Northridge Elementary School Update
February 12, 2024

The week of October 14th!
- 2024-2025 School Calendar
P-T Conferences- Oct 15 & 17 -3:45-7:00- K-5.
NES Book Fair-week of October 14-17, 2024-Open Daily- HELP NEEED. Sign-Up with us.
NES Donuts with Grown-ups….8:00-8:30 am
Last name- A-F- Oct. 15, Last name G-N Oct. 16 and O-Z Oct. 17th
- Gr. 4-5- FAA AG sponsored Fall-o-ween will be Oct. 17th! We love FFA!!
- October 18- No School- Professional Development Day
- School picture retakes and absentee pictures- October 21st
- Kindergarten trip to the Pumpkin Farm- October 25th
Halloween parties-November 1st--1:45- 3:00 w/parade (we will wear costumes and parade in them outside and through school for fun!!)
Northridge Elementary Trunk or Treat- November 4th- 6:00-7:00 pm- infront of school.
Together We Shine.....Family Rocks!!!
Week of October 14, 2024
Hello Super Wonderful Northridge Elementary folks,
Happy October! Happy Fall! We have loads of fun things coming up these next few weeks. It is a great time of the year!!! We look forward to seeing you.
Thank you for all the donations for our FOOD DRIVE. Food is so expensive right now BUT you gave so generously. Thank you from everyone!!!
- We are scheduling Parent-Teacher Conferences this week.....October 15th and 17th-watch for sign-ups from your child's teacher. We would like to see or talk with everyone about your wonderful child. OUR GOAL IS 100% ATTENDANCE OR CONTACT!! CAN WE DO IT? I-Ready and Acadience assessment results were sent to you in preparation for Parent-Teacher Conferences. Should your child need a READING IMPROVEMENT PLAN (RIMP) we will share these at conferences.
- There is NO SCHOOL FRIDAY due to Professional Development for teachers. We will be working on such topics as interventions, reading, writing, math, etc.
- NES Book Fair this week!!! Here is the BOOK FAIR information for this week....Here is a link to the online book fair home page. Parents can order and set up ewallet accounts from this page! The BOOK FAIR will be Open daily during specials/Related Arts....2 nights during conferences AND during Donuts with grown-ups. We have your kids covered to shop.
- Halloween parties and parade will be at the end of the month on November 1st. Children may wear school appropriate costumes to school or easy "put-on" for parade and school party. Costumes must not be overly scarey or have props for school. Since we have little ones in the school we must be careful. Our parade will be out in front of school beginning around 1:45 followed by a Halloween party in classrooms. Due to space and security, we can only have a few folks help us for party. Due to space we cannot have younger siblings. But do come to our parade and enjoy our excitement.
- We will have a TRUNK or Treat; 6:00-7:00 on November 4th- Our theme is READING IS FUN......games, games, games..... Dress up in costumes and come join us!! We are collecting candy and trinkets to give out if you would be able to support this fun event...we would sure appreciate it. Lots of sales right now and it takes so much to give to our ghosts and goblins. Please send in to the school office!! Thank you!!!!
- The Book Fair is coming next week the week of October 14th. Watch for information addressing this exciting event rolling in here. Kids will be shopping during their specials/related arts times for the most part. The library will also be open the evening Oct. 15 and Oct 17th and during Donuts for Grown-ups.....lots of time to shop!! We will have e-wallets for safety and convenience. Details to come. HELP NEEDED AT THE FAIR
- THIS WEEK: We will have Donuts with GROWN-UPS by letter day this year. NES Donuts with Grown-ups….8:00-8:30 am with Book Fair Open for fun! Here are the dates: ................................. ... Last name- A-F- Oct. 15, Last name G-P Oct. 16, and Last name O-Z Oct. 17th. Please join us.
- Volunteer????We have folks wanting to volunteer in our school or perhaps attend upcoming field trips or parties. Kindergarten has a trip this month so be ready!!! Please complete these forms as part of our security process formality. Once we get the form back approved, we will get everyone board approved. :) All for the safety of our children. either one of these link work....
Safety Reminder:
- BEFORE 9:00 am..........Please call us at 740-967- 1401 or email us at esattendance@nrls.org if your child will be out for illness or and appointment. We organize attendance early each day to be sure everyone is accounted for in school. Thank you for honoring this important contact.
- Before 3:00....if you have a change in transportation for your child, please call us so we may announce and get word to them. Please call us at Phone (740) 967-1401
- Check your email or ParentSquare each day. Loads of great treasures in there!!
- Please have a system with your child so you are getting anything we send home from your child.
Please consider helping Northridge students and families in need by clicking this link:
Have a SUPER, DUPER week!! Thank you for your partnership! We enjoy your family!
Parent Square 2024-2025...download the Parent Square App TODAY!!!
ParentSquare is the premier fully unified product that engages every family with school communications and communications-based services—all the way from the district office to the classroom teacher, and all in one place.
The Power of Positive Parenting-starts October 15th
The Power of Positive Parenting is a Triple P
seminar that helps lower the stress of parenting by
equipping parents to:
• Create an environment that encourages
kids to learn
• Have reasonable expectations for kids
• Help kids take responsibility for their actions
Triple P is a research-based, internationally- recognized, multilevel parent support program funded
by Licking Memorial Health Systems and supported by Mental Health and Recovery of Licking and Knox Counties and Our Futures in Licking County.
*******96 percent of parents who have tried some of the Triple P strategies have seen an improvement in their child’s behavior!
You are invited to attend a virtual Triple P parent seminar hosted by Our Futures in Licking County.
This program:
• is free
• will be held live on Zoom (in the comfort of your home......)
• welcomes all parents, grandparents,
and caregivers with children from birth to age 12
Please register by calling (740) 522-1234, ext. 26, or email
TriplePSeminar@hotmail.com at least four days prior to
seminar date.
Screen and Cell Phone Use??? Triple P Research offering Support and Guidance
Are you concerned about the many issues surrounding your
child’s use of smartphones, tablets, computers, video games
and other screens in your home? Do you wonder how much
screen time is appropriate and what types of guidelines to
establish for your child? Are you aware that screen-time
issues are quite different for children of different ages?
This September, Triple P offering three virtual programs for parents
with children of different ages. Parents may attend any or all
of the following programs – just please register at least four
days in advance of the program you wish to attend!
Triple P is a research-based, internationally-recognized,
multilevel parent support program funded by Licking
Memorial Health Systems and supported by Mental Health
and Recovery of Licking and Knox Counties and Our Futures
in Licking County.96 percent of parents who have tried some of the Triple P
strategies have seen an improvement in their child’s
Here is a website connection:
It's a Great Day to be A Viking!
The Northridge Local School District is committed to ...
Mission: Empowering All Students To Reach Their Fullest Potential.
Viking Values: Trust, Leadership, Communication, Collaboration, Accountability, Integrity & Respect.