
January 17, 2025
NO SCHOOL Monday, January 20 - Holiday
Principal’s Message
Hello, Warren Eagles!
This time of year provides a wonderful opportunity to revisit and reinforce our Eagles expectations: being Safe, Respectful, Responsible, and Kind. Your support at home in discussing and modeling these values plays a vital role in helping our students make positive choices and strengthen the connection between school and home.
In January, we’re putting a special spotlight on perseverance, our Character Strong character trait of the month. According to Character Strong, "perseverance" is the ability to work through situations even when there are obstacles or challenges in the way, essentially meaning it's the quality of staying committed to a goal despite difficulties and not giving up easily; emphasizing the act of pushing through challenges to achieve a desired outcome.
As we reinforce learning related to this topic we will focus on the following key points:
Focus on effort:
The importance of consistent hard work and dedication even when faced with setbacks.
Overcoming obstacles:
A willingness to actively navigate and overcome challenges that arise.
Perseverance is linked to the ability to bounce back from setbacks and keep moving forward towards a goal.
We’re looking forward to recognizing students who exemplify this important trait with our weekly certificates and our monthly PBIS assembly.
Thank you for your continued partnership as we work together to support our students' growth and success!
Stay warm!
Principal Jen
Rolling Eagle Library Notes
Dragon Appreciation? Who Knew?!!
THIS WEEK WITH THE ROLLING EAGLE LIBRARY: Yep, there is a day for everything! This week it was dragon appreciation day so we read a great story called Do NOT Bring Your Dragon to the Library. It was a fun little story to share as we learned about what is a library and what does a librarian do. It was also a great segway into a story we will be sharing in a couple weeks about Chinese New Year--we will be ending the year of the dragon and starting the year of the snake! Next week we will be having a little fun with snow! And, next week we will be adding Preschool Storytime to my schedule--I am so excited to be with our littlest learners again. I am very happy to be back at Warren!
For more information about our SSD libraries, you can "check out" our district website HERE!
Happy Reading ~ Mrs. Nudo
Winter Clothing Drive
Upcoming Events
1/20 - NO SCHOOL - Holiday
1/24 - SEPO Bingo Night - SHS Cafeteria - 6:30-8 pm ( Doors open @ 6:15)
1/30 - Winter Clothing Drive Ends
2/8 - Save the Date - SEPO Hearts & Arrows Dance
Save the Date - Family Bingo Night takes place on Friday, January 24th!
Get ready for Family Bingo Night! This is one our favorite events of the year - and it’s FREE! This year we will be holding the event at the High School Cafeteria.
We are looking for prize donations for all ages - from toddler to adults. Donations can be dropped off at the schools.
If you would like to volunteer at the event, please see our Sign Up Genius
Save the Date - Hearts & Arrows Dance - Saturday, February 8th!
CHAMPIONS - After School & School Break Care
We are accepting enrollments for the 2024-2025 school year. We would love to welcome any new students to join our after-school program. Families can learn more at discoverchampions.com or by phone at 971.290.9010.
Information about Non-School Days:
Champions will be open on Non-School Days providing a safe and fun environment for school-aged children. Families needing care can sign their children up for these days by visiting discoverchampions.com. Register your child now before it's too late and enjoy peace of mind knowing your child is in good hands while school is out! Please note that our Champions program will be closed in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day on 1/20. The next Non-School Day will be on 1/31 at Otto Peterson from 7:30 am - 5:30 pm.
Upcoming Breaks with Champions!
In addition to our regular programming, we are now open for Spring Break and Summer Break enrollments for children ages 5-12. These seasonal programs provide a great opportunity for families to engage their children in fun, enriching, and educational activities during the upcoming breaks. Enroll your children at discoverchampions.com.
About Us
Office Hours 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
School Hours: Drop off 8:10 - 8:25 am Pick up 3:00 pm
Early Release Wednesday 2:00 pm
Email: ajones@scappoose.k12.or.us and eswoyer@scappoose.k12.or.us
Website: https://www.scappoosek12.org/Domain/10
Location: 34555 Berg Road, Warren, OR, USA
Phone: 971-200-8001