worked so hard to create an “extraordinary school [that] places the community at the heart of its values”. The Governing Board and I are so proud of you all and the incredible work you do every day to make Bonneville the Outstanding school that it is, and now this is, at long last, official, and able to be shared and celebrated with everyone in our community.
As governors, we have been delighted to see how the school has gone from strength to strength over the years, with all of you developing and delivering an education together that captures children’s imagination and makes learning not just effective but fun, and a rounded experience that enables our young people to develop as individuals and grow their unique talents in and outside the classroom. You are giving them, every day, a foundation that will stay with them forever.
It’s also been so impressive to see in recent years how readily you have shared and worked with colleagues right across the BJS Federation so that as a group of schools, we can deliver an amazing education to a growing number of children across the borough. The way you all work as a team, noted too by the inspectors, has been critical to the school’s success. You should all be very proud of what you have achieved together.
As we reach the end of the school year, you are undoubtedly ready for a very well-deserved summer break. From all of the Board, I wish you a great time off and look forward to seeing you again in September.
Thank you all for your dedication, your creativity and your passion.
Congratulations again.
With best wishes,
Good Bye Year 6!
From their production of 'Pirates of the Curry Bean' and the prom to the leavers' assembly, it has been an absolute blast celebrating your time at Bonneville with you.
Congratulations on graduating from primary school with such finesse!
You all worked incredibly hard and achieved outstanding results, so it's only right that we partied hard, too!
We will certainly miss you!
We also wished Ms Cowan well on her Retirement!
On Wednesday, the 17th, we celebrated Ms Cowan's 20 years of service at Bonneville with a surprise assembly.
All children from Nursery to year 6 paid tribute to Ms Cowan with cards and flowers.
We also had fun suggesting new hobbies for Ms Cowan, like horse riding and sky diving!
Congratulations Nursery children on your Graduation
We are all incredibly proud of each one of you!
Congratulations on your first graduation.
Our Final Topic Dress Up Day of the Year!
Can you guess year 3 topic this term?
Year 3's Musical Extravaganza Performance
Sports Update
Sports Day 2024
Despite hosting Upper Key Stage 2 at school, we all still had lots of fun competing!
Congratulations to all of our winners
Support the return of our cooking curriculum
Topics next term...
To learn more about the curriculum for your year group/s next term, visit the school's website to access the knowledge organisers.
Please ensure your child/ren keeps up with their reading over the holidays.
20 minutes a day!
FAB Update
FAB have been fabulous this year. Thank you!
FAB stands for Friends Association Bonneville.
The Summer Fair was another spectacular event, with an incredible turnout despite the outpouring of rain. It was clear, just how much effort and time went into organising the fair. We appreciate the team of parents who were directly involved in this.
Thank you to everyone for your support over the course of this year. Your donations and support have been invaluable.
A note from our FAB Chair!
Dear Bonneville Community of Parents and Carers,
It is with a mix of sadness and pride that I announce my decision to step down as Chair of FAB (Friends Association of Bonneville), effective October 2024. I have been privileged to work alongside an incredible committee, including Lola (Secretary), Katie and Steph (Treasurers), and Claire (Comms Lead), and I am grateful for their dedication and passion.
Over the past three years, we have achieved so much together. From our fundraising efforts to our community events, we have worked tirelessly to make a positive impact on our Bonneville community. Our goal was to transform FAB, ensuring that our events and initiatives were supported by a wide range of volunteers, rather than falling on the shoulders of a few and causing "FAB fatigue." We wanted to create a sense of community and belonging, and to make sure that our events were accessible to all and best represented our Bonneville community. I am thrilled to say that I believe we have achieved this, and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to have served as your leader of FAB.
I have been privileged to serve as Chair for three years, and this role has given me the confidence and belief that I will be able to make a positive impact on other local charities for which I share the same passion as I have for our Bonneville community.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you who has supported FAB this year. Our team couldn't have done it without your commitment, enthusiasm, and creativity. From the volunteers who have given their time to support our fundraising efforts to everyone who has attended one of our events, your contributions have been invaluable.
As I step down, I am pleased to say that I believe FAB is now running efficiently, with a strong group of volunteers and 100% aligned with the school's goals. The money raised by FAB in the past three years has enabled every child to attend our school trips, funded the new playground equipment, reintroduced the cooking curriculum, and purchased essential reading books. We are always looking for new talent and enthusiasm to join our committee.
If you are interested in serving as the next Chair of FAB, please let me know. We can meet for a chat to discuss this fulfilling and purposeful role. I am committed to supporting my successor for the next school year and ensuring they are successful.
For those interested in learning more about the roles and responsibilities of a FAB committee member, I recommend visiting the Parentkind website, which provides a helpful "Quick Guide to PTA Roles" at https://www.parentkind.org.uk/about-us/news-and-blogs/blog/quick-guide-to-pta-roles.
Thank you again for your support and enthusiasm throughout the year. I am confident that with your continued involvement, FAB will continue to thrive and make a positive impact on our school community.
Best regards,
Supportive Services
Our July Value is Hope
Pupil Attendance
Congratulations to our latest attendance winners.
Key Stage One
KS1 and overall Winners!
Key Stage Two
KS2 and overall Winners!
Click below to view the most recent Nursery and Reception Learning Updates
Click below to view the most recentYears 1 and 2 Learning Updates
Do you have the skills to help?
When we need particular support from our parent community, we post for help on our 'Call to Action' page on the schools website, and send the direct page link in an email to our parent community. So signing up is really easy!
Perhaps you would like to be a secret reader (reading a story to your child’s class), or would like to support us in maximising children’s opportunity to practice their reading skills, we need you.
Press the title to find out more.
Click below to view the most recent Years 3 and 4 Learning Updates
Our July Value is 'hope'
Raising a Concern
It is important to us that any concerns or questions you may have are dealt with as efficiently as possible. The structure we have in place is designed to do just that.
The structure
1) Your first port of call is -Your child’s class teacher
(email via the admin team to request a meeting)
2) You may contact the leader of your child’s phase (see below)
This includes issues regarding communication and organisation
(email via the admin team to request a meeting)
Should you be dissatisfied with the handling or outcome...
3) You may raise your concerns with Ms Parker
(email via the admin team to request a meeting outlining the nature for the purpose of the meeting)
Leaders are required to share items (as appropriate) with Ms Parker on a weekly basis, even if the matter is being handled by them.
We request that you do not field your concerns to FAB but instead work directly with the school staff as outlined above.
Assistant Headteacher Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
Assistant Headteacher Year 3 and Year 4
Assistant Headteacher Year 5 and Year 6
Click below to view the most recent Years 5 and 6 Learning Updates
Quote of the month...
Rooms and spaces are available for hire at Bonneville. Use the link to check out our website and find out more.
On site at Bonneville
Clubs run by external partners weekday evenings and at the weekend.
Tuesdays 6pm -7.15pm
Tuesdays 7.15pm - 8.45pm
Use this link to connect to the website and access community resources.
Local Community Events
FREE Lambeth Summer Cricket Opportunities- Urgent Response required
Please see the attached flyers for our summer programmes, which we are running across the borough. Due to the funding received, we are delighted to offer these spaces to your school free of charge. Below are the venues that we have running.
- Myatts Field Park
- Mawbey Estate
- Streatham Common
- Myatts Field North
- Brockwell Park
To register, click one of the links on the respective flyers and use the DISCOUNT PROMO CODE when booking your place. It is essential to keep this link private, as only a select number of places are available.
As you can see, we have two links for each session: one for boys and one for Girls. This allows us to keep track of numbers for funder reports. So that you know, the session will run as a mixed session.
Your school's participation is of great importance to us. It would be wonderful to see your students register and be a part of our summer programmes.
Alex Hughes
Cricket Participation Schools Coordinator
Lambeth’s support services for families and students
The Gaia Centre provides support for Lambeth residents affected by gender-based violence, including domestic abuse. An out-of-hours on-call service: 07725245779. Normal hours are 8am-6pm Monday – Friday. It also offers services for young people and advice for practitioners. Tel: 020 7733 8724, E: lambethvawg@refuge.org.uk.
Helpline support is available:
- National Domestic Abuse Helpline, 24/7
- Women’s Aid live chat, daily 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
- Men’s Advice Line, weekdays, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
- Samaritans Helpline, 24/7
- Childline 24/7
- In emergencies, call 999
Additional resources are available on the Lambeth VAWG webpage and through Operation Encompass, a national initiative for children exposed to domestic abuse. For questions, contact: PS Laura Bennetts - laura.bennetts@met.police.uk or PC Rachel - Rachel.Dennison@met.police.uk or PC Nicola Smalldridge - Nicola.Smalldridge2@met.police.uk
How we keep you in the loop!
Weekly- News Summary Video
Bi weekly- Year group learning updates on the school website
Monthly- Newsletter 'The Bonneville Buzz'
Monthly- Federation SEND Newsletter: https://www.smore.com/3ahfv
Termly- Annual Calendar of dates
Termly- Federation Newsletter
Keep Up To Date
For more information on any of the above and more, press below to visit the schools website and follow us on Twitter!