Liberty Newsletter
Friday, January 17, 2025
School News
Feed the Kids Columbus
Liberty Elementary students, with the support of our PTA, will be celebrating our 100th day of school on Wednesday, January 22nd, by assembling 100 snack bags per grade level (600 total!) for donation to an organization called FEED THE KIDS COLUMBUS. This group strives to ensure that needy children in Central Ohio have access to nutritional meals and snacks. This important project helps Liberty echo the mission of our Portrait of a Learner, reflecting a Leader by “taking action to make things better”, and a Friend by “taking care of others.” This year, we are celebrating the 100th Day of School with kindness!
Toys and Stuffed Animals from Home
Recently, we have seen an increase in students bringing toys and even stuffed animals from home. While we understand that students might enjoy these fun items and reminders of home and family, they can also become a distraction in the school setting. Sometimes these items divert attention from learning, other times there are tears and arguments when they go missing. Please speak with your child and remind them that for the reasons mentioned above, all toys and stuffed animals from home need to stay at home. If a staff member sees these, students will be asked to put them in their backpack and be reminded of this expectation.
Please note, if your child has a 504 or IEP that specifies access to fidgets or other sensory tools as an accommodation, those items are still permitted. However, even then, a staff member may ask them to put these away if not used appropriately.
Liberty Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (D.E.I.)
The Liberty D.E.I. Committee would like to invite you to join them for a discussion of the book Solito by Javier Zamora. The discussion will be on Tuesday, March 18th at 6:30 p.m. in the Liberty Library. You can reserve a copy of this book at the public library HERE, or purchase your own. All adults are welcome!
Important Dates
January 20 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day - NO SCHOOL
January 27 - Year Book Sale Begins
January 31 - Worthington Education Foundation Fundraiser Gala
February 3 - 7 - Parent/Teacher Conference Week
February 13 - PTA Meeting, 6:15, Liberty Library
February 14 - NO SCHOOL
PTA News
Reflections Art Contest
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Reflections Art Contest last fall! We had so many great entries! Here are the winners:
Music Composition - Ezra Spiker
Film Production - Anna Ross, Isla Ross
Primary Visual Art - Persephone Davison, Jane Schoenhals, Cali Weaver, Sadie Poppe
Intermediate Visual Art - Maria McClurg, Camila Weaver, Eleanor Brooks, Jillian Arbogast
Students moving on to state-level judging: Anna Ross for film production, and Maria McClurg for visual art.
Parent/Teacher Conference Week, February 3 - 7
Parent/Teacher conferences are happening soon! Again this winter, PTA will be providing snacks for staff throughout the week. If you'd like to contribute snacks for Conference Week, please sign-up using this SignUp Genius link. Items can be dropped off at Kathleen’s house (517-331-1795) by Sunday, February 2nd, or the school office by Friday, January 31st . Thank you for supporting our wonderful Liberty staff!
Foertmeyer Flower Sale
It's almost time for the PTA's annual Foertmeyer Flower Sale! The sale will run from February 26, 2025 through March 12, 2025. Additional information will be coming soon…
District News
WKHS Winter Cheer Camp
WKHS Cheer Boosters will hold their annual Jr. Wolves Winter Cheer Camp on Sunday, January 26th from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. Camp cheerleaders will perform during halftime of the boys JV basketball game on Tuesday, February 4th at 6:00 p.m. Anyone in grades K - 6th interested in cheering is welcome to register for the camp. The cost is $65. For more information and to register follow this link. Participants must be registered by January 19th to guarantee a t-shirt and cheer bow.
Kindergarten RegistrationKindergarten Registration
Worthington Schools would like to welcome the class of 2038! Kindergarten registration for the 2025-2026 school year has begun. Starting in the 2025-2026 school year, Worthington Schools will offer free, all-day kindergarten. All students who will turn 5 years old by September 30, 2025, are eligible for enrollment. You can learn more about the kindergarten program on this webpage. If you know a family that has a child entering school next year, please share this information with them!
Worthington Parent Portal Changes
Since January 3rd, the old www.worthington-portal.org site has not been accessible.
The items from the old portal are now available from your Infinite Campus portal in the “More” section in “Parent Access Links”. Here is a guide to help you navigate this change: Parent Access Link. We recommend updating any browser bookmarks you may have.
Worthington Science Day
On Saturday, January 25th, Worthington will once again hold its annual Science Day. Open to students from Kindergarten through 12th grade, Science Day consists of four different events for students. Registration will close on January 19th. Registration for the Design Challenge will close when the event capacity is met or on January 19th, whichever comes first. For more information, explore the links below.
Annual WEF Gala Returns!
The Worthington Education Foundation (WEF) is excited to announce the return of the annual fundraising gala on Friday, January 31st, 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. at the Brookside Country Club (2770 W. Dublin-Granville Road, Columbus). Get your tickets now for the fun-filled evening featuring deluxe appetizers, a silent auction with art from our talented students and staff, a chance to meet the most recent WEF grant recipients, music, and a special presentation by Sarah LaGrotteria, a Worthington parent and CEO of Just Bloom School. Semi-formal/dressy-casual attire is suggested. A limited number of tickets are available for this special event. Gather your friends and help the WEF “light a spark” for our students! Follow this link for more information and to purchase tickets.
Community News
Care After School (CAS) Morning Program Availability
CAS currently has space available in the morning program. You can drop your child off as early as 7:00 a.m. The program allows students to ease into the school day with quiet and creative time, or physical activity to get them moving! Registration is required to enroll. See the CAS website's registration page for details: careafterschool.com/registration-information, or contact info@careafterschool with any questions.
MLK Celebration
Worthington Schools will be closed in observance of Dr. Martin Lurther King, Jr. Day on Monday, January 20, 2025.
Please consider joining us at the community celebration at 11 a.m. at the Worthington United Methodist Church at 600 High Street.
As a tribute to Dr. King’s commitment to help those in need, everyone attending the program is asked to bring canned food items to be donated to the Worthington Resource Pantry.
Find more information at this link 2025 MLK Celebration
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Liberty Elementary School
Email: cbelair@wscloud.org
Website: https://liberty.worthington.k12.oh.us
Location: 8081 Saddle Run, Powell, OH, USA
Phone: (614)450-5200
Facebook: facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057616923023
Twitter: @LibertyLeopards