OHVA Testing
Ohio Required State Testing 2024-2025
When is Testing?
Spring 2025 Testing Schedule (3rd - 12th) - Note the Monday Time Change!
NOTE: If your student has an IEP or 504 Plan that requires accommodations for small group or 1:1, your schedule may vary from what is shown above.
Confirm Your Test Site Assignment - Here's How it Works
Watch your email!
- Learning coaches will receive an email notification from Testing Nirvana to confirm students attendance status for required F2F state testing. The Testing Nirvana email will provide an RSVP link to Testing Nirvana.
- The email is not spam or junk, please keep an eye on this and adjust email settings so that you receive this info. Students will receive an email notification to their school email, too.
- Any location or schedule change requests should be directed to your ADVISOR.
Testing Notices/Confirmations - What It Is - What It's Not
Replying to confirm your student's test site assignment is about the location choice. All students are expected to test. You can request a different location if needed.
What if my student has an IEP?
Typically students who require testing accommodations in accordance with their IEP may be tested at differing times than the general schedule. Check with your child’s special education teacher for more guidance. OHVA will follow all testing accommodations as required by law.
Testing for EL and Alternate Assessments
Ohio English Language Proficiency Screener
• This test is for students who qualify as English Language Learners only.
• Students will be contacted by a teacher for their specific onsite testing time
o Testing Window: Aug 1st – June 30th, 2024
o On Site Testing: TBD
Ohio English Language Proficiency Assessment
• This test is for students who qualify as English Language Learners only.
• Students will be contacted by a teacher for their specific onsite testing time
o Testing Window: Jan. 30th – March 24th, 2024
o On Site Testing: TBD
Alternate Assessment for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities - Scheduled at Libraries
Students will be contacted by a teacher for their specific onsite testing time
o Testing Window: Feb 27th – April 21st, 2024
Where is Testing?
Map It!
Don't have transportation?
- Many test sites are on bus routes.
- Reach out to your family, friends, and neighbors to ensure your student participates in required state testing.
- Many families use taxi services like Uber or Lyft to get to testing. Save now so that you're prepared if you need this option. http://uber.com http://Lyft.com The school does not provide this service.
- If transportation to testing creates a hardship for you, please reach out to the test site team and request a gas card. OHVA will follow up with you to confirm your address before we send it out certified mail.
It is the parent's responsibility to ensure the student participates in state testing. Thank you.
Practice, Tips & More
Testing Advice from NHS Students!
Topics & Links - Huge thanks to our NHS Students for these Testing Tips for our OHVA students!
#3 Get Yourself Physically Ready
#4 Getting Yourself Mentally Ready
#5 Importance of Going to State Testing
Build Confidence for Testing!
Expose your student to test practice now to help them be at ease when they sit down to test. Access state practice tests HERE or above, and note some helpful info below.
Did you know that our state tests are done on the computer? Help your student with typing practice below.
Did you know that state test questions often have multiple parts? It's important to help your student become familiar with the format, and they may have to scroll up and down pages to access the parts of a question.
Did you know that students should know how to use a calculator online? These are provided in the tests for 6th grade and up, and may be unfamiliar, so make sure to expose your student to how these work.
Did you know that students can use scratch paper? Just because the test is on a computer does not mean that students should do everything "in their head."
Did you know that your attitude toward testing will positively or negatively impact your student? Do your best to be positive and explain that testing has a purpose, and the student should do his/her best.
Did you know that testing is not a "bubble" test anymore? Your memory of testing in school is not what our students do today! All students are asked to think, reason, write, and explain on state tests. Give them practice with writing out their thinking.
Typing Tutors Online - Prepare for Tech-Based Testing
Students who are publicly e-schooled at home need to master the keyboard. Not only can this be important for daily work, but it's also needed for state testing. Here are some excellent websites to help your students learn to type with accuracy and then with speed: https://www.typing.com/typinglessons and https://www.keybr.com/.
Past Testing from 24-25
Fall High School Testing in December
Required ACT for 11th Graders
A Note about Identification for ACT Testing for 11th Graders:
These are acceptable forms of ID's:
- OHVA School ID with Photo (Order HERE - Allow 3 weeks to process.)
- Ohio Driver's License with Photo
- Ohio Temporary Driver's License with Photo
About OHVA
Email: sebie@k12.com
Website: ohva.k12.com
Location: Ohio Virtual Academy, 1690 Woodlands Dr, Maumee, OH, USA
Phone: 419-482-0948