Grant Line Buzz
November 1 - November 8, 2024
A Note From Mrs. Satkoski......
Thank you to all families who volunteered and donated to our Fall Parties and Book Fair! Our students had such a GREAT TIME! Our Grant Line family is AMAZING!
Upcoming Events
November 4 - 1st Grade Field Trip to the Zoo
November 5 - No School (Election Day/Teacher PD)
November 8 - Wear your Favorite Color Day!
November 11 - Veteran's Day Program - 1:00 pm - Please enter and exit through doors 6/7 (gym)
November 22 - Look Out for the Left Out Slime Assembly + Grant Line Spirit Day OR Look out for the left out gear
November 27- December 1 - Thanksgiving Break, no school
Background Checks
If you'd like to volunteer for a field trip or to help in a classroom, please fill out this form. This is much easier than the paper form!
School Commitment of the Week
Fun and expectations go together! Have fun, but be safe.
Counselor's Corner
GLE is helping the Salvation Army collect canned and boxed food items. There will be two boxes in the office. Students and their families can bring in food items now until November 22, 2024. Please do not bring in or donate food in glass containers.
Thanks in advance for your generosity,
Lisa McCory, Counselor