Trailridge Family Newsletter
Follow us on Facebook: Trailridge Middle School SMSD
Follow us on Twitter @Wildcats512
Follow us on Instagram: trailridgesmsd
March 31, 2024
Important Upcoming Dates
- March 27: Girls Soccer @ WR
- April 1, 2: Reading State Assessments
- April 3: GIrls Soccer vs HG @ TR
- April 3, 4: Math State Assessments
- April 12: No School for students - Teacher Professional Learning
- April 15: No School
- April 23-25: Musical Performances at Trailridge
- April 24: Boys Soccer at Indian Woods
- May 21: Honors and Awards Night
- May 22: 4th Quarter Celebration Day (Trip to Power Play)
Note from Admin Team
Greetings Wildcats,
We had many positive at Trailridge this week. Our girls soccer team brought home their first victory of the season! We also had a successful kick off to our state assessments. Our 8th grade students took the science portion of the assessment and worked very hard.
Beginning tomorrow, we will take the reading and math assessments as a building. We will operate on our Assessment Bell Schedule (pictured at the bottom of the newsletter). These assessments are not only very important for our students, but also the building. We want our students to do their very best. Please ensure your student is getting plenty of sleep the night before, eating a good breakfast and bringing a fully charged MacBook to school each day.
Thank you for your help in ensuring our students can do their very best!
Have a great weekend!
Matt, Cara and Ericka
Trailridge Middle School Administration
PROWL Applications are OPEN
PROWL is our student leadership group and applications for next year are available and OPEN! All 7th graders are welcome to apply. Applications can be found on your Wildcat Canvas page and are DUE APRIL 15. We will make selections and announce next year’s group at the beginning of May. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Qualls or Mrs. Wilhelm.
Way to Go Wildcat!
Positive office referrals are a way for our teachers to recognize students who are doing great things within the classroom! We celebrated the following students this week with positive office referrals!
Stella Byerly
Rylee Ansell
James Vyhlidal
Trailridge Student Service Team
Dear Wildcats!
As you are aware, this week we will be administering testing. This can be a difficult time for some students, so we are offering a few suggestions to encourage positive self-talk to help students feel more comfortable with this challenging time.
As always, please feel free to reach out to any of us on your Student Service Team with any specific concerns for your student. We can be contacted at the following:
- Elisabeth Johnsrud (7th Grade Counselor) elisabethjohnsrud@smsd.org
- Kristin Warner (8th Grade Counselor) kristinwarner@smsd.org
- Vicki Canady (School Social Worker) vickicanady@smsd.org
Wildcat Hour Lessons
7th and 8th grade are two of the years for most students. Between physical changes, hormonal changes and having more independence than elementary school, middle school can be really tough for kids. We work hard to help teach our students how to help manage their emotions and to navigate these difficult years. It takes all the adults in each child's life to grow.
This week in our Wildcat hours we focused on conflict management. Our students participated in two great activities to teach constructive and destructive ways to respond as well as how to deal with gossip.
Trailridge Athletics
Athletics Update
23-24 School Year Physicals
Student athlete physicals for the 2023-2024 School Year must be completed after May 1st, 2023. Here is the updated KSHSSA Physical Packet that must be completed. Please note that the date on the bottom right-hand corner of the form is 4/2023. Every physical packet turned in must be using the updated packet. If you have any questions, please contact Ericka Corrado at erickacorrado@smsd.org.
Student Athlete Handbook
Attached is the Trailridge Student Athlete Handbook. This handbook reviews policies and procedures for being an athlete at Trailridge. Please review this handbook at your convenience.
Click Here to access the Trailridge Student Athlete Handbook.
Athletics Calendar
Be sure to visit our calendar page, and download the app to stay up to date on all Trailridge athletic activities: CLICK HERE
During the school year and during the school season of activity: A student may not practice with or play on a non-school team in the same sport/activity )see KSHSAA Handbook Rule 22-Outside Competition).
What does this mean? If a student plays on a club or recreational athletic team outside of school, they cannot play or practice with the non-school team during the school season if they are on the school team.
Girls Soccer
This week is our girls last game of the season on Wednesday, April 3 HOME vs. Hocker Grove 5:00 PM.
Boys Soccer
Contact Coach Archacki at benjaminarchacki@smsd.org if you have questions.
You must have all athletic paperwork completed and submitted before you can attend tryouts.
Check with Ms. Mayfield if you have questions about athletic paperwork.
Contact Information
Athletic Director: Ericka Corrado, erickacorrado@smsd.org
Athletic Coordinator: Heather Mayfield, heathermayfield@smsd.org
Cross Country: Michael Scott, michaelscott341@smsd.org
Wrestling: Justin Andrews, justinandrews387@gmail.com
Girls Basketball: Rachael Baumgartner, rachaelbaumgartner@smsd.org
SMNW Volleyball
Cougar Classics Dance Team
SMNW Cheer Tryouts
Technology @ Trailridge
CANVAS Parent Portal
If you have not logged into your parent portal of Canvas yet, I would highly recommend doing so. Canvas is the learning management system that SMSD uses. It allows you to view assignements, assessments, grades, schedules and many more important items regarding your student's day at Trailridge.
Here is the link on how to access your Canvas parent portal. If you need additional assistance, feel free to contact the office.
IXL Reading Program
Our ELA teachers have preselected skill for our students to work on. To access their account, the student needs to click into "ClassLink" and find the IXL app. Once in the app, please make sure your student selects the tab "From your Teacher" to access those preselected skills.
Ivy Math Free Online Tutoring
IvyMath is providing all Trailridge families with a free online math tutoring session and an in-depth parent conference to discuss your child's strengths and weaknesses and how they compare to grade level.
IvyMath will also create a custom learning plan that maps out the exact areas your child should be focusing on in math for the rest of the year. You'll have the opportunity to ask questions, and understand what your child needs to feel confident and stay on track in math this year.
The IvyMath tutoring session, parent conference, and learning plan are free for all Trailridge families. Popular times fill up, so please register quickly! Signup now at: IvyMath.com/Boost
Device Maintenance
- 1st Incident: $100 charge
- 2nd Incident: $150 charge
- 3+ Incident: ~$750 charge (full device replacement)
If a device is intentionally damaged the student may be responsible for a full device replacement cost of approximately $750.
Trailridge PTA
Trailridge PTA
Our PTA is very active in supporting students and staff at Trailridge through grants, assemblies, student activities and celebrations, and more and while our events and activities will undoubtedly look different this school year, our commitment to supporting our students, staff, and families is as strong as ever! Please consider joining and getting involved in your Trailridge PTA as we find new and creative ways to support our students, staff, and families in 2023/2024!
The Trailridge Spirit Wear Store is live!! Visit the PTA website for a link to the store and to check out all of our new designs! Items are shipped directly to you and you can order anytime.
Please use the link or the QR Code to access the PTA website:
Additional Trailridge Information
The administration of Trailridge may begin to request documentation for all absences after the 10th absence in a school year. Absences without a doctor's note or administrative approval may be recorded as unexcused. A student with three consecutive unexcused absences, five unexcused absences in a semester, or seven unexcused absences in a year is considered TRUANT according to Kansas State statues. A truancy report may be filed with the Johnson County District Attorney's office.
Attendance Line: 913 993-1012
If your child is going to miss a class for an appointment or any reason, please make sure you are calling the office to let the attendance clerk know. This is important so that we can excuse the absence.Important Trailridge Numbers
- FRONT OFFICE 913 993-1000
- SECRETARY: Angie Marsh 913-993-1002
- ATTENDANCE CLERK: Francy Johnson 913 993-1012 (Absences should be reported by 9:30 AM)
- SPANISH INTERPRETER: 913 993-1062 Ms. Veronica Simonetti
- DS BUSING: 913 384-1190
- BOOKKEEPER: Ms. Gina Bristow 913 993-1003
- NURSE: Ms. Darla Denny 913 993-1007
Early Release Bell Schedule
Daily Bell Schedule (M-F)
Assessment Bell Schedule
Cara Kearney, 8th Grade Associate Principal
Matt Engler, Principal
Ericka Corrado, 7th Grade Associate Principal
Trailridge Middle School
Email: trailridge@smsd.org
Website: trailridge.smsd.org
Location: 7500 Quivira Road, Shawnee Mission, KS 66216
Phone: (913) 993-1000
Facebook: facebook.com/trailridgemiddle
Twitter: @Wildcats512