A Community School
End of the First Quarter!
The 1st marking quarter ended on October 31st. The end of the quarter is a good time to reflect on what went well and areas for improvement. Talk with your child to create goals for what is a good practice to continue in quarter 2 and something to work on improving throughout the remainder of the school year.
Parents, make sure you have created a Schoology and FOCUS account so that you have the most up-to-date information about your child's learning progress! See below for how to create Schoology and FOCUS accounts. The end of the quarter is also a good time to make sure that your most current contact information is on file in the office. If you have moved or changed your phone number or email address, call the front office at 443-809-1710 to complete the necessary steps to update your information. You can also update this information online using your parent/guardian FOCUS account! This is the best way to stay connected with what is happening at school and for us to contact you when necessary.
**Select the translate button at the top for other languages.**
**Seleccione el botón de traducción en la parte superior para otros idiomas.**
November Important Dates
- Friday, November 1st- Magnet School Applications due no later than 1:00 p.m.
- Friday, November 1st- Schools Closed for students for Diwali, Caliday Open
- Tuesday, November 5th- Schools Closed for Election Day, NO Caliday
- Tuesday, November 12th- Dress up like your favorite storybook character- see below
- Tuesday, November 12th- Literacy Night at the Owings Mills Branch of the Public Library- see details below
- Thursday, November 14th- Report Cards available to view on FOCUS (see below for how to make a parent FOCUS account)
- Monday, November 18- PreK Conference Day **No School for PreK students only**
- Tuesday, November 19- Elementary Conference Day **No School for elementary students**
- Wednesday, November 27- Half day for students, schools, and offices. OMES will dismiss at 12:45 p.m. NO Caliday afternoon care.
- Thursday, November 28 and Friday, November 29- Schools Closed for Thanksgiving. NO Caliday.
December Important Dates
- Tuesday, December 10- Vocal Music concert for Kindergarten (starts at 5:30) and First Grade (starts at 6:30)- see below for more details
- Friday, December 20- half day for students, schools, and offices. OMES will dismiss at 12:45 p.m. NO Caliday afternoon care.
- Monday, December 23 through Wednesday, January 1- Schools Closed for Winter Break **schools reopen on Thursday, January 2nd
Dress Like Your Favorite Storybook Character for Literacy Night at the Owings Mills Public Library
Come to school dressed up as your favorite storybook character, then join us for Literacy Night at the Owings Mills Public Library! Come out to the Owings Mills Public Library on Tuesday, November 12th from 5:30-7:00 p.m.. The Owings Mills Public Library is located at 10302 Grand Central Ave. Your students will listen to guest readers, sign up for a free library card, check out books, and take home a new free book to keep! A RSVP was already sent home. Please send it back as soon as possible if you plan to attend. We look forward to seeing you there! Happy reading!
Music Concert Save the Dates!
Join us for an evening of music as OMES presents in concert:
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
5:45 pm- Kindergarten Vocal Concert
6:45 pm- 1st Grade Vocal Concert
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
5:45 pm- 2nd grade Vocal Concert
6:45 pm- 3rd Grade Vocal Concert
Tuesday, May 20, 2025
5:45 pm- 4th Grade Vocal Concert
6:45 pm- 5th Grade Instrumental Concert
More information and an RSVP slip will be sent home closer to each of the concert dates. We hope to see you there!
OMES Music Teachers
Ms. Mountcastle, vocal music (k-2nd, 4th, 5th), emountcastle@bcps.org
Mrs. Scheetz, instrumental and vocal music (3rd), cscheetz2@bcps.org
Bus Etiquette
Owings Mills Elementary School Bus Rider Families,
We have had an increase in incidents happening on buses in the month of October. Please see below for an important reminder of bus expectations as well as consequences that can result from students not following these expectations.
Bus behavior expectations are important and are outlined in the BCPS handbook. When students follow these expectations, it helps to ensure a safe environment on the school bus for all students.
Please review these with your students so they will understand that the school bus is an extension of the classroom and the behavioral expectations in the classroom also apply to school buses.
- Follow driver instructions the first time.
- Stay seated in your assigned seat at all times.
- Keep aisle, windows, and emergency exits clear.
- Use an inside voice at all times (Level 1-2).
- Keep body parts/objects to yourself.
- Treat others with respect at all times.
- No inappropriate use of technology devices.
- No photos, videos, or laser pointers allowed.
- No profanity or rude behavior.
- No tobacco products or illegal substances.
- No eating/drinking and keep the bus clean.
Violations of the rules above may result in the following consequences:
- Warning
- Parent phone call
- Assigned seat on the bus
- Bus suspension
- Bus expulsion
BCPS Bus Locator App for Families
BCPS is pleased to announce the countywide implementation of BusWhere, a location-tracking software that allows subscribers to see bus locations in real time on a mobile phone or computer. Via the BusWhere app, subscribers may receive notifications as the bus approaches a designated bus stop or if there are significant delays.
For more information, check out the BusWhere information sheet- BusWhere information.pdf. If you have additional questions please get in touch with the BCPS Office of Transportation at 443-809-4321 or utilize the BusWhere Assistance Request Form- https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=3cPDSRs_g0GOdLONSDpa_bVjgy6GIuVGmGJmus4Mp_NUNllMSjRYWExBNVlQSEUwRFZFNlcyWExBRyQlQCN0PWcu
Attendance Matters- OMES SOARS to 94
Data from October
Attendance Rate for all students- 93.27%
PreK- 90.13%
Kindergarten- 93.62%
1st grade- 93.76%
2nd grade- 91.54%
3rd grade- 94.52%
4th grade- 94.22%
5th grade- 95.09%
OMES Attendance Incentive
Our attendance rate for the month of October was 93.27%! The grade with the best attendance rate was 5th grade! They will enjoy a popsicle treat and have pajama day on Friday, November 8th.
Families thank you for being such a big part of ensuring that your students are in school each day. Please keep it up!
We had a close race for the class that had the best attendance rate for quarter 1. In third place was Ms. Smeltzer with an attendance rate of 95.26%. In second place was Ms. Taylor with an attendance rate of 96.62%. In first place the class with the best attendance rate was Ms. Diener with an attendance rate of 96.69%! Congratulations to Ms. Diener's class. They will win a popcorn and movie treat.
Touchdown! Will your child SOAR to 94?
We have a new attendance incentive that will run for the entire second quarter. Each class is working to score a touchdown. Classes with 100% attendance will move 10 yards down the football field. Classes with 94% or better attendance will move 5 yards down the football field.
For the first 2 touchdowns a class scores, you will earn a small prize. If your class scores a third touchdown during the quarter, your class will earn a pizza party!!!
Create a Parent FOCUS Account
Creating a parent FOCUS account is a great way to stay connected to what your child is doing in school. You can monitor your child's grades and attendance throughout the year. Click the link to create your account- https://baltimore.focusschoolsoftware.com/focus/auth/
Create a Parent Schoology Account
Creating a parent Schoology account is a great way to see what your child is doing in school. Follow the directions to create your account today!
English- Creating a Parent Account in Schoology.pdf
Spanish- Creating a Parent Account in Schoology- Spanish.pdf
Curriculum Resources
Math Matters!
We have officially wrapped up Quarter 1! Please take a moment to check the Focus Parent Portal for your child's math achievements.
In November, students will be diving into Unit 3, exploring new concepts and skills. Don't forget to check out the Bridges Parent Newsletters for details on what your students will be learning!
Parent/Guardian Corner: Tips for Supporting Math Learning at Home
Ask Open-Ended Questions: Encourage your child to explain their thought process. Questions like "How did you arrive at that answer? " or "Can you show me another way to solve this?" promote deeper understanding.
Click this link for grade level specific math newsletters- November
ELA News
This month, all grades will be working on Module 3. Check out your child's specific grade level newsletter to explore what topics they will be reading about, what skills they will be learning, and what will inspire their writing. Have conversations with them related to the topics they are learning in reading to build background and make connections to their lives. Be sure to check Schoology weekly to support your child's learning!
Click this link for grade level specific ELA newsletters- November
CCBC Family Literacy ESOL Program
CCBC is offering ESOL Family Literacy Classes. These classes help in gaining English language skills. The classes start in January and go through March. One of the classes is offered at OMES on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00 pm - 9:15 pm. You must register for the class. The closest location to register is on Thursday, December 5th at 5 pm at CCBC Owings Mills on the 6th floor. CCBC is located with the Owings Mills Public Library which is located at 10300 Grand Central Ave in Owings Mills. See flyer for more information.
Students Need Headphones with a Microphone!
Please make you to send in a pair of headphones with a microphone for your child to use at school with their computer. Our independent reading program, AMIRA, requires students to be able to listen to their device and speak into their device. Using headphones with a microphone allows AMIRA to accurately evaluate and help your child with reading. See the flyer for more information about AMIRA.
Cafeteria Corner
If students bring in money to purchase snacks and change is due to the student, it will be added to their lunch account. Please contact Marvin Young, cafeteria manager, at myoung11@bcps.org or by calling the main office at 443-809-1710.
PTO Corner
PTO Membership Drive Extended
There is still time to join the PTO. The membership drive has been extended until Friday, November 15th. The class with the highest number of PTO members will win an ice cream party.
Why join the PTO?
Joining the PTO helps to fund different activities for your child. They just sponsored Trunk or Treat for our families on October 30th and it was a blast! Last year in addition to Trunk or Treat the PTO provided students with a science assembly, held the talent show, and organized the Holiday Shop for students. They want to do all that again this year and more but they need you support to make those things happen for OMES students. By joining the PTO there is no obligation to volunteer.
Scan the QR code on the flyer (English- PTO- membership drive.pdf Spanish- PTO- membership drive Spanish.pdf or join by clicking this link- https://omespto.cheddarup.com
English- PTO- why join PTO.pdf
Spanish- PTO- why join PTO Spanish.pdf
Questions email the PTO- owingsmillspto@gmail.com
OMES Community School Corner
Parent Workshops
OMES is looking to host some parent workshops. Please complete the survey to let us know the best day and time of day to hold parent workshops.
OMES Club Updates
Owls First Game Club
Students in fourth and fifth grade have been learning many different outside games that can be played from Mr. John, a volunteer from St. Thomas Church. Students also enjoy that there are several students from Owings Mills High School that are assisting Mr. John. It has been great seeing former OMES students coming back to help at the Owls First Game Club.
Owls First Math Club
Students in third grade have been learning about adding and subtracting 2 and 3 digit numbers with regrouping using the place value strategy. Students have been receiving individualized instruction that is customized to their specific needs from the volunteers from St. Thomas Church.
Kindness Club
In Kindness Club, students have written letters to thank our local firefighters for their service to the community. Also, students have helped stock the shelves and participated in our first two monthly food distributions. Currently, Kindness Club is preparing for our Hat, Mitten, Scarf Drive which will run from Tuesday, November 4th through Friday, December 6th. Any donated hats, mittens, and scarves can be placed in the boxes outside the front lobby or by the gym doors. Please reach out to Rachel Mills, rmills@bcps.org, if you have any questions about donating to this drive.
Nurse's Corner
Extra Clothes
Does your child have an extra pair of clothes in his/her locker? All students should have an extra set of clothes that are stored in their locker in case of an emergency, accident, spill, or fall at recess. As the season is changing, now is a good time to update your child's extra clothing that is in his/her locker.
Health Eating During the Holiday Season
During the busy holiday season it is easy to fall into unhealthy eating patterns. Check out the flyers for more information and tips about healthy eating during the holiday season.
English flyer on Healthy Eating- Wellness Committee - Healthy holiday tips.pdf
Spanish flyer on Healthy Eating- Wellness Committee - Healthy holiday tips- Spanish.pdf
BCPS Health Guidelines:
Students and staff who develop a respiratory infection (e.g., fever with cough, sore throat, and/or runny nose) should stay home until the fever is gone for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication and their symptoms are improving.
Health officials recommend that people with respiratory infections consult with their health care provider. Testing for COVID-19 and/or influenza is recommended for persons who are at higher risk for severe disease who might benefit from antiviral treatment and for those who have anticipated close contact for persons at higher risk for severe disease.
Persons returning to school and work after a respiratory infection are encouraged to use additional prevention strategies such as maintaining physical distance from others and wearing a mask for five (5) days.
BCPS When to Stay Home (English): When to Stay Home - Baltimore County Public Schools (bcps.org)
BCPS When to Stay Home (Spanish): HERE IS A GUIDE TO HELP YOU DECIDE WHEN TO KEEP A CHILD HOME FROM SCHOOL_Spanish.pdf (sharpschool.com)
There has been an uptick in cases of pneumonia and pertussis this fall. As we head into the cold, flu, and COVID season, the Baltimore County Department of Health has prepared the attached infographic about the different respiratory illnesses that have been, or likely will be, affecting children and families this year.
OMES Food Distribution
Time: 4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Where: Community School Cottage (pull to the end of the parking lot to the Community School Cottage)
**Don't forget your reusable bags**
Library Corner
Students are read aloud to each week during their library class. Talk to your child about the book they listened to in library. Students may be reading My Weird School books, Zeek Meeks, The Wild Robot or several other books.
Visit the Owings Mills Branch of the BCPL with your family. OMES students may check out five books at the public library. The library is located at 10302 Grand Central Ave, Owings Mills, MD 21117 near Costco, AMC Movies and CCBC.
Kindergarten students began checking out books in October. Parents, your child is excited to have you read their book to them! Please return books according to this schedule (see schedule below): Mrs. Knicely on Monday; Mrs. Ridgley on Tuesday; Ms. Krivak on Wednesday; Ms. Pirkl on Thursday; and Mrs. Taylor on Friday.
Please see the schedule below for when your child should return their library books.
Partner Spotlight
The Owings Mills Branch of the Public Library supports our students in many ways. This past summer during our summer learning program students learned about Juneteenth and the Olympics when the library visited with different classes. This month they are providing the space for our Literacy Night. The library provides many resources and books for everyone in your family. Make sure to stop by the Owings Mills Branch of the Baltimore County Public Library which is located at 10302 Grand Central Ave.
November Virtue of the Month
Each month our school will focus on a virtue throughout the month. Students will learn about the virtue during their class morning meetings. One day during the month students will participate in the monthly Family Reunion that will also focus on the virtue.
The virtue for November is thankfulness. Thankfulness means expressing gratitude and relief.
Talk with your child about how he/she can exhibit thankfulness in school, at home, with the environment, and in the community. This link provides different resources to incorporate thankfulness at home- November virtue.pdf. Parents may email any pictures of their child showing thankfulness to Rachel Mills, Community School Facilitator, at rmills@bcps.org.
The following students were nominated for Student Ambassador for the month of October
Ms. Cimildora- Kyren R.
Ms. Danilin- Eden O.
Ms. Knicely- Juan P.
Ms. Krivak- Micaiah W.
Ms. Pirkl- Christian V.
Ms. Ridgley- Celeste O.
Ms. Taylor- Diekolola M.
Ms. Collier- Derek R.
Ms. McCallister-Wynter J.
Ms. Saylor- David A.
Ms. Simmonds- Damir I.
Ms. Smith- Alianna G.
Ms. Bodoin- Misheh B.
Ms. Farmer- Eliana A.
Mr. Nave- Serenity R.
Ms. Price- Johan R.
Ms. Robinson- Simone S.
Ms. Smeltzer- Amira D.
Ms. Miller- Kysha M.
Ms. Diener- Janiya C.
Ms. Powell- Nichol E.
Mr. Krivak- Fatima C.
Ms. Clark- Richard S.
Ms. DeBord- Jacob R.
Ms. Dewel- Lia B.
Ms. Dixon- Sikemi A.
Mr. Fowler- Hailee J.
Ms. Gibson- London R.
Ms. Anthony- King S.
Mr. Lipo- Natasha S.
October School Wide Student Ambassador
Johan is a great helper in the classroom. He is always picking up trash and loves to help pick up anything his classmates drop. He is always willing to help clean a spill or sweep up the floor. He likes to keep his area and book bin nice and clean so he can find what he needs! Way to go Johan!
October School Wide Student Ambassador
Fatima is a great role model for the virtue of cleanliness! Fatima does an excellent job of keeping her desk and work area organized and tidy. She consistently looks to help her tablemates keep their area clean by sweeping up crumbs from breakfast or even helping clean up spills around the classroom! Way to go Fatima!
Counselor's Corner
On Thursday, October 31st, students participated in their 1st Family Reunion as a grade level. Class colors were revealed. See below for your child's class color
Red class families:
preK- Ms. Danilin
kindergarten- Ms. Krivak
1st grade- Ms. Smith
2nd grade- Mr. Nave
3rd grade- Ms. Diener
4th grade- Ms. DeBord
5th grade- Mr. Fowler
Blue class families:
preK- Ms. Cimildora
kindergarten- Ms. Taylor
1st grade- Ms. McCallister
2nd grade- Ms. Robinson
3rd grade- Ms. Miller
4th grade- Ms. Dewel
5th grade- Ms. Gibson
Green class families:
kindergarten- Ms. Knicely
1st grade- Ms. Saylor
2nd grade- Ms. Bodoin
3rd grade- Mr. Krivak
4th grade- Ms. Clark
5th grade- Mr. Lipo
Purple class families:
kindergarten- Ms. Ridgley
1st grade- Ms. Collier
2nd grade- Ms. Price
3rd grade- Ms. Powell
4th grade- Ms. Dixon
5th grade- Ms. Anthony
Yellow class families:
kindergarten- Ms. Pirkl
1st grade- Ms. Simmonds
2nd grade- Ms. Farmer
3rd grade- Ms. Smeltzer
5th grade- Ms. Berry
BCPS Online Learning Program Application for 2025-2026 School Year
The BCPS Online Learning Program (OLP) provides a fulltime online educational environment for students in Grades 4-12. The program offers a full day of synchronous instruction taught by certified BCPS teachers. The OLP offers courses that fulfill Baltimore County Public Schools’ requirements for promotion and graduation. Any student that is eligible to attend a Baltimore County Public School may apply. Students must be entering Grades 4-12 for the year of application. The application window opens at 1 p.m. on Friday, November 8, 2024, and closes at 1 p.m. on Friday, December 13, 2024. The application will be available online at www.bcps.org – search “online learning program.” Families are encouraged to access the brochure for more information.
BCPS Online Learning Program- ENGLISH
BCPS Online Learning Program- SPANISH
Stay Connected- Talking Points
1. Download the Talking Points App
2. Click on Settings
3. Click Personal Information
4. Select the language you would like
Volunteer Training
If you would like to volunteer or attend a field trip, you must complete the BCPS Volunteer Training.
Step 1: Complete a BCPS Volunteer Application- https://cdnsm5-ss3.sharpschool.com/UserFiles/Servers/Server_9046799/File/Updated%20Documents/Application%20for%20Volunteer%20Services%20ADA.pdf or get a paper copy from the school.
Step 2: Complete the Online Volunteer Orientation- https://bcpsvolunteers-md.safeschools.com/register/0c626573
Step 3: All Volunteer Applications and Certificate from the online training must be given to Rachel Mills or emailed to rmills@bcps.org.
For more information- https://www.bcps.org/cos/communications/FACE/b_c_p_s_volunteers
Community Resources
Community Crisis Center- www.communitycrisiscenterinc.org
725 Main Street Reisterstown
Drive thru distributions: Monday 5:00-7:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 - 11:00 AM
Serving zip codes: 21048, 21071, 21074, 21155, 21117, 21136, 21784 You will be required to provide ID and proof of address
BCPS Parent University- https://www.bcps.org/cos/communications/FACE/parent_university
Resource website from Towson University for teachers and families of Multilingual Learners- https://wp.towson.edu/tesol/
Need a car seat?
MileOne Autogroup has a community car seat program where they give car seats out to families each month. Visit the Owings Mills Toyota to pick up a car seat. For more information check out their flyer- English- MileOne Cares- information about car seats.pdf
Spanish- MileOne Cares- information about car seats Spanish.pdf