River Bend Middle
Home of the Ravens | March 1, 2025
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Follow River Bend Middle School on Instagram, Facebook, X (Twitter), and our school website for more of what's happening at “The Bend!”
- Instagram: rbms.lcps
- Facebook: River Bend Middle School_Official
- X (Twitter): @RBMS_Official
- Website: www.lcps.org/o/rbm
RAMP Designation
Congratulations to the River Bend Middle School counseling program for achieving the prestigious Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP) designation from the American School Counselor Association. This honor reflects the school's dedication to delivering an exemplary, data-driven comprehensive school counseling program that aligns with the ASCA National Model.
The RAMP designation is a testament to the commitment and hard work of the counseling team in supporting student success. This recognition is valid for five years, through the 2029-2030 school year. Well done, River Bend Middle School.
News & Upcoming Events
Congrats to 8th grader, Aarna Vasanthan, for being 1 of the top 30 spellers in the Loudoun County Regional Qualifier. Aarna has earned a place in the 43rd Annual LCPS Spelling Bee. The competition will take place at 6:30 pm on March 26, 2025, at Lightridge High School.
2025 Upcoming Events (LCPS Calendars / A & B Days)
- Now-Friday, March 21 = Annual LCPS Family Survey
- Monday, March 3-Friday, March 7 = National School Social Workers Week & World Language Week
- Thursday, March 6 = PTA Meeting at 6:30 pm (Virtual)
- Friday, March 7 = 8th Grade Dance Sponsored by the SCA at 6:00-8:00 pm (Volunteer Link)
- Sunday, March 9 = Daylight Saving Time Starts
- Tuesday, March 11 = PTA Student & Staff Basketball Game at 6:30 pm (at Potomac Falls HS)
- Thursday, March 13 = Academies of Loudoun Presentation for 6th Graders During Resource/Spectrum
- Thursday, March 13 = Parents as Educational Partners (PEP) at 6:00 pm
- Friday, March 14-Saturday, March 15 = Band & Chorus Assessments
- Monday, March 17 = Spirit Week: Shamrock Day (Wear Green)
- Monday, March 17 = LCPS Launching Your Leadership Conference at 5:30-7:30 pm (at Watson Mountain MS)
- Tuesday, March 18 = Spirit Week: Character Day
- Tuesday, March 18 = Orchestra Assessment
- Tuesday, March 18 = LCPS Academic Success Talk at 5:30 pm (River Bend Library)
- Wednesday, March 19 = Spirit Week: March Madness (Jersey Day)
- Thursday, March 20 = Spirit Week: Pajama Day
- Thursday, March 20 = District Jazz Auditions
- Friday, March 21 = LCPS Business Partnership Breakfast at 7:30 am
- Friday, March 21 = Spirit Week: Generation Day (Dress as a toddler, teen, adult, or senior citizen)
- Friday, March 21-Saturday, March 22 = Guitar Festival & Assessment
- Saturday, March 20 = LCPS Inspire Loudoun Conference at 9:00 am-3:00 pm (at Independence HS)
- Wednesday, March 26 = LCPS Spelling Bee at Lightridge HS
- Wednesday, March 26-Thursday, March 27 = School Pictures (Spring)
- Thursday, March 27-Saturday, March 29 = One Act Plays
- Saturday, March 29 = LCPS Intramural Championship (3-on-3 Basketball)
- Monday, March 31 = No School (Student & Staff Holiday)
- Wednesday, April 2 = Cultural Attire Spirit Day
- Wednesday, April 2 = International Night at 6:00 pm
- Thursday, April 3 = Last Day of Quarter #3
- Thursday, April 3 = Parents as Educational Partners (PEP) at 6:00 pm
- Friday, April 4 = No School for Students (Teacher Workday)
- Friday, April 4 = Potomac Falls Cluster Spring Clothes Drive at River Bend MS
- Friday, April 4 = Last Day for Schedule Changes (2025-2026 School Year)
- Monday, April 7 = No School for Students (Countywide Staff Development Day)
- Monday, April 7-Friday, 11 = Dean and Assistant Principal Appreciation Week
- Tuesday, April 8-Wednesday, April 9 = Rising 9th Grade Visit to Potomac Falls HS at 10:45-11:45 am
- Thursday, April 10 = Quarter #3 Ravens of the Week Breakfast at 7:45-8:15 am (RBM Library)
- Thursday, April 10 = Online PTA Meeting at 6:30 pm (LINK Coming Soon)
- Friday, April 11 = Spring Donut Date at 7:30-8:15 am (RBM Cafeteria)
- Monday, April 14-Friday, April 18 = No School (Spring Break)
- Monday, April 21-Friday, April 25 = Green Week
- Tuesday, April 22 = Earth Day
- Tuesday, April 22 = Start of Quarter #4 Clubs & Intramural Interest Meeting (Soccer)
- Wednesday, April 23 = 6th Grade Honor Roll Ceremony at 6:00 pm (All A's) & 7:00 pm (All A's & B's)
- Thursday, April 24 = 7th Grade Honor Roll Ceremony at 6:00 pm & 8th Grade Honor Roll Ceremony 7:00 pm
- Saturday, April 26 = Level Up Innovation Day at 9:00 am-4:00 pm (at Academies of Loudoun)
- Monday, April 28-Friday, May 2 = Career Week
- Thursday, May 1 = 6th Grade Guitar Concert at 6:00 pm (Purple Group) & 7:00 pm (Gold Group)
- Friday, May 2 = Career Day at 8:30-10:00 am Presenter Sign-Up (bit.ly/RBMcareer25)
- Friday, May 2 = School Lunch Hero Day
International Night (April 2)
We are thrilled to be hosting International Night this year at River Bend! 🎉 Mark your calendars for Wednesday, April 2nd, from 6:00 – 8:00 PM. We hope you can join us for this special evening celebrating the diverse cultures within our community!
We would love for families to participate in making this event a success!
Opportunities include:
✅ Hosting a Table – Share your culture (families can combine tables if preferred).
✅ Bringing Food – Showcase a dish from your heritage.
✅ Performing – Sing, dance, or present a cultural tradition.
✅ Leading a Craft or Game – Teach an activity that represents your culture.
📌 Sign-Up Details:
Students received sign-up forms in advisory. Forms should be returned to their house administrative assistant by March 12th. Prefer to sign up electronically? Fill out the Google Form here.
Additional Ways to Support:
💡 Local Business Connections? If you know of any local businesses that may want to support or participate, please have them contact Valarie DiCarlo (valarie.dicarlo@lcps.org).
📸 Help Us Showcase River Bend’s Diversity!
We are creating a photo slideshow to celebrate the many cultures in our community! If you have pictures of your family in cultural clothing, enjoying traditional foods, or traveling abroad, please send 1-2 photos to Sra. Keeton (cristina.keeton@lcps.org).
Attention 8th Grade Families!
The River Bend Student Government Association is hosting the 8th Grade Midnight Magic Dance on March 7th from 6-8 PM, and we need your help!
We’re looking for parent volunteers to assist with setup, chaperoning, and cleanup, as well as donations of individually wrapped food and drinks. Please sign up using the link below:
Food donations can be dropped off with Ms. Proper in A4 before 4 PM the week of the dance.
Thank you for your support!
Order Your Yearbook Now
Don’t miss out on the 2024 - 2025 River Bend Middle School Yearbook, filled with all the unforgettable memories of this school year. Our yearbooks sell out every year, so be sure to order yours as soon as possible. Right now, you can take advantage of our early bird special and get your yearbook for just $30. To reserve your copy, CLICK HERE and enter our school code 25178. Act now to secure your yearbook and relive all the best moments of River Bend!
Preparing for the 2025-2026 School Year
School Links & Course Recommendations
Students have been working in SchooLinks Course Planner to plan for their courses for the 2025-2026 school year and starting in 7th grade through high school graduation. Students and parents/guardians are able to view the teacher recommendations for Math, English, Science, Social Studies, and World Language (if applicable). The recommendations are viewable in Student/ParentVUE, under the “Course Recommendation/Request” tab. Parents/guardians are encouraged to review and discuss the recommended courses with your student to determine which course is best to take next school year. If you have a question regarding the teacher recommendation, please feel free to contact the teacher directly.
Parents/guardians can access SchooLinks Course Planner through ParentVUE. There is a tab labeled “Schoology and SchooLinks”. This will link parents/guardians directly to the SchooLinks platform. Parents/guardians do not need a claim code to access the platform. Please view the Onboarding Directions in either English or Spanish. Please view the guide to Review Student Course Plan in English or Spanish.
Scheduling Timeline
- Now - Friday, February 28 = Students Select Courses in School Links
- Friday, April 4 = Last Day for All 2025-2026 Schedule Changes for River Bend MS & Potomac Falls HS
Required Immunizations for 7th Graders
Parents/guardians must provide proof of immunizations as required by Virginia law for attendance at a public school. A student may not be permitted to attend school until proof of immunizations are provided to the school nurse/HCS. Immunizations also help keep all students and staff healthy.
Required Immunization
- Diphtheria, Tetanus, & Pertussis (Tdap). One booster dose of Tdap given at age seven or older.
- Meningococcal Conjugate (MenACWY). One dose of Meningococcal Vaccine, MenACWY (MenQuadfi, Menveo), given at age 10 or older. This vaccine protects against meningitis and septicemia (blood poisoning).
Encouraged Immunization
- Human Papillomavirus (HPV). Seventh-grade students are encouraged to have the HPV (Human Papillomavirus) vaccine. While the first dose of this two-dose vaccine must be administered before an adolescent’s 15th birthday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that the first dose be administered at 11 or 12 years old. This vaccine is at the discretion of the parents or guardian but is recommended. LCPS does not require opt-out documentation for the HPV vaccine.
Once your student has received their required school vaccinations, show proof of immunization to the student’s school. Acceptable documentation includes one of the following:
- A copy of your student's immunization record, signed/stamped by the provider, showing the date the immunization was given.
- A signed note from a healthcare provider on the provider’s letterhead stating the date the immunization was given.
- A healthcare provider’s signed statement of a permanent or temporary medical exemption for a student who cannot receive the immunization due to medical reasons.
- A notarized Religious Exemption form .
More information about Commonwealth of Virginia requirements for school enrollment can be found on the Virginia Department of Health website or on the LCPS Immunization Requirements page. Consult with your healthcare provider about immunizations or contact the Loudoun County Health Department to schedule immunization appointments.
Virtual Distance Learning (VDL)
- VDL Website
- VDL will continue as an offering for LCPS middle and high school students.
- Distance Learning remains a fully synchronous virtual offering for the whole school year.
Parents/guardians of students interested in VDL (rising grades 6-12) must apply through PARENTVUE.
Students currently participating in VDL who wish to continue with this program for 2025-2026 must re-apply for enrollment.
The VDL application portal closes Friday, April 25, 2025.
Special Permission
The Special Permission application period for the 2025/26 school year is now open and will remain open until April 30. Special Permission allows families to request permission for their child to attend a school other than their assigned home school.
To apply for Special Permission, please visit the LCPS Special Permission webpage. Parents/guardians who do not have access to a computer may contact the Office of Student Services (571-252-1021) for a paper application form, which is available in English and Spanish.
Misc. Resources
School Attendance
Per School Board Policy 8120 and School Board Policy 8140, each parent/guardian is responsible for their child’s regular and punctual attendance at school as required under provisions of the law (Code of Virginia,§22.1-254).
A parents/guardian of a student who is absent must inform the school of the reason for the absence on the morning of the absence. The preferred method is to report the absence using ParentVUE (start date, end date, reason, note). If a parent is unable to access ParentVUE, a parent/guardian may also call the 24-hour absentee line at (571) 434-3222.
Per School Board Regulation 8140, if a student accrues five (5) or more unexcused absences or otherwise demonstrates a pattern of absenteeism during the school year, a parent/guardian will be contacted and intervention steps will be implemented by a school-based team.
A student is considered chronically absent when their total number of excused and unexcused absences reaches ten percent (10%) or more of the school year. On average, a student should not miss more than four (4) days per quarter.
To comply with state record keeping requirements, students shall be withdrawn from LCPS student membership after fifteen (15) consecutive days of absences regardless of whether their absences are excused or unexcused.
Late Arrivals: Any student arriving after the official start of the school day (8:50 am) will be considered late. When students arrive late to school, they must check in at the main office. Records regarding tardiness will be maintained and appropriate consequences imposed for recurring tardiness.
Early Dismissals: When a student leaves the school premises prior to the end of the school day (3:38 pm) for any reason, a parent/guardian must provide advanced notice and permission. If a parent/guardian reports the early dismissal in ParentVUE, the parent/guardian does not have to check in at the main office. If an early dismissal is not reported in ParentVUE, a parent/guardian must check in at the main office for the child to be released early from school. Because our administrative assistants are involved with transportation at the end of the day, early dismissals after 3:20 pm will only be allowed in the case of an extreme emergency.
Extracurricular Activities & Clubs
The LCPS Middle School Intramural Sports Program has expanded to all 18 middle schools for the 2024-25 school year! We are offering a variety of sports, including flag football, volleyball, basketball, and soccer. Teams can be co-ed or single-gender, depending on the preferences of the participants.
The timeline and details for each sport are as follows:
- Third Quarter (Season Three): 3-on-3 Basketball
- Fourth Quarter (Season Four): 7-on-7 Soccer
To register, visit https://lcps-ar.rschooltoday.com/home, scroll down and click on the button representing your middle school. Please ensure that the registration form is completed and submitted for each participant.
For more information about Middle School Intramurals, please visit the LCPS Intramurals Page.
The LCPS School Board recently passed Policy 8655 regarding Student Personal Device Use. Students at River Bend Middle School may not use personal devices including cell phones, tablets, earbuds, and personal gaming devices between 8:45 am – 3:38 pm. Students must keep their devices silent and not visible, stored in their locker during the school day. Personal devices may only be used before or after the school day. Other important information includes:
- Inappropriate use of social media, images, text messages, or videos shall not be permitted at any time on school property, during a school-sponsored activity, or on LCPS school transportation. Cyberbullying will not be tolerated in any form. Any violation of this policy shall result in disciplinary action in accordance with the SR&R and Student Code of Conduct, as well as Policy 8210.
- LCPS recognizes parents need to know how to contact their child in case of an emergency. If there is an emergency, parents may contact the main office of their child’s school.
- Per School Board Policy, the school and its staff are not liable for students’ cell phones or other personal devices.
Social Media & Games
Social media sites and non-educational games will be blocked on student-issued Chromebooks by our Lightspeed content filter. The filtering matrix will be updated to reflect these changes and can be found here: https://www.lcps.org/o/ddi/page/information-security More information on the Lightspeed Parent Portal can be found here: https://www.lcps.org/lightspeed
2024-2025 RBMS PTA Executive Board Members
- President/Co-President: Lauren and Ambrose Evans (President@rbmspta.org)
- Vice President: Erica Stapler (VP@rbmspta.org)
- Secretary: Adri Silverman (general@rbmspta.org)
- Treasury: Rachel Coelho (treasury@rbmspta.org)
- Hospitality Chair: Carrie Bauer (hospitality@rbmspta.org)
- Spirit Chair: Lili Hernandez ( spirit@rbmspta.org)
Teacher Sweets and Treats
Sign-up here to donate desserts and treats for our amazing teachers!
Are you interested in helping out with Staff Luncheons, Donut Days, or Teacher Appreciation Week? We are looking for help with Co-Chairing our hospitality committee. Please reach out to Lauren Evans if you are interested at president@rbmspta.org.
- We are looking for planning committee members and sponsors.
- Do you own a local business or know someone who does? We are looking for sponsors for the basketball game. All sponsors will be advertised on the back of the game T-shirts.
- If you are interested in planning or sponsorship opportunities, please contact Erica Stapler at VP@rbmspta.org
February is Love the Bus month, a special time to recognize the incredible dedication of our Bus Drivers, Bus Attendants, and Transportation Staff who ensure our students travel safely to and from school every day.
Morning Arrival
If you ever drop your child off at River Bend Middle School in the morning, I ask that you please take a moment to read this important message.
Throughout the school year, we have close to 200 students who walk or ride their bike to school each day. However, during colder weather, many of these students are dropped off by vehicle, increasing the volume of cars during morning drop-off.
As previously shared, the suggested drop-off time for students is between 8:15 and 8:30 am. After 8:30 am, our buses begin to arrive, which significantly increases traffic. To ensure a smooth and safe process, we ask that you follow the procedures below when dropping off your child:
- Drop-off should always occur at the curb on the side of the building (GREEN AREA).
- The only exception is if you are parking your vehicle and accompanying your child into the building.
- Please avoid dropping your child off in the parking lot (RED AREA).
Recently, we have observed several instances of students being dropped off in the parking lot. Additionally, last week, there was almost an accident involving a parent rushing to drop off their child instead of waiting patiently. This creates unsafe conditions for our students and staff navigating the area. We kindly ask for your patience and cooperation in waiting in the carpool line to drop off your child at the designated curb (GREEN AREA).
The safety of our students is our top priority, and your assistance in following these procedures is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your continued support in ensuring that morning drop-off runs smoothly and safely for everyone.
- Log into ParentVUE (mobile app)
- Click on your student
- Click on "Student Information"
- Scroll to the bottom and click on "Additional Information"
- Still need help? Call (571) 252-1700 or visit https://www.lcps.org/Transportation
Track Your Child's Bus
- Did you know that there is an app (Stopfinder) that gives you access to know exactly where your child’s bus is, including specific pick up/drop off times? CLICK HERE for details.
Questions about Transportation
- Call (571) 252-1700 or visit https://www.lcps.org/Transportation
Bus Expectations
In collaboration with the LCPS Transportation Department, we are emphasizing the following rules to ensure the safety and well-being of all passengers:
- Remain seated: Passengers must stay seated while the bus is in motion to prevent accidents and injuries.
- Keep aisles clear: It's important to keep aisles clear of bags, feet, and other items to facilitate safe passage during emergencies.
- Use inside voices: Loud noises can distract the driver and disturb fellow passengers. Conversations should be kept at a reasonable volume. Students may listen to music using earphones or Air Pods, but playing music aloud is not permitted.
- No eating or drinking: Consuming food or beverages on the bus can create messes and pose choking hazards during sudden stops or turns.
- Follow the driver's instructions: Passengers must always adhere to the driver’s directions for their safety and the safety of others.
- No vandalism or graffiti: Defacing the bus or its interior is strictly prohibited and will result in disciplinary action.
- Respect others: Bullying, harassment, inappropriate language, or any behavior that makes others feel uncomfortable will not be tolerated.
We urge all families to review these expectations with their child, even if they are not regularly assigned to a school bus. It is essential to remind students as there may be instances where students are removed from a bus due to violations of School Board Policy or the Student Code of Conduct.
For those of you who do not utilize bus transportation or have children who walk or bike to school, we wanted to again provide guidance on the best time and location to drop off your child.
Drop-Off Timing:
Before 8:15 am: Please do not drop off your child before 8:15 am as there is no supervision available at that time.
- 8:15 – 8:30 am: This is the best window for drop-off, as traffic tends to be light.
- 8:30 – 8:45 am: Traffic is heaviest during this time as it coincides with bus arrivals.
- After 8:45 am: Please avoid dropping your child off after this time, as they may be tardy. Students need to be in their first class by 8:50 am.
Drop-Off Location:
- Side of the Building (Kiss and Ride): This is the designated drop-off area for all students.
- Front Parking Lot: Drop-offs here are reserved only for families with Handicap passes or if your child has an injury (e.g., a broken leg).
Need Help? 2025 Contacts
6th Grade Support (House C) = Scott.Plucker@lcps.org (Interim Dean), Kathryn.Plys@lcps.org (Counselor - Last Names A-L), Katharine.Smorodin@lcps.org (Counselor - Last Names M-Z), or Guendolen.Wajsgras@lcps.org (Administrative Assistant)
- 7th Grade Support (House B) = Melissa.Dober@lcps.org (Dean), Savannah.Boeing@lcps.org (Counselor - Last Names A-N), Carey.Walker@lcps.org (Counselor -Last Names O-Z) or Amy.Raye@lcps.org (Administrative Assistant)
- 8th Grade Support (House A) = Christine.Wadley@lcps.org (Dean), Courtney.Bredow@lcps.org (Counselor - Last Names A-N), Carey.Walker@lcps.org (Counselor - Last Names O-Z), or Sonya.Mason@lcps.org (Administrative Assistant)
- Attendance = Missy.Hooper@lcps.org or Valarie.DiCarlo@lcps.org
- Family Liaison = Cintia.Lutz@lcps.org
- Financial Matters = Stephanie.Wanjon@lcps.org
- Food Services = Farzana.Chowdhury@lcps.org
- Gifted & Talented Program (Spectrum) = Amy.Fields@lcps.org
- Health Services/Medication/Immunizations = Joy.Jones@lcps.org
- Main Office = Gwendolyn.Pride@lcps.org
- ParentVUE = Missy.Hooper@lcps.org or Courtney.Bredow@lcps.org
- PTA = President@RBMSPTA.org
- Registration/Enrollment = Missy.Hooper@lcps.org
- Safety & Security = Devin.Mickens@loudoun.gov (SRO), Preston.Timbers@lcps.org (SSO)
- Special Education = Nicholas.Fisher@lcps.org (Special Education Contact), Kevin.Lancor@lcps.org (Department Chair/SALT), Tara.Daugherty@lcps.org (Dean)
- Student Services = Tonya.Mead@lcps.org (School Psychologist), Harveen.Pantleay@lcps.org (Social Worker)
- Technology Support = Niles.Elhafdi@lcps.org or call (571) 252-2112
- Testing = Valarie.DiCarlo@lcps.org
- Transportation = Call (571) 252-1700 or visit https://www.lcps.org/Transportation