The Westgate Wire
September 23, 2022
Allie and I wish you a wonderful weekend!
A few things to put on your radar...
- Note, we do not have school on Monday. Wishing a Happy Rosh Hashanah to those who may be celebrating.
- MAP Assessment report will be emailed to parents today.
- We will have our Westgate Spirit Day on Friday. Wear your Westgate gear or green and orange to show your school spirit.
RULER- Our Social Emotional Learning Program
We are excited to be sharing the RULER approach to social and emotional learning with our students! Our staff knows and practices the skills of emotional intelligence and is prepared to teach and model these emotional intelligence skills.
We will be infusing RULER into all parts of our school by leading school-wide activities, integrating conversations about emotions into evening events, and offering further opportunities for families to be involved.
In the classroom, teachers will be integrating routines that build emotional awareness, such as creating a class Charter and checking in on the Mood Meter. Teachers will also lead lessons that help students understand emotion concepts such as community building, self-awareness, and conflict resolution. Your child’s teacher will be providing more information about what RULER looks like in their classroom.
We are eager to see your children plotting themselves on the Mood Meter which helps them identify how they are feeling. Students will bring home activities related to the RULER skills and tools to do together. Your involvement is very valuable in reinforcing their learning.
Over the course of the year, we will be providing ongoing communication to you about RULER in the Westgate Wire. We hope that you will join us at our upcoming parent event if you are interested in learning more.
RULER Parent Presentation
- When: November 16th from 6:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m.
- Where: Westgate LMC
We are looking forward to hearing how we can support one another in creating a positive and emotionally safe school climate in which everyone may flourish!
Walk & Roll to School Day-October 4th
International Walk & Roll to School Day is Tuesday, October 4th! Please join Westgate staff and students on one of our 6 “Walking School Bus” routes.
The following locations have been selected in the Westgate community as meeting points where students can gather to walk together with Westgate teachers and volunteers. The locations and departure times are:
Route #1 – Highland & Fairview (departure 8:30am)
Route #2 – Ridge & Sigwalt (departure 8:35am)
Route #3 – Dwyer & Heather (departure 8:40am) - includes bus students
Route #4 – Grove & Reuter (departure 8:45am)
Route #5 - Pioneer CAP (departure 8:40am)
A sixth PM Kindergarten route (Route #6) will depart from Grove & Kennicott at 12:40pm.
This event will not be held in case of inclement weather.
Please direct any questions to Colleen Palmer, or Amy Wilkins,
We hope to see you there!
Mark Your Calendars for the Upcoming Spirit Days
September 30th - Wear your Westgate Wear/ Green & Orange
October 28th - Pajama Day
November 18th- Crazy Hair Day
Thursday, December 22nd - Pajama Day
Important Dates- New Information
- No School- 9/26
- Walk to School Day- 10/4
- No School-10/5 and 10/19
- Parent/Teacher Conferences-10/20 and 10/21
- Picture Retakes-10/25
- No School- 11/8 (Election Day)
- Fall Break-11/21-11/25
- Winter Break-12/23-1/9