Updated Information
School Year ending June 11
Updated Information
Have a great summer!
Mrs Paliani will be leaving us next year, we will miss her greatly!
Mrs Oppel is retiring, we wish her nothing but the best!
See you in August-Mrs Weber
If you know you are moving over the summer, please let us know and we can send a withdrawal slip home with your child
Teacher Assignments
Classroom and teacher assignments will come out in late August prior to the start of the new school year
Summer Reading and Math
Summer Hours
The main office will be closed beginning June 19 and will reopen on August 12th. I will be away from June 19-July 22 and will return all emails when I return.
Summer Playground Camp at ESS--June 24-August 2
Imagineering Supplies
Recyclables for Imagineering Time-there is a new initiative next year which students will be incorporating project based learning activities into their everyday schedule
Please consider rinsing out and saving the following items for students to use during Imagineering time:
Clean plastic containers and/or lids (cool whip, yogurt, etc)
Egg cartons
Fruit containers
Paper scraps (tissue paper, wrapping paper)
Paper towel rolls
Rolls of tape
Twist ties
Pipe cleaners
Craft items (ribbon, paper scraps, stickers, foam shapes)
Old gift bags
Scraps of clean cloth/fabric
Popsicle sticks
Empty Tissue boxes
Plastic water bottles
Plastic bottle caps
Toilet paper rolls
Clean Take out containers & lids
Cardboard boxes
Fabric pieces
Plastic cutlery
Paper plates
Drinking straws (various sizes/shapes)
Plastic pipes/tubing
Plastic/paper cups
Cable zip ties
Pie tin pans
Bubble wrap
Packing peanuts
Milk cartons, styrofoam/cardboard lunch trays & fruit cups (from the cafeteria)
Gently used Legos, blocks, toys
2024-2025 School Calendar
Budget Update
There will a BOE budget workshop meeting on June 11th at 6:30-there is no public speaking portion.
The June BOE Meeting has been moved to June 19th at 6:00
Follow me on Instagram
Important Links
- Please be sure you have read and have familiarized yourself with all the rules/expectations at ESS-especially about morning arrival and afternoon dismissal https://www.smore.com/app/pages/preview/mh5j6
- Link to our school website which contains lots of information-http://elizabethshelton.sheltonpublicschools.org/home_page