CTS Snapshot
Welcome to our CTS Snapshot - a weekly celebration update. We are delighted to share with parents and carers alike student triumphs at Corby Technical School. We are proud of every student and every success they have - please feel free to share with us any achievements they might have.
Snapshot News:
Children in Need 2018
We held a mufti day today to raise money for Children in Need and raised an amazing £540.25. Well done and thank you to Year 8 students Samara, Harley Antony and Shamiso for collecting the donations from students and staff.
Skills Show - Year 10
Our Year 10 students visited the Skills Show at Birmingham NEC this week. Students had the opportunity to find out information about a wide range of careers and talk to experts in various fields.
Remembrance Games
A group of Year 9 and 10 students visited Nottingham County Football Club and had the opportunity to watch a football match between the British and German Armed Forces, commemorating the football truce during World War 1 and the ongoing alliance between the two countries.
Stars of the Week:
- Mrs Ballard has nominated Year 8 student Ruby for her help in the restaurant, ensuring we all clean up after breakfast and lunch.
- Mrs Ferns has nominated Year 7 students Mason and Myrtle who have made fantastic progress in Maths since joining us.
- Mrs Brown has nominated Year 12 student Taylor for her outstanding progress in language and literature A Level.
- Mr Godfrey has nominated Year 13 students Ross and Stefan for their dedicated approach to revision. Also nominated is Liam in Year 8 for showing great resilience when faced with challenging questions in Science.
- Mr McRae-Smith has nominated all students who attended the Remembrance Games, you were fantastic ambassadors for the school.
- Mr Bidwell has nominated Year 11 students for their excellent behaviour on the trip to Sheffield.
- Mr Cox, Mr Harley, Mr Rogers and Miss Fenner would like to say well done to the Year 10 students for their exceptional behaviour and enthusiasm at the Skills Show.
- Mr Cooper has nominated Marshall, 8TE, for great use of the iPad in Design Technology.
- Miss Vaghadia has nominated the following students for excellent work in RSCS, Sociology and Psychology, Kayleigh, Year 13 Taylor, Dany and Mikey in Year 12, Abigail in Year 10, Sophie, Ines and Klaudia in Year 9 and Year 7 students Millie, Seth and Mya.
- Miss Fenner has nominated Year 8 students for their effort and enthusiasm during their mock trial this week in English.
- Miss McGrath has nominated 7CA for displaying fantastic practical skills during the neutralisation experiment this week in Science.
- Miss Connellan has nominated Year 10 students Zehra, Dominika, Indira and Dylan for superb creative writing in English.
- Mr Cox has nominated Year 9 students Dragos and Junior for a great comedy duo scene in Drama.
- Mrs Morgan has nominated Year 8 student Taylor for his hard work in food and cookery STEM lessons. Also nominated is Year 11 student Caitlin for her hard work in GCSE Art.
- Mr Harley has nominated Year 10 student George for excellent contribution in Engineering and Year 11 student Matish for his excellent CAD work leading up to the V-Cert Engineering CAD exam.
- Miss Watt has Year 9 student Ellie for outstanding effort and determination in German.
- Miss Williams has nominated the following Year 10 students for Excellent application of skill and tactics in Badminton, taking on feedback and seeking extra guidance to better game performance, Damian, Liam, Luke, Jalal, Finlaye and MacAuley.
Celebration of Student Work
iPad Pilot Project
We have begun the iPad project with a small group of Year 7 and 8 students and this is proving to be a great success. Pictured are using the iPad's during an Art lesson.
Sixth Form Life Skills
Our sixth form students have been brushing up on their cooking skills to equip them for life at university.
Year 11 - Geography Trip
Year 11 students visited Sheffield this week as part of their GCSE coursework. The students looked at pedestrian counts, traffic counts and shop counts.
Attendance Matters
Every single day a student is absent from school equates to a day lost of learning. At Corby Technical School we pride ourselves in maintaining excellent attendance. Our target is to achieve and maintain a whole school attendance of above 96.5%. We will be giving you weekly updates on our whole school attendance, the tutor group and house who achieved the highest attendance this week.
Whole School Attendance
Whole school attendance this week is 96.89%, just above our target, well done everyone.
Best Tutor Group
Best tutor group is 7SW with 99.17%, well done to Miss Grieves and all students in 7SW.
House Winner
House winners are S house with 97.69%, well done to Stephenson and Swirles.
- Monday 19th November 2018 - we have the Buzzed Drama Tour in school working with Year 9 and 10 students.
- Tuesday 20th November 2018 - Sixth Form Information Evening from 6.00pm to 7.00pm.
- Wednesday 21st November 2018 - Year 11 Parent/Carer Consultation Evening - please ensure you have booked your appointments online.
Corby Technical School
Email: enquiries@corbytechnicalschool.org
Website: www.corbytechnicalschool.org
Location: Cottingham Road, Corby, United Kingdom
Phone: 01536 213100
Twitter: @CTSCorby