St. Mary & St. John Weekly Update!
January 31, 2025
We have encountered the Lord who brings us salvation.
My friends,
The presentation of Jesus in the temple, is the feast the Church celebrates this Sunday and it shows him to be the firstborn Son who belongs to the Lord. With Simeon and Anna, all Israel awaits its encounter with the Savior.
And what an encounter it is, rich in history and context: faithful Mary and Joseph, adhering to Mosaic Law and bringing the child Jesus to Jerusalem to present and consecrate him to the Lord; and bringing for sacrifice what they could afford – two turtledoves or pigeons rather than a lamb.
Simeon and Anna are described as righteous and devout (Simeon) and widowed, advanced in years, and living at the temple (Anna). Steadfast in faith and hope, they are waiting for the consolation of Israel: the coming of the Messiah and God’s redemption of his people.
By the prompting of the Holy Spirit, Simeon knows immediately that the child is the Messiah for whom he has long waited. Luke tells us that Simeon took him into his arms and blessed God. Simeon, who has waited and watched for the Lord, feels the joy of sentry duty completed. He has been vigilant, assured that he should not see death before he had seen the Christ of the Lord. Now he beholds his salvation. Now he may depart from this life; he may die in the peace that Christ brings.
Anna, too, recognized Christ in her presence: And coming forward at that very time, she gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were awaiting the redemption of Jerusalem. She, too, discovered joy in waiting on God’s promises and seeing them fulfilled.
How can we imitate Simeon and Anna, so as to recognize God’s action in our lives? How can we learn to respond with the same promptness, adoration, and gratitude? Like them, a good deal of our lives is spent in this silence of waiting. But, like Simeon and Anna, we must remain steadfast – praying, fasting, and hoping in God. If we do this faithfully, we will learn to recognize the Lord when he comes.
Earlier we said that Joseph and Mary would have brought two turtledoves or pigeons for sacrifice, rather than a lamb. In truth, however, they brought both. Presenting Jesus in the temple, they brought the perfect, spotless Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. He is likewise present to us at every Mass in the Holy Eucharist. Happy are we if, like Simeon and Anna, we prepare our hearts to encounter him who is our salvation.
May each of you know His love, today and always!
Deacon Don
BIG NEWS! Be Sure you read all the way to the end!!!
Be sure to click "View Entire Message" below to see entire Newsletter! 😁
This weekend we kick off the Annual Bishop's Appeal!
From Father Michael, Bringing Hope to the World through our Faith in Jesus
“For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you prepared in the sight of all the peoples: a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for your people Israel.” – Luke 2:30-32
My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
In this weekend's Gospel, we hear about the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. According to the law of the time, Mary and Joseph were to take Jesus to Jerusalem to be presented in the temple. Upon their arrival, the priest Simeon takes Jesus into his arms. As Simeon holds the Son of God, he praises God and declares how his eyes have seen salvation. This salvation is not only for Simeon, but for all people. Simeon’s proclamation of his hope in Jesus is a great example of how we, too, should strive to be Bringing Hope to the World.
By discovering Jesus and sharing His hope with others, we bring hope to the world like Simeon. We see this occur right here at St. Mary and St. John the Baptist. Our faith formation programs and Catholic schools help our young people discover Jesus and find hope through a friendship with Him. Deacon Don and Deacon Rick bring hope to our parish, walking with so many parishioners on their faith journey. Extraordinary ministers bring Jesus to parishioners at the Mass every weekend. Catholic Charities counselors help parishioners battling depression, anxiety, or marriage struggles find healing and hope through Jesus. All of this and more is possible because of generous members of our parish sharing their gifts to the Bishop’s Appeal.
Please prayerfully consider making your gift to the Bishop’s Appeal to help these Diocesan ministries share Christ’s love. Contact the parish office, use the pledge card you received at home, or visit the Bishop’s Appeal website at to give today.
Thank you for your gift to the Bishop’s Appeal and for your helping more parishioners at St. Mary, St. John the Baptist and beyond find hope in Jesus!
Please take a moment to watch the Bishops Appeal Video...........
2 Clowns and a Camera latest Update! Check it out!
Saturday is First Saturday!
Join Deacon Don Thursday February 6 - Soup and Vespers w/ Adoration & Healing
MEN - Our That Man is You (TMIY) 2025 Spring Semester has begun!
TMIY Spring 2025 Semester
Wednesdays, beginning January 29 and running until May 7.
St. Mary, Msgr. Hummel Hall
5:45 am Coffee & treats
6:00 am Video Presentation
6:30 am Small group discussion.
You are on the road by 7am!
Don't worry if you miss the starting date! You are welcome to come at any time!
That Man is You! honestly addresses the pressures and temptations that men face in our modern culture, especially those relating to their roles as husbands and fathers. The program harmonizes current social and medical science with the teachings of the Church and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of man fully alive! This Spring session emphasizes the practical means of becoming "that man."
The title of this years TMIY program is "The Vision of a man fully alive".
• Eight new speakers, new personalities, and new topics, while still building on the foundational formation of the first three years of TMIY formation.
• The path to authentic spiritual freedom, the beauty of the Eucharist, and the power of the Holy Spirit in action from a passionate and dynamic Franciscan Friar.
• A deeper understanding of each of the four gospels from one of the best theologians in the world
• An epic real life story from the underground mafia of London to the heights of spiritual freedom.
• The secrets of superabundant relationships from one of the world’s experts on purity and chastity. • The meaning of manhood through the example of Jesus Christ.
• The personal journeys and spiritual implementation from three men who have over 25 years of combined TMIY experience and contemplation.
• A systematic and uniquely personal plan for every man, no matter where they are in their spiritual life.
- Facilitate a personal encounter and relationship with Jesus Christ.
- Meet men wherever they are in their spiritual lives and help them take one step further.
- Turn the hearts of fathers to their spouse and children.
- Form authentic leaders capable of transforming their families and greater society.
- Form bonds of friendship and fellowship that strengthen the parish community.
“The greatest fruit of TMIY is more and more men becoming like St. Joseph. Humble men of prayer who do whatever God tells them. Better husbands, better fathers.”
Steve Bollman,
Paradisus Dei Founder & President
Father Michael is the Next We Lift Speaker - The Tides of Love
Father Michael Lighnter is our next St. Mary and St. John Parish’s “We Lift” Women’s Ministry Speaker for our February 15th event! Please join us for Father's talk about "The Tides of Love" and register by calling the parish office or by using the QR code in our ad in the bulletin or on the poster in the back of church. This free event starts at 9AM with a light breakfast. Walk-ins are welcome! Thank you and God bless.
St. Peregrine Prayers for those with Cancer or other Illnesses February 4
Sorry, due to illness we had to postpone the St. Peregrine prayers last Tuesday. We will do them on February 4 AND February 25.
If you or someone dear to you is afflicted with cancer, a chronic illness, or other medical conditions, join our community in prayer on the 4th Tuesday of each month following the 7:30am Mass at St. Mary. Gather by the Mary altar for this time of prayer and spiritual renewal.
St. Peregrine is our intercessor because he knows what we are going through. He was faced with incurable cancer and was miraculously healed through prayer and he helped to cure others. Now through St. Peregrine’s powerful intercession, we will ask that God bless our sick friends and loved ones and help cure them of all physical and emotional ailments.
You are invited to share in the consolation of prayer and spiritual renewal by joining our devotion. Those that are ill may receive a blessing with the relic of St. Peregrine.
Second Saturday Social - February 8!
Prayer for the Jubilee Year of Hope. Consider adding to your daily prayers.
Have you toured St. Mary?
You can now schedule a tour!
New Tour availability, by appointment!
We are now offering tours by appointment
for the following tour times:
Monday 10am-3pm
Tuesday 1-4pm and 6:30-8:30pm
Wednesday 1-5pm
Thursday 2-4pm
To come for a tour you need to sign up at least 2 days ahead of time
so that we can make sure we have our docents ready for you!
Click here to visit our beautiful Church today!
Buying a Star will help us with the next phase of St. Mary's Restoration!
Buying a star grants perpetual prayer to those you love!
We have many more stars available. These sales will help fund the next phase of our restoration which will refurbish the pews and sanctuary flooring and other things. Buying a "Star" honors your loved ones with the cherished gift of perpetual prayer. You can fill out a Star Card at church or at the Parish Office or purchase your star online through We Share. Give the gift of perpetual prayer!
Join us for Donut Sunday after BOTH Sunday Masses!!!!
Thank you Knights of Columbus!
The Knights are hosting Donut Sunday on February 2 at both St. Mary AND St. John!
Join the Knights for coffee, donuts and fellowship after the 9am Mass at St. John AND the 11am Mass at St. Mary! Thank you Knights!
And don't forget.......
The next Fish Fry Fry-Day is February 14! Take your sweetheart out for an awesome fish dinner!
Don't forget Scrip to buy your Valentines treats!
New Marian Antiphon at daily Mass
Ave Regina Caelorum (Hail Queen of Heaven)
We will sing this antiphon until the Easter Vigil. Its earliest appearance was in the 12th century.
Ave regina caelorum, ave domina angelorum: salve radix, salve porta, ex qua mundo lux est orta: Gaude Virgo, gloriosa, super omnes speciosa, vale o valde decora, et pro nobis Christum exora.
Hail, queen of heaven, hail lady of the angels. Hail, root, hail the door through which the Light of the world is risen. Rejoice, glorious Virgin, beautiful above all. Hail, O very fair one, and plead for us to Christ.
Faith Formation / Youth Events!
CGS Corner (Catechesis of the Good Shepherd)
Students in the school and parish are learning SO MUCH about our Catholic faith, and they LOVE the time they spend in the Atrium! When we near the end of a session, or we want to make an announcement to the whole room, we ring a small bell to let the children know to look and listen because something important is going to happen. It is common when we ring the bell to signal the end of class, that we hear a few groans because the children don’t want to leave!
Their work is really important to them and I’ve been asked multiple times this year if we can have Atrium time every day during school :)
We are always looking for more help in our atrium, as each year we are expanding and adding more grades! If this interests you, or if you would like to observe a session to see this beautiful work in action, please contact Bethany Robinson at (920)725-7714 ext. 424
Mission and Steubenville trips OPEN for registration!! Join us on MISSION this summer! Questions? Contact Bethany Robinson for more details and information!
Mission Trip - Oklahoma City, OK
July 13-20
Register HERE:
Steubenville Conference - Joliet, IL
June 27-29
Register HERE:
Mega Mini Lock-In THIS SATURDAY!!!!
Join us for a day of fun, competition and prizes - can you finish the race??
Where: St. Mary, Menasha
Who: Grades 6-8
When: February 1 from 1-11pm
What to bring: a friend, parent signed waiver, and $5 for dinner (optional)
Sign up here to join us!
Join us to help out St. Joseph's Food Pantry!
Need to wear close toed shoes - drop off and pick up is at the food pantry: 1465 Opportunity Way A, Menasha, WI 54952
Sign up here to join us!
Join us for a day of fun, with friends! Mini Lock-in!
Where: St. Mary, Menasha
Who: Grades 6-8
When: February 15 from 6-10pm
What to bring: a friend, parent signed waiver, and $5 for dinner (optional)
Sign up here to join us!
St. Mary Catholic Schools
St. Mary Elementary Principal's Corner
From everyone at St. Mary Elementary and in our SMCS system….we had a wonderful Catholic Schools Week! There was so much love, so much fun, and such a beautiful display of our Catholic Faith.
We are truly blessed and so thankful!
Community Announcements
ALL RISE! The Northeast Wisconsin Passion Play Open Auditions
Open auditions for ALL RISE! The Northeast Wisconsin Passion Play, a dramatic musical based on the life of Christ, will be held on Thursday evening, January 30th and Saturday morning, February 1st, at the Xavier Fine Arts Theatre, 1600 W. Prospect Avenue, Appleton. Adult and student performers, grades three through twelve, of all faiths are invited to audition. Director Jim Romenesko seeks singers, dancers and actors for the community production.
Performances dates for the 2025 season are April 10-13, with a special performance for Religious Education / Faith Formation groups on April 9th.
Chorus, lead and supporting roles, both singing and non-singing are available. Those auditioning will also be asked to do a simple movement/dance audition.
Performances and rehearsals are held at the Xavier Fine Arts Theatre, 1600 W. Prospect Avenue Appleton on Sunday evenings with soloists & actors in leading roles also rehearsing on some Sunday afternoons. Peter Leschke is the show’s musical director. Mary Doverspike, Jr. is the choreographer.
For more information visit the production’s website: and click or tap the “Join Our Cast” button near the top of the page.
Have you registered as a Parishioner?
Are you registered with us?
One way to know is if you receive regular communications from us, such as offertory envelopes, newsletters or emails. If you do not receive at least one of these, then perhaps you are not registered here, you may want to check with the parish office staff.
Registering in the parish is a statement of faith and confidence in the life and work of our parish.
As parish members, we are all here to help each other on our spiritual journey; we don’t want to do this alone.
As much as you need us, we need you, too! Stop by the welcome table at either parish for a New Member Form. Please call Deacon Don in the Parish Office if you have any questions. (920) 725-7714 x416.
Consider Online Giving, snap the QR Code to go directly to our Giving Page!
Spend time in Adoration with Jesus!
Spend an Hour with Jesus!
Jesus is waiting for you!
Adoring Christ in the
Blessed Sacrament takes no special skill —
just a willingness to spend time with the Lord.
We are blessed to have 8 hours of Adoration followed by Benediction available to us each week!
Find a time that meets your schedule. Spending time with Jesus will change your life!
Eucharistic Adoration is available at
St. Mary
Tuesdays: 6:30am – 7:30am and 12pm – 1pm
Wednesdays: 12pm – 1pm and 6pm – 7pm
St. John the Baptist
Thursdays: 6:30am – 7:30am and 12pm – 1pm
Fridays: 12pm – 1pm and 6pm – 7pm
Perpetual Adoration is available at the Twin Cities Perpetual Adoration Chapel at St. Margaret Mary.
Prayer Cards Available.
Pray for one another. One of the greatest things we can do for our friends and family is to pray for them before the Blessed Sacrament. When we pray for others, it also allows us to experience the joy that comes from seeing someone else receive God’s blessings. It is a wonderful feeling to know that we have played a part in someone else’s healing or salvation.
To let you let your loved ones know you have prayed for them, we have made some beautiful prayer cards for you to fill out and give them.
“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” ( Galatians 6:2)
Bequest Information
Sharing our Gifts
As with our family, we care deeply for our church and want to ensure that it will continue to flourish and grow long after we are gone. St. Mary & St. John Parishes are sustained by the generosity of our parishioners through time, talent, and treasure. We are sincerely grateful for kind remembrances in memorials, donations, and wills. Donations may be tax deductible. For all that you do Thank You!!
Bequests & Legacy Giving
Charitable gift planning is stewardship of our assets, just like our weekly offering. Please consider St. Mary and/or St. John the Baptist Parish in your estate planning.
The simplest planned gift to St. Mary and/or St. John the Baptist Parish is a bequest in your last will or testament or in your living trust. This demonstrates the obvious necessity to have a valid will or trust in order to accomplish your goal of leaving a legacy to the Church as your final act of stewardship.
Even if you choose to make an outright bequest to St. Mary and/or St. John the Baptist Parish, you may consider the parish as the beneficiary of a contingent bequest in the event all your other named beneficiaries no longer exist at the time of your death. This is sometimes referred to as a “clean up” provision. It ensures that your property is distributed according to your plan rather than the state law on estate distributions.
A tax planning point for bequests: To the extent possible, your bequest should be from assets referred to in the Internal Revenue Code as “income in respect of a decedent.” Some examples of these assets are U.S. savings bonds and retirement plans such as 401(k) plans and IRAs. Such gifts to St. Matthew are ideal because they are subject to income tax if received by a tax-paying beneficiary, such as a family member. However, since the Church like other charities, is tax-exempt, income tax can be avoided on bequests of these assets. Other assets, such as bank accounts, life insurance and corporate stocks and bonds, and real estate proper-ties which do not involve income tax shortcoming, are better assets to distribute to family members.
Bequests may take several different forms:
A bequest of a specific amount
“I give $$$ to ….”
A bequest of specific property:
“I give 100 shares of XYZ Corporation to….”
A bequest of a portion of the residue of your estate:
“I give 10 percent of the remaining property in my estate to….”
A bequest of the complete residue of your estate:
“I give all of the remaining property in my estate to.…”
If you are seriously considering a bequest or legacy contribution to St. Matthew, contact your family attorney to see how you can best give to St. Matthew’s Parish. Attorneys have information with respect to the documentation you will need.
IRA Giving
Age 70 ½? — Make a Tax-Free Charitable Gift through Your IRA!
Normally, a distribution from your IRA is taxed as ordinary income. However, federal tax legislation enacted in December 2015, allows you, if you are 70½ or older, to make a direct gift from your IRA to the Church through your parish, or other qualified charity without the distribution taxed as income to you. Unlike prior years, this legislation has no expiration date.
The IRA charitable rollover law may provide a very good charitable giving vehicle if you are age 70 ½ and take the standard deduction rather than itemize deductions on your tax return. The law may also allow you to avoid a tax increase on your Social Security benefits. Thus, your IRA could be considered a special fund for distributions to the Church and charities without the normal consequences of reporting additional taxable income.
The distribution must be from your IRA, not a 401(k) or other retirement plan. However, consult with your financial or tax advisor about the possibility of transferring funds from one of these other plans to establish an IRA, with the distribution to charity coming from the newly established IRA.
The IRA distribution must be a direct charitable gift and not a distribution to a donor-advised fund, a charitable remainder trust or for a charitable gift annuity. Distributions to charity cannot exceed $100,000 in a taxable year.
To take advantage of the IRA charitable rollover to support the Church, please review the following helpful tips on how to handle your charitable gift correctly:
- Contact your IRA custodian or representative before making a gift to arrange for the proper transfer of funds from your IRA directly to the Church and other qualified charities. The check or other payment issued from the IRA must be made payable to the charity.
- If you have elected to have income tax withheld from your normal IRA distributions, advise your IRA administrator not to withhold taxes from distributions to charity.
- Consult your tax advisor for the tax reporting of the special election described above.
While this topic is fresh on your mind, ask your attorney and financial advisor how to make the Church a beneficiary of your will or trust or your IRA.
For more information about how you and the Church can benefit from an IRA charitable rollover, contact the parish office at 920-725-7714.
These helpful tips are only for your information and are not to be considered as legal, tax or financial advice. You should consult with your legal, tax and financial advisors to implement the benefits of the IRA charitable rollover law and related matters.
Twin Cities Perpetual Adoration Chapel
The Twin Cities Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel, attached to St. Margaret Mary Church, is for everyone! It is a cooperative effort among the Catholic parishes in Neenah (St. Margaret Mary and St. Gabriel) and those in Menasha (St. Mary and St. John, St. Patrick)
Although the existing chapel, which seats 12, was built in 2003 when St. Margaret Mary Church underwent renovation, Twin Cities Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration has been celebrated for 27 years.
More than 300 volunteers set aside an hour each week, as the chapel is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Those who come say that prayer in the chapel helps them become more aware of the real presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and deepens their personal relationship with Jesus. People may choose to pray the rosary, do spiritual reading, read or pray from the Bible, or speak to Jesus, heart to heart, as one does with a friend. To find an open hour or to sign up as a substitute adorer, please visit: Please visit our Facebook page at:
If you would like to visit the chapel to spend some quite time with the Lord, please call the St. Margaret Mary Parish Office at (920) 729-4560 to receive the access code to enter the locked door to the chapel. For a virtual tour of the chapel please click HERE.