Schroeder High School Clubs
Extra-Curricular Activities & Club Offerings 2024-2025

Animation Club
Mrs. Sturdivant
Best Buddies
Best Buddies is a nonprofit organization dedicated to establishing a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment, leadership development, and inclusive living for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Through the simple act of making friends, supporting work placement and integration, leadership trainings, and inclusive living, Best Buddies is the world’s only nonprofit committed to eradicating the social isolation of people with disabilities through programs that engage and include individuals with disabilities and their peers. Best Buddies Schroeder provides you with the opportunity to include someone, be included yourself, and create a friendship for life!
Black & Brown Student Union
Chess Club
This is a club for those that are avid players or beginners. There are inter and intraschool competitions. The Chess Club meets each Thursday at 3:30 pm.
Class of 2025
Advisor(s): Mrs. Goodsell & Mrs. Ostrander
Class of 2026
Class of 2027
Class of 2028
Computer Science Club
Computer Science League is a club that introduces students to topics in computer science that are not covered in classes, as well as provide a variety of competitions. We compete in the four American Computer Science League (ACSL) competitions as well as high school programming competitions held at Cornell University and Lockheed Martin (Owego location.) Club members also participate in other opportunities that arise, based on club member interest.
Mr. Peck & Mrs. Petzing
Demonstrating Real Equity For All Mankind (D.R.E.A.M.) is a diversity club at Schroeder with the goal of bringing awareness to our school community about social issues such as racism, discrimination, and prejudice. We seek to embrace our differences, and build acceptance and inclusiveness for all. The group meets monthly to have open forums, to explore our commonalities, and to plan school-wide activities that bring awareness while celebrating the unique social and cultural differences in Webster's community. Our goal is to also team-up with other schools' diversity groups and attend ROC2Change, a Rochester-wide teen summit on racism. Our slogan, "Everyone needs a place and this place is for everyone.", embodies our open-minded and open-arms approach.
Dungeons & Dragons
E-Sports League
Future Business Leaders of America
Meetings are held once a month after school. Members will decide on what community projects they wish to do and plan some FBLA sponsored social activities. District competitions will be held in January to compete for awards in various business subject areas. Webster Schroeder High School will be participating in a State conference held during 3 school days in April. Active FBLA members in good standing will be given the opportunity to attend this conference.
Future Educators of America
FEA is a club for anyone who is considering a future career in teaching and related vocations. We meet monthly to plan activities such as an annual Halloween Event for the children of Schroeder Staff and a Teacher Appreciation activity. We also host shadowing experiences, guest speakers, volunteer opportunities and college information. Listen to the morning show for the date of our first meeting.
Green Club
International Language Club
The three language clubs merged into one club for French, German and Spanish. This club is for students interested in continuing their language skills and participating in a variety of cultural activities outside of the classroom. All students are welcome!!
Key Club
The Key Club is a community service club sponsored by the Webster Kiwanis Club. Key Club’s objective is the development of initiative, leadership ability, and good citizenship practices. Key Club is different because it functions not only on the local level, but also on a district and international level. This highly developed structure provides programs, literature, and the opportunity to relate to teenagers from countries all around the world. Key Club is the largest service organization of its kind with over 140,000 members in approximately 4,000 clubs. There is a state convention in March every year and an international convention in July. Some of the activities include: Leadership Training Day, Red Ribbon Week, haunted hay ride, Christmas party for handicapped youth, Daffodil sale for the American Cancer Society, AIDS walk, Juvenile Diabetes walk, and volunteer at Kiwanis spaghetti dinners.
Library Club
Mrs. Strege
Library Club is a student leadership opportunity for influencing, promoting, and participating in activities in the hub of the building. It is perfect for students pursuing public relations, event planning, teaching careers, technical careers, social justice initiatives, or just a love of books.
Students can take on different roles including:
Serving on the Library Advisory Board
Planning STEM and STEAM activities for our Makerspace
Determining priorities for book and media orders
Creating book trailers and other promotional media
Creating book and art displays in the library
Making recommendations for the library space
Planning for library events and speakers
Curating resources for staff and student use
Meeting for book discussions
Participating in community reading events
Attending the Rochester Teen Book Festival (May)
Link Crew
Mr. Barilla, Mr. Eckler, Mrs. Rotoli & Mr. Peck
Link Crew is a high school transition program that welcomes freshmen and makes them feel comfortable throughout the first year of their high school experience. Built on the belief that students can help students succeed, we train mentors from Webster Schroeder's junior and senior classes to be Link Crew Leaders. As positive role models, Link Crew Leaders are mentors and student leaders who guide the freshmen to discover what it takes to be successful during the transition to high school and help facilitate freshman success. The program is yearlong transition program with four components that contribute to its success: High School Orientation; Academic Follow Ups; Social Follow Ups; and Leader Initiated Contacts. 4-5 sophomores may be recruited as the Assistance-Team to help prepare for orientation and support the coordinators with logistics.
Marching Band
Members of the Marching Band apply a musical background with marching and maneuvering techniques. Experiences include parades throughout the late spring and early summer, home football half-time shows and field show competitions in the fall. Positions in the Marching Band are available for musicians, color guard and equipment carriers. Auditions for musicians and color guard are held in the spring. Musicians are required to be enrolled in a credit-bearing band or orchestra. Membership provides the student an experience of teamwork and commitment while enjoying fellowship with members of other bands they encounter on the competitive field.
MasterMinds is a club for students who love trivia and team competition! There are six meets that Webster participates in from late October to mid-March. The high school compiling the best record in these meets advances to the quarterfinal and then the final round. Competition is fast, furious, and fun! Please note that in addition to meets, the club meets approximately once every two weeks to compete against each other.
You do not have to be an expert in all areas to join! Every one of us has an area of strength: sports, video games, literature, math, mythology, history, science. music and more! YOU might have something to add that our team needs! JOIN US.
Webster Schroeder High School placed 1st in the League in 2020-2021. Come help us do it again!
Model UN
The Webster Model UN engages in a forum of debate similar to the actual UN. Each student assumes the role of a delegate from a specific country and debates resolution on international justice, atomic energy, human rights and terrorism. Competitions and conferences are held throughout Monroe County and Upstate New York.
Monroe County Math League
Monroe County Math League is a challenging academic competition for the mathematically talented student. There are five monthly competitions per year, one each month from October to February. A practice is held the week before each meet for students who plan to attend the meet. About 1,200 students from 30 schools in and near Monroe County compete in the league. Students who participate throughout the year may be invited to attend the county meet in March. Students who are named to the All-County Team participate in a State meet in April.
Mural Club
Looking for an opportunity to express your creativity? Art and Mural Club is the club to join. Art and Mural Club is an opportunity to express yourselves artistically through the creation of murals, art projects, and community projects. It’s a chance to show off your skills and give back to the school and community. You don't need to be enrolled in an art class to join, all are welcome!
Musical **SPRING**
The Musical Drama Program is a popular activity group, rich in tradition here at Webster Schroeder High School. Drawing from a wide variety of students within the school population, this group combines exciting and intense musical theater experience with a highly enjoyable and friendly atmosphere. There is a large scale musical in the 2nd semester, which features a professional mix of acting, singing and dancing (as in past hits such as “Hairspray” and “Mary Poppins”). Auditions are open to all students but participation in school choir is suggested for potential musical participants.
National Art Honor Society
National Honor Society
The Webster Schroeder High School chapter of the National Honor Society is made up of juniors and seniors who have been selected based on the criteria of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. Every junior and senior who carries an average of 90 or above is contacted through email and invited to fill out activity a candidate's form which chronicles their activities in 9-11 grades. Points are assigned for all activities in school, in the community as well as work and honors. High school faculty and staff are also asked to evaluate each student on the basis of character, service, and leadership. Points are assigned to these responses as well. The information gathered on the identified students is then forwarded to a selection committee made up of faculty from all academic areas that evaluate and make final selections for membership into the National Honor Society. Seniors have the same opportunity in November of their senior year to complete the candidate's form. Once selections have been made, each member is expected to tutor, raise funds and attend all meetings of the Webster High School chapter of the National Honor Society. Members are also required to complete 10 hours of service each year and participate in NHS sponsored service projects.
Newspaper Club
Mrs. Law
Rotary Interact Club
Rotary Interact is a community service club that subscribes to the motto: “Service above Self.” Students attend bi-monthly after school meetings and have the opportunity of participating in a wide selection of volunteer projects. Students have volunteered their time to write letters for Honor Flight, collected items for Golisano Children's Hospital, made blankets for Lollypop Farm & participated in highway cleanup with the Webster Rotary Club. They have held events for staff's children such as a Halloween trick or treat and an Easter egg hunt. Helping others through this club is a great way to feel needed, gain leadership experience and be eligible for Rotary ambassadorship and scholarships.
Dr. Exner & Ms. Reusch
The Sexuality and Gender Equity (SAGE) club is a group whose purpose is to create awareness and educate on the lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) community. We strive to create a safe learning environment for all and work to promote an openness and understanding of diversity. Anyone who supports the mission of this club is welcome to participate.
Schroeder Snow Sports
Schroeder Snow sports provides the opportunity for downhill skiers and snowboarders of all levels- beginner to expert- to hone their skills in a supportive environment. We promote safe, responsible interactions and strive to build relationships among club members and school staff. The club takes 6 trips to Bristol Mountain. The purchase of snow sports passes through Bristol Mountain includes small group lessons catered to students' level of experience.
Schroeder Theater Company
The Schroeder Theater Company is this school's premier drama program. Rich in tradition and history, the Schroeder Theater Company provides memorable opportunities for students to hit the stage performing a wide variety of shows--from dramas to comedies. Any student (grades 9-12) may audition for the school play (recent favorites include "Clue: On Stage" and "Our Place").
Science Olympiad
Since 1983, The Science Olympiad has been the principal science and engineering competition in the Unites States. Over 12,000 K-12 schools compete at the elementary, middle and high school levels.
The Science Olympiad events are designed to be hands-on experiences covering a wide variety of scientific and engineering topics. Traditional events like Bio Process Lab and The Science of Fitness test students on their knowledge through lab exercises and tests. Other events like “What Are You Trying to Tell Me” and “Write it, Do It” emphasize thinking skills and communication. There are also a half dozen engineering events that require team members to design and build a device to complete a specific task, such as a bridge built to support as much weight as possible and a device to catch a falling egg.
Show Choir
FRC Robotics (SPARX)
Mr. Schenk
SPARX Robotics FIRST Team 1126
First Robotics Team SparX is part of the international FIRST Robotics program. The team inspires students to excel in life,science / technology, and business functions also. Joining SparX (Team 1126) is like joining a High Tech Company. You can test out your business or technical career choice before you commit. On the business side you can experience jobs in Marketing/Promotions, Sales, Finance, Treasurer, Communications via Social Media, Website and Print media, Purchasing, and Travel planning / coordination. Each year we start with a new game that is simultaneously revealed to all 77,400+ teams around the world. We analyze the opportunity (game), define our strategy, and develop specifications for performance. We organize into sub teams, prototype ideas, design/build subsystems and integrate hardware, electronics, pneumatics, and software into the functioning robot; then debug issues and train the operators on our test field. We compete locally at RIT, and travel to regional competitions using the Android App we built to benchmark the competing teams so we can pick optimum alliance partners. “Gracious Professionalism” is our guiding principle. We learn and compete like crazy, but treat one another with respect and kindness in the process. We have constraints and job opportunities similar to a real high tech company:
Personnel: Selecting the best, highly motivated students for the team with preference given to freshmen and sophomores; and special skilled juniors and seniors.
Schedule: Problem (Game Reveal) to Finished Product (Robot) must be completed in 6 weeks
Investment: We have to market and promote SparX to solicit and maintain donors to generate operating funds
Budget; each function has spending budget that is tracked
Product (Robot) requirements: Cost, Weight, Size, Safety, and purchased components constraints.
What does SparX offer to students? Test out careers to see if you really like it; Develop practical Life Skills & Teamwork; “The Hardest Fun you will ever have”; and there are over 200 providers and $80 M in Scholarships available too.
Students interested in being considered for the team need to complete an application available on the team's website at www.gosparx.org and submit it in September. Meetings will start in October
For more information contact: Mr. David Schenk david_schenk@webstercsd.org
WHO: Anyone interested! Must complete an application.
SOCIAL MEDIA: We are on Facebook @ FRC Team 1126- Sparx
WEB SITE: https://sites.google.com/webstercsd.org/thomas-schenk-sparxs
ADVISOR(S): Mr. Schenk, Mrs. Milton
Speech and Debate
Ms Hamm & Mrs. Connelly
Speech and Debate Team is an academic activity that has been competing for more than 30 years locally, statewide, and nationally. Students can choose to enter in dramatic and humorous events, persuasive speaking, and debate among others. We meet Mondays for about twenty minutes and then have 20-minute practices with coaches during the week using a sign-up method. The season runs all year culminating in the national tournament Memorial Day Weekend. All competitions during the regular season take place in Rochester or Buffalo and are held on Saturday mornings. Besides building confidence and speaking skills, Webster students get to know many students from several schools. Colleges have always looked very favorably on this activity.
Spirit Club
Spirit Club
(Students Pursuing Insight Religion Inspiration & Truth)
This student led group will meet each Tuesday morning from 8:00 - 8:35 to discuss faith, spirituality, existence, our place in the world and what we can do to make it better. We will take part in service activities and provide a safe space for students to wrap their minds around life, and make sense of the crazy world we live in. Students from all backgrounds are welcome!
Student Council
The Webster Schroeder High School Student Council is made up of the elected officers of the Council, the elected officers of each class and a volunteer representative of each class. The Student Council meets twice a month on the first and third Mondays of each month. Committees formed from the Council as a whole may meet more frequently. Interested students must be a student in good standing, passing all classes (or willing to seek tutoring) and in attendance at all Council meetings.
The mission of the Student Council is to organize activities that encourage all students to become involved. It is also a goal to create a positive and encouraging atmosphere at Webster High School through these activities. Examples of past events sponsored by Student Council are: Homecoming, the Blood Drive, food and clothing drives, school dances, and many more. All are encouraged to participate in the Webster High School Student Council.
Trap Shooting Club
The Tri-M Music Honor Society is the international music honor society for middle/junior high and high school students. It is designed to recognize students for their academic and musical achievements, reward them for their accomplishments and service activities, and to inspire other students to excel at music and leadership.
Through more than 5,500 chartered chapters, Tri-M has helped thousands of young people provide years of service through music in schools throughout the world. Tri-M is a program of the National Association for Music Education.
Membership in Webster Schroeder's chapter requires current enrollment in the music department as well as an application process. Membership is open to juniors and seniors.
Update Club
The Morning Show
Ms Cooman , Mr. Gomez, Mr. DeWittehttps://www.websterschools.org/districtpage.cfm?pageid=908
The Update Club allows students to use public speaking skills to present the morning news. Participating as the anchors on the Webster Schroeder Morning Show, students spend the first part of the morning preparing for a live broadcast that is viewed daily in classrooms. Auditions are held in the Fall. Skills required: ability to read with accuracy, intonation, projection, & fluency off a teleprompter. Students must be able to get to school early enough to prepare for the show.
World Language Honor Society
Women in Stem
Women's Empowerment
Mrs. Berardo
The Reveille is a “recording” of the school’s events and population. The yearbook teaches layout, writing, photography, money management, and selling and interpersonal relationships. A strongly committed, small staff is selected each spring to create the Reveille. Jostens, the yearbook printer, runs a summer workshop. Reveille staffers enjoy a strong college recommendation as a result of their time and energy on the book.
Youth Activation Committee (YAC) for Webster Lakers Unified Basketball Team
Mrs. Bailey & Mr. Fedor
Section V, New York State Athletics and Special Olympics team up to offer this varsity sport to athletes with and without intellectual disabilities. To have a team, each school must have a Youth Activation Committee (YAC). YAC supports the team by encouraging attendance at games, making posters, fundraising, and of course, getting to know the players. The committee meets about 5 times before the start of the season, which is March. There are six games between the end of April and mid-May. Team members enjoy the games, opportunities for leadership, training conferences, and the friendships.
If interested, contact Mrs. Bailey, room E228 or Mr. Fedor, room W216 at Schroeder or at the e-mail listed above.