New Albany Intermediate School
Family Update- May 15, 2024
Dear Intermediate Families,
In this final Family Newsletter of the 2023-2024 school year, I want to share deep gratitude for all of our families and your partnership throughout this school year. Thank you for sharing your amazing children with us every day! It is a joy to walk through the building and witness students working diligently on their writing skills, finding potential pathways to solve a tricky Math problem, developing hypotheses during a lab in Science or working on a masterpiece in Art. There are so many "Ah ha!" moments throughout NAIS and I'm so very proud of our students and teachers for their focused, caring and diligent work this year.
Thank you for all you do as parents and care givers of our students! Offering engaging and meaningful experiences, like Field Day, BizTown and Entrepreneur Day, could not happen without the support of parent volunteers. Whether you are planning on running a station during Field Day, have helped support a teacher with a classroom activity by sending in materials or came to one of our evening events, like Eagles Inspired, thank you! Our NAIS families truly are the best and we cannot help our students learn and grow without your continued support. We appreciate all you do as parents that helps us at school.
A final thank you to our fantastic NAIS PTO! This organization does so much for our school. They reduced the cost of fields trips for all students this year by covering a portion of each experience for every student. They showered our teachers and staff with appreciation last week during Staff Appreciation week. They helped plan and support our Fall Festivals so students can enjoy this fun-filled afternoon. I could certainly fill this entire newsletter with all of the ways they directly support our teachers, students and families. Thank you NAIS PTO and the PTO Board for your immense support this year!
I hope this summer, you find time for rest, relaxation and time together with your family. Please reach out to me directly if you need anything over the summer months as you prepare for the 2024-2025 school year.
Thank you for a great year!
Megan Ballinger
Intermediate School Principal
Important Updates
6th Grade Field Day & Celebration Postponed to May 20th
6th Grade Field Day and the 6th Grade Celebration will be postponed to Monday the 20th due to weather forecasts that show the potential for morning rain and afternoon thunderstorms. The time for each event will remain the same, with Field Day running from 9:30 - 11:30 and 6th Grade Celebration running from 11:30 - 1:30. Students will have "Lunch on the Lawn" in the MS Football stadium from 11:30 - 12:00 and then have the final time to enjoy a DJ, tye-dye and other outdoor games.
We are hopeful parents who have volunteered are still able to attend and if Monday the 20th works better for your schedule and you have not yet signed up to volunteer, here is the link to the sign-up for parents. We welcome volunteers for both Field Day and the celebration.
Incoming 4th Grade Tours
We would like to invite families of incoming fourth grade students into the building to see some special areas of the school. The Intermediate School will host tours on Thursday, May 16th. If you would like to be guided through the building by a staff member, please arrive promptly at 5:30 pm or 6:00 pm as tour groups will begin at those times. Families will also have the opportunity for a self-guided tour and can arrive anytime between 5:30 - 6:30 to explore the building using our self-guided option.
Field Day Reminders & Rain Dates
We are hopeful the weather will cooperate this week and next for our end-of-year events. Please note the planned rain dates for each event if you have signed up to volunteer. There is still a chance to sign up so please follow this link for sign-ups by grade level.
Fourth Grade: May 21st 9:00 - 11:00 (Rain Date May 22nd, same times)
Fifth Grade: May 21st 12:00 - 2:00 (Rain Date May 22nd, same times)
Sixth Grade: May 20th 9:30 - 11:30 & Sixth Grade Celebration May 20th 11:30 -1:30 (We are using the Rain Date)
Summer Reading for 6th Grade Students (Rising 7th Graders)
Parents of rising 7th grade students, please click here to learn about the summer reading requirements for your child as they move onto NAMS.
Lost & Found
Our Lost & Found is overflowing! Please have your child check this area for missing lunch boxes, coats, umbrellas and water bottles. The Lost & Found will be available to browse thorough for lost items through May 24, 2024.
Yearbooks Available in Main Office
We have a limited number of yearbooks available on a first come first serve basis in the NAIS Main Office. Payment is $18.00 in the form of a check or money order made out to NAPLS. We cannot make change for cash.
Upcoming Dates
May 15 - 4th Entrepreneur Day 1
May 16 - 4th Entrepreneur Day 2 & Incoming 4th Grade Tours 5:30 - 6:30
May 20- 6th Field Day (9:30-11:30), 6th Grade Celebration 11:30-1:30 & 6th Grade Choir Concert @ 6:30 pm
May 21 - 4th & 5th Field Day (4th Grade 9:00-11:00, 5th Grade 12:00-2:00)
May 22 - RISE Assembly & 4th/5th Grade Field Day Rain Date & 6th Grade Sidewalk Sendoff 4:00 pm- 7:00 am the next morning
May 23 - Student Last Day
PTO Update
PTO News
Dear NAIS Families,
As the school year comes to a close, we want to thank the entire school community for your support this year! We are so thankful for all your volunteer efforts, donation contributions, and your teamwork! What an amazing community we have here in New Albany.
If you can believe it, we are already preparing for next year! Take the stress out of school supply shopping and support the PTO at the same time by purchasing your school supplies HERE! In one simple click, your back-to-school shopping is complete and is shipped directly to you!
We hope our teachers felt the love last week during Teacher Appreciation Week! Thank you AGAIN to our Platinum Sponsors, Ackermann Team, for sponsorship of this week.
Field Days are coming up! We would love to have your help as a volunteer. Sign up HERE! Please note, current background checks are needed for ALL volunteers. Please email Donna Mercurio (mercurio.1@napls.us) if you need to verify the status of your background check. All volunteers with an up-to-date background check are welcome. If the signup fills, please email us at: naispto@napls.us to add your name.
Thanks to all who participated in our first ever GOLF CART RAFFLE! The winner was drawn on Monday at noon. Congrats to the Osborn Family!
There is still time to support our PTO by becoming a PTO member!
If you have any ideas on how to make our fantastic school even better, please let us know! Email us at: naispto@napls.us.
Lauren Bar-Lev
NAIS PTO President
2023-2024 NAIS PTO Board
President: Lauren Bar-Lev
President-Elect: Mara Ziminski
Treasurer: Siobhan Twomey
Secretary: Jenn Fuller
Communications: Alli Lish and Kiki Piletz
Fundraising: Andrea Wiltrout and Sarah Aklilu
Membership: Courtney Bloech
Programming: Eriq Rory
Hospitality: Sarah McFadden and Amy Wenker
President: Mara Ziminski
President Elect : Alix Hoekzema
Treasurer: Siobhan Twomey
Secretary: Andrea Wiltrout
VP Programming : Brooke Keaton and Elizabeth Buck
Fundraising: Sarah Aklilu
VP Hospitality : Leanne Mohler and Erin Howard
VP Membership: Missy Matusicky
VP Communications Katie Yun and Kiki Piletz
Additional Information
The Intermediate School website has information about our daily schedule, drop off and pick up procedures, school supply lists, and much more. Please click here to visit the page. For information concerning transportation services, click here.
Do not hesitate to call the Intermediate school (614-741-3000) with any questions you may have. Have a wonderful week!
Megan Ballinger, Building Principal
Jaime Slane, Assistant Principal
Mike King, Assistant Principal
Our Purpose
The New Albany-Plain Local School District is committed to creating a culture of accountability that achieves the best academic and developmental outcomes for each student.
New Albany Intermediate School
Email: news@napls.us
Website: www.napls.us/intermediate
Location: 177 North High Street, New Albany, OH, USA
Phone: 614-741-3000
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NewAlbanyIntermediate/
Twitter: @napls_is