Christensen Courier
September 24, 2024

Christensen Elementary School
Important Dates to Remember
September 25th: 90 Minute Early Release: 1:55 pm
October 2nd: 90 Minute Early Release: 1:55 pm
October 7th: NO SCHOOL - Teacher Training
October 8th - 11th: CONFERENCES - 3.5 hour Early Release: 11:55 am
October 16th: 90 Minute Early Release: 1:55 pm
October 21st: Picture Retakes
October 23rd: 90 Minute Early Release: 1:55 pm
October 30th: 90 Minute Early Release: 1:55 pm
2024-25 District Calendar - English
2024-25 District Calendar - Spanish
2024-25 Christensen Daily Schedule
8:40 am - Gates open, students may get breakfast and head to their classroom
8:55 am - Tardy bell, school begins
10:55 - 11:55 am - Kindergarten & 1st grade Recess/Lunch
11:30 - 12:30 pm - 2nd & 3rd grade Recess/Lunch
12:00 - 1:00 pm - 4th & 5th grade Recess/Lunch
3:25 pm - Dismissal
* * *MOST Wednesdays will be a 1:55 pm early dismissal* * *
(PLEASE check the calendar for specific dates)
student Led Conferences
Fall Conferences are Oct. 8th-11th.
Students will dismiss early @ 11:55 am this week.
Please make sure to schedule a conference time with your child's teacher.
Scholastic Book Fair
Scholastic Book Fair During Conference Week
The Scholastic Book Fair will be held after school October 8-11 during conference hours. Items range from books and posters to bookmarks and fancy pens.
Instead of sending students with cash, you can set up an eWallet to use at the book fair (it works like a gift card).
A portion of the proceeds are shared with the Christensen library to purchase books and supplies, so all sales are greatly appreciated. Hope to see you at the fair!
Christensen Facility and Playground Hours
For added security the Christensen facility and playground are closed to the public during school hours (8:00am - 4:30pm), events, and from dusk to 7:00 am.
Sign Up for the Bus Bulletin
Would you like to know when your student’s bus is going to be late or what is happening?
Once you know your child's route, you should consider signing up for bus route notifications using Bus Bulletin. Bus Bulletin will send you text messages to your cell phone with real-time updates on your child's route. For instance, if your child's route is running late, Bus Bulletin will let you know.
How to sign-up to use Bus Bulletin:
- Log onto the website or click on the QR code and look to the right side of your screen. Click on “Sign In”, click on "Register Here," and answer the simple prompts. You will provide your name, your email address, a password, and select Franklin Pierce Schools. Then enter the code on the screen, accept the rules of use, and finally click on Submit.
- You will then be asked to select the route, which is written in code:
- The first two numbers are the ROUTE NUMBER, and the letters are the SCHOOL abbreviation:
- Preschool: HDS for Head Start and ELC
- Primary: BD, CA, CH, CO, ELM, HA, JS, MD
- Secondary: FMS, FPHS, KMS, WHS, GATES
- Example: 19MD is route 19, Midland Elementary School.
New Student Registration
If you have a child who will be five years old by August 31, it's time to think about kindergarten. The 2024-2025 school year is just around the corner and believe it or not, now is the time to enroll! Starting kindergarten is a big deal for kids and their families. It's not just about learning ABCs and 123s - it's about making new friends, discovering new things, and taking a step into a new school community. Visit
- Find your School!
- Gather your Documents!
- Enroll online!
Parent Drop-off and Pick Up Changes
Student safety is important to us here at Christensen. Here are some reminders we need all families to follow when dropping off students at the beginning of the day and picking up students at the end of the day.
Dropping Off Students
Students can be dropped off after 8:40 am each day using our drop-off lane at the front of the school. You will see the cones and signs outlining the area for drop off each morning.
All students wanting to eat breakfast will pick up their breakfast by going through the gym as they enter campus each morning. They will bring their breakfast to class for eating.
Picking Up Students
Pick-up by car can happen after all of the buses have pulled out (approx. 3:30pm). As you pull into the crescent in front of the school a staff member will call for your student to come out from the gym and get into your car with you. Cars must wait until all buses have left for the day.
In person pickup will be at the gate doors in the front of the school for those who want to pick up in person. Starting at dismissal time a staff member will greet you, ask for the name of the child you are picking up and then call for that student to come out to meet you. Pick-up students will wait in the gym until they are called.
Make sure any family members/friends picking up your child are listed in your school file. Any changes to the pick-up routine must be reported to the office by 3:00pm each day.
Please contact our school office if you have any questions. 253-298-3300
Before/After School Care for the 24-25 School Year
Christensen hosts a before and after school care program on-site for our students. The care is provided by Right at School. Right at School provides a safe environment to learn, to play, and to grow. Click here for more information and to register.
Christensen Elementary School
Location: 10232 Barnes Ln S, Tacoma, WA, 98444
Phone: 253-298-3300
Franklin Pierce Schools does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Questions and complaints of alleged discrimination should be directed to brandy Marshall, Compliance Coordinator for State and Civil Rights Laws at; Dr. Julien Pollard, Title IX Officer at; or John Sander, 504/ADA Coordinator at or at 315 129th St S, Tacoma, WA 98444-5099 or at (253)298-3000. Requests for accommodation of a disability for a staff member should be directed to Human Resources.