2023-2024 AMP Happenings
Weekly updates of the important events and happenings.
AMP Happenings for the Week of August 28th
The following are the important events and happenings for the week of August 28th.
Upcoming Events
- Tuesday, August 29, 2023 - High School Early Release @ 2:00PM
- Monday, September 4, 2023 - School Holiday (Labor Day)
- Tuesday, September 5, 2023 - JM FFA Chapter Meeting from 4:30PM to 6:00PM in the AMP Complex
- Tuesday, September 5, 2023 - FFA Burger Bash from 6:00PM to 6:30PM in the AMP Complex
- Tuesday, September 5, 2023 - JM FFA Booster Club General Meeting @ 6:30PM in the AMP Complex
- Tuesday, September 5, 2023 - Seitz Fall FFA Fundraiser Begins
- Friday, September 15, 2023 - AMP Livestock Expo Entry Deadline
AMP Daily Announcements
Guidance and Counseling News
- Use the following link to request a schedule change: 2023-2024 Request to See Counselor Form
- Deadline to request is a schedule change is Friday, September 8th
- Mrs. Purcell, AMP Counselor, is located in the AMP Administration Office.
- Contact information for Mrs. Purcell:
Email - jpurce@neisd.net
Phone - (210) 356-1493
September 5 - Deadline for Seniors to request transcripts with their current June Rank to be sent to Colleges (Transcripts requested after this date will have the Official 6th Semester Rank & GPA being released on Sept. 8th through Skyward portal)
Test Days Approaching
Questions? Contact Mrs. Griffith (rgriff3@neisd.net), our CCMR specialist. Remember, if you have documented testing accommodations, reach out to Mrs. Griffith. State testing accommodations do not automatically transfer over to College Board/ACT.
2023-2024 James Madison FFA Dues
FFA dues are $20.00 for the entire school year, and we will begin accepting dues payments (cash or check) the before or after school in the AMP Administration office.
With membership in the FFA, AMP students will have access to outstanding leadership and career development opportunities, supervised agricultural experiences, degrees, awards, and scholarships. FFA members will also receive a James Madison FFA commemorative t-shirt which will be available in October.
2024 North East Ag Fair Sponsorship Opportunities
To learn more about the sponsorship opportunities or to share them with others, download the file below.
2023 Burger Bash - Tuesday, September 5th
- FFA Carnival Fair events for current AMP students will begin at 4:30pm in the AMPhitheater. Students may dress comfortably for the FFA Carnival Fair events but must adhere to the student dress code.
- Burger Bash for parents, students, and their families will begin at 6:00pm in the AMPhitheater. Burgers and drinks will be provided free of charge by the James Madison FFA Booster Club.
- FFA Booster Club Meeting is for all parents/guardians of students in the AMP and will begin at 6:30pm in the AMPhitheater. All parents/guardians are highly encouraged to attend.
James Madison FFA Booster Club
The FFA Booster Club exists to organize and conduct fundraising activities to provide financial support to all students of the AMP in order to enhance the educational and agricultural experiences of the students. Parents/guardians can support the James Madison FFA Booster Club by making the AMP a family experience. This can be done through a variety of means such as volunteering of your time and talents, introducing the FFA Booster Club to corporate sponsors, or financially supporting the FFA Booster Club with donations or purchasing merchandise.
The first general meeting of the James Madison FFA Booster Club will be held on Tuesday, September 5th at 6:30PM at the AMP Complex.
All parents/guardians are highly encouraged to sign up for the FFA Booster Club email distribution list by clicking HERE. (Please note, the James Madison FFA Booster Club does NOT share contact information and will communicate with its members only in regards to matters pertaining to the James Madison FFA Booster Club, the James Madison FFA Chapter, and the Agriscience Magnet Program.)
Get Connected
The primary communication tool used by the Agriscience Magnet Program and NEISD is using email and information posted on the AMP website (www.JamesMadisonFFA.com). It is essential that families and students stay informed. Here are some reminders that will help you in your effort to stay informed:
- Make sure you have access to Skyward Family Access.
- Verify that you have a VALID email address and phone number entered in your parent and student contact information in Skyward Family Access.
- Monitor student grades using Skyward Family Access. You can also set alerts in Skyward Family Access to notify you if grades drop below a specific threshold that you determine.
- An email will be sent weekly on Sunday at 12:00 noon notifying you that the weekly AMP Happenings has been posted to our website. You can bookmark this page directly by going to: https://agrisciencemagnetprogram.weebly.com/amp-happenings. The AMP Happenings will have timely information about upcoming events, deadlines, counseling updates, FFA opportunities, scholarship applications, and many other important announcements.
- Familiarize yourself with the AMP website which includes information about the AMP staff, courses, FFA opportunities, Booster Club events, etc. The website is JamesMadisonFFA.com.
- Information and updates will be posted on our social media channels, so make sure you follow us on the following platforms to receive notifications:
Facebook (facebook.com/MadisonFFA),
Instagram (www.instagram.com/jamesmadisonffa)
AMP Office Hours
AMP Commons for Lunch
Stay Connected with Us!
YouTube (Agriscience Magnet Program),
Facebook (www.facebook.com/MadisonFFA),
and on Instagram (www.instagram.com/jamesmadisonffa)
Email: dstewa1@neisd.net
Website: www.JamesMadisonFFA.com
Location: 5005 Stahl Road, San Antonio, TX, USA
Phone: (210) 356-1517