Lodi Primary School
December 2024
Email: fassbam@lodischoolswi.org
Website: https://www.lodi.k12.wi.us/
Location: 1307 Sauk Street, Lodi, WI, USA
Phone: 608-592-3855
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LodiSchoolsWI/
Twitter: @LodiSchoolwWI
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Message from Mrs. Fassbender
We hope that you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and break with your families! We have a busy few weeks ahead and are excited to see our families for the winter concerts. Here are a few updates:
Parent Loop - Please Stay in Your Car
For the safety of students and families, please stay in your car and have staff help your child get in or out if needed. This will help with the safety of all as the roads become icy. Please park in the parking lot and meet your child by the flagpole if your child needs assistants getting in the car.
Winter Clothing
As the weather has changed, I encourage families to send an extra change of clothes to keep at school for changing in case their clothes get wet during the winter recess. In addition, we ask that you label these items as it is very challenging to determine whose coats/hats/mittens are whose when many of these items are the same.
Winter Concerts - All families are invited to join us at the High School PAC for these events. Students typically dress up in holiday attire. For students in grades K-2, if you are taking your child home after the concert, please make sure to notify your teacher.
- Thursday, December 5 - 5:30 pm 4k Concert (Here is a livestream link for the 4k winter concert.)
- Friday, December 13 Grade K-2 Concerts (Here is a livestream link for the PS Winter Concert. If there are ever technical issues, people can go to the Lodi Performing Arts Center Youtube Page for an updated link.)
- 12:20 pm - Grade K
- 1:05 pm - Grade 1
- 2:00 pm - Grade 2
Stuff the Turkey - Thank you to all the families that were able to donate items. We filled 2 whole bins and donated these items to Reach out Lodi.
Primary School Families - We implemented our second Primary School Family Gathering on November 25. During this gathering, students learned each others names and had a chance to play with students in grades 4k-2.
Please know that I am here for your child, this staff, and this school. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to call or email me.
Mrs. Amy Fassbender
How can I help my child at home?
Here are our words of the week for November. Ask your child if they know the word and what it means. New this month, we taught students how to divide the word into syllables as well as synonyms (words that mean the same) and antonyms for the words.
- exclaim
- perseverance
- focus
Important Dates & School Procedures
Important Dates
- Thursday, December 5 5:30 pm 4K Winter Concert at HS PAC
- Monday, December 9 6:30 pm School Board Meeting
- Friday, December 13 K-2 Winter Concerts at HS PAC (times above)
- Wednesday, December 18 Primary School Family Gathering
- Monday, December 23 - Wednesday, January 1 No School
- Thursday, January 2 School Resumes
- Friday, January 3 4k am and pm is in session
Please Check Out these Community Opportunities ~ Peachjar Fliers
Attendance Protocol
This is a reminder of the importance of reporting an absence if a student is going to be missing from school. Families can complete the Absence Form (click here) instead of calling school or emailing the office. If you have questions or are unable to complete this form you can still call the office at (608) 592-3855.
The form is also accessible through the https://primary.lodi.k12.wi.us/ page with a link that says “Report an Absence” on the main page.
Primary School Updates
ACT 20 Updates
We have recently updated our website to include supports for families to assist their child at home under the tab "home support." Check out this link for ideas.
Lost and Found
Please come and check out our LOST AND FOUND prior to Wednesday, December 18. Any items that are not collected will be donated to Reach Out Lodi before winter break if not claimed.
Cold Weather
As the leaves change and the winter winds start to blow, please make sure that your child is bringing proper clothing to stay warm - jacket, hat and mittens/gloves. Students will go outside nearly every day for fresh air and recess. The only reason students will not go outside is if it is raining or if the temperature is below 0 degrees (we will also take wind chill into account). Students are generally outside for recess for 20 minutes. Reach Out Lodi is a great resource for these winter items.
School Forest
Please take time to watch this video explaining the history of Lodi's School Forest and the preparations for an upcoming timber harvest. https://youtu.be/jJZ-sm_hLCo
Messages from Primary School Staff
Mrs. Val Bilkey - School Counselor
For most of December during SEL lessons we will be focusing on trying different regulating strategies and activities. We will review the Zones of Regulation and check-in with what zone we are in. We will talk about paying close attention to how our own brains and bodies feel during these activities to see if they are ones that help our brain and body. I emphasize that we are all different and we all have different things that are calming to us. It is our job to figure out what helps our own brain and body the most.
How can you help your child at home? You can help your kids at home explore activities and identify how they make their brain and body feel. Have them take a moment when they are doing different activities (playing with toys, coloring, building with legos, playing basketball, playing on a playground, riding bike, etc.) to see how their brain and body feels.
Have your child identify activities that:
- are calming
- bring them joy
- often come with frustration or other big feelings
- help them decompress when they are overwhelmed
We will also be revisiting kindness in December. What does kindness look like? Sound like? Feel like? Why is it important to be kind to everyone?
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if there is any way that I can help you or your child.
- Phone- (608)592-3855 ext. 1216Email- bilkeva@lodischoolswi.org
Mrs. Sue Chambers - Reading Specialist
How can you help your child at home? Helping Your 4K-5 Grader Become a Confident Reader - Make Reading Fun!
Making reading fun for kids at home can help them develop a love for books and create positive associations with learning. Here are some creative ways for you to turn reading into an exciting, enjoyable activity at home:
1. Create a Reading Space
Set up a cozy reading nook with pillows, blankets, and good lighting. Let kids help decorate it so they feel involved.
Add fun elements like a “storytelling corner” with a puppet theater or a mini bookshelf stocked with colorful books.
2. Interactive Read-Alouds
Make reading a performance by using different voices for characters, adding sound effects, and changing your tone for dramatic moments.
Pause occasionally and ask questions or invite the child to predict what will happen next. This keeps them engaged and thinking.
3. Use Props and Toys
Integrate toys or props that match the story to make it come to life. For example, use animal figurines when reading a book about zoo animals or a pirate ship when reading a pirate story.
Encourage your child to act out scenes from the book using stuffed animals or dolls.
4. Use Art and Craft
After finishing a book, encourage children to draw a picture of their favorite scene, create a collage, or even build a model of the setting or characters with clay or cardboard.
Have them act out the story with homemade costumes or props.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Ms. Amy Good - Library Teacher
This month we . . .
Read monster books and draw monsters.
Did a Digital Citizenship lesson, learning how to be safe online.
Read and learned about Veterans Day and made parts of a display in the front window honoring veterans.
We reviewed and discussed emergency procedures when in the library and the importance of listening to an adult that works at school during any drills or emergencies.
We read and learned about Indigenous Heritage Month.
We read books about gratitude and discussed and wrote down some things we are grateful for in our lives.
How can you help your child at home? Ask me . . .
What is a veteran? (Anyone who is or has served in the military.)
Do indigenous people still live in our country?
What do we do if we are in the library and there is a tornado drill?
Please remind your children to put their library books in their (or any) plastic bag, if possible. This helps to protect them. Thanks!
Feel free to contact me at any time if you have any questions at goodamy@lodischoolswi.org.
Happy reading,
Ms. Good
Ms. Tekla Nimmow - Art Teacher
The kids have been working hard with Mrs. Osterman in art this month as I have been in Thailand with the exchange program! They have been working with new materials, practicing new techniques and most importantly having fun! I have been having a great time and can't wait to tell the students all about it when I come back. Reminder that Square1 Art orders are due by December 3rd, so get your orders in!
How can you help your child?
- Ask them what their favorite art project has been so far this year.
- Talk to them about the different materials they are using.
- Explain what art classes were like when you were a kid.
Mr. Garet Sagami - PE
Mr. Garet Sagami is on paternity leave with his son Beckham. While he is gone, we are fortunate to have Ms. Jackie Ballweg here to substitute teach.
Jackie has two amazing teenage boys and a two year old german shepard. She shares that she is a lifelong learner always seeking to share this passion with others. She's been in education for seven years and also practice as a nutrition coach. Spending time with family and friends, cheering on her boys in their life pursuits, hiking, reading, and cooking healthy meals are a few of her favorite pastimes.
Mrs. Janelle Sivam - School Nurse
National Handwashing Week is the first week in December and is dedicated to help people remain healthy one hand wash at a time. Practicing good hand hygiene is a simple yet effective way to prevent infections. Washing your hands regularly can prevent the spread of germs.
Dressing for the winter weather:
Keep skin covered in frigid temperatures and wear a hat to retain heat.
Dress in layers of clothing. A wind and waterproof outer shell will keep you dry and inner sweat-wicking layers will help keep you warm.
Mittens are more effective than gloves if outdoors for an extended time. Try to find those with a water-resistant outer shell to help get your hands dry.
Waterproof footwear and water-wicking, warm socks will protect your feet in cold and damp conditions. A thick tread on shoes or boots will provide stability on slick surfaces.
Keeping students home when they are ill helps to reduce the spread of illness. The link from CDC is a quick guide of what you can do to help reduce the spread.
CDC Respiratory Virus Guidance
Quick guide to returning to school
Other Resources:
Wisconsin Wayfinder: Children’s Resource Network helps assist families, caregivers, professionals, and organizations in finding a wide array of supports and services.
Link to Wisconsin Wayfinder webpage or toll-free number 877-947-2929
I hope that your family has a safe and happy holiday break.
Janelle Sivam RN, BSN (School Nurse) Primary School: 608-592-3855 ext:1004
Mrs. Lexine Weber - Music Teacher
As we prepare for the winter concerts, we want you to be aware that the Lodi Music Booster is looking for families to donate treats that families can purchase after the concert fora. small donation. Please click on this link if you are able and willing to sign up. LPS Holiday Treat Sign-UP
Thank you for your support!
Food Service
Well the snow is here and winter begins! That means the holidays begin also. Our Harvest of the month features for December are cranberries, brussel sprouts and sorrel. Sorrel is a light herb with leaves with a lemony scent. Please watch for our featured items on the menu throughout the month.
Please remember to visit our salad bar when you take lunch. We have a variety of fruits and vegetables for you to take and try. If there is something you would like to see on your salad bar please let us know and we will try to get it on there. We want you to get your fruits and vegetables!
We will have a Ham dinner on this month in honor of Christmas. Please watch your menu for which day it will be on. We will have a Christmas Long John at breakfast in December also. The Ham dinner will feature a Christmas Cookie also. So exciting!
So we will decorate our kitchens with glitter and lights and make it all nice. Remember to be grateful for all that we have and all the good food we get to eat. It is a special time of year and I hope all of you get what you want for Christmas but most of all I hope you spend it with family and friends and fill your heart with joy! Happy Holidays Everyone!
Diane Lueck
Taher Food Service Director
- For information on determining free and reduced meal eligibility, see this information from the Department of Public Instruction.
- Here is the link to the Food Service Website where you can learn how to check your account balance, make a payment or view the monthly lunch menu.
Lodi Primary & Les/OSC School Pto
Support for Students and Families
601 Clark St, Lodi, WI 53555
608-592-3855 ext. 1017
Santa Project
Each year, families in our district are offered support during the holiday season through the Lodi Santa Project. This project has been around for 30+ years providing local families in need with gifts, cold weather gear and other necessities anonymously for those who might otherwise go without. Last year we helped over 40 families with more than 100 children. These are especially difficult times for many families in our community. If you, or any family that you know who are part of the Lodi School District would benefit from this project, please reach out to the program coordinator, Pam Cunningham, directly via email at lodisantaproject@gmail.com. All information is kept strictly confidential.
Families who would like to support the Lodi Santa Project financially or who would like to sponsor a child or family can also contact Pam at the email address above. Monetary donations as well as donations such as socks, mittens, hats, books, teen friendly gift cards, board games, crafts, etc. are always appreciated!