WES Weekly Update
December 9, 2024
Upcoming Dates
December 11 - WES Winter Concert, 7:00pm
December 17 - Student Council, 8:00am
December 20 - 12:30pm Dismissal (modified schedule for Kindergarten)
December 23-January 1 - NO SCHOOL (Winter Break)
January 7 - PTO Meeting, 6:00pm
January 8 - WES Wednesday (wear WES cares shirt or other spirit wear)
January 17 - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS (Teacher In-Service Day)
January 20 - NO SCHOOL - HOLIDAY
Message from Mr. Krall
Dear WES Families,
What a great way to head into this past weekend with a Football Friday! The Turkey Bowl was a big hit, and it was great to see all of the people involved in helping plan, run, coordinate, and supervise a very fun school event. There was so much to be proud of, including providing opportunities to be physically active with the player and cheerleaders, the artistic work of the making of the colorful and team specific banners, the sideline musicians in the pep band, and the inclusion of some exciting play by play game calling! A big THANK YOU again to the 4th grade team, the other staff helpers, and the parent volunteers who came to serve hot chocolate and cheer everyone on! This is a reminder of a typical WES event, and the teamwork that goes into making it happen, that makes our school such a special place for our students and families. What a great day! (Please see below for some photos from the big game).
Later on Friday, the school was presented by former Principal, Dr. Ellen Milgrim, and a group of 26 WES student participants from the South Media Art Club, original creative art piece puzzles. They were presented as gifts to WES, other district schools, the Plush Mills Senior Living Center, and the Helen Kate Furness Library, as activity puzzles to help destress, bring calm, work through emotions, or just to work on a challenge. We will house some puzzles in the main offices, the counselor’s office, and the library. A big thank you to Dr. Milgrim for continuing to keep the connection between SMArt and WES!
A group of philanthropic 4th graders are also collecting new or gently used clothes, shoes, blankets and winter gear. If you have anything to donate, please drop it off this week in the WES lobby. All donations will be taken to Green Drop after this week.
Lastly, we look forward to seeing our band, orchestra and chorus families on Wednesday evening for the WES Winter Concert!
Have a great week!
Mr. Stephen Krall
Acting Principal
Wallingford Elementary
Add WES to Your Holiday Card List
If your family sends a holiday card, consider adding WES to your mailing list (or drop one off in the front office). We love displaying them each year to help brighten our winter days. Happy Holidays!
Kindergarten Registration Now Open for 25-26 School Year!
Questions concerning online registration should be directed to Derrick L. Clements at dclements@wssd.org or 610-892-3470 ext. 1203. If you are unable to register online, please call the Educational Data and Registration Office at 610-892-3470 ext. 1304 to schedule an appointment to complete the registration online at the Administration Office.
Lice Alert
Lice are always in season. Please see below attachment from the nurse for basic information on lice. Please be sure to notify the school nurse if your child has lice prior to returning to school. As winter approaches, also talk to your child about NOT sharing hats. Thank you!
Important Update from WSSD Food Services
Food service is exited to announce that our website has been updated. We now have an ala carte drop down that includes all snacks for sale in the cafeteria, as well as how to set up restrictions for your students. This information can be found at https://www.wssd.org/Page/1049.
Please feel free to reach out to Kate Rittler, Director of Food and Nutrition, with any questions! krittler@wssd.org, 610-892-3470 ext. 2151 or visit the WSSD Food Services website.
Volunteering at WES
We are urging parents/guardians to complete the process for clearances if you have not already done so. Clearances are mandatory, are good for 5 years, and are kept at the district level. Volunteer clearances are required for anyone volunteering to work with our students or be present in our school; whether that is in school, on a field trip, or at an athletic event/practice, etc. Essentially, everyone who is volunteering with our students or in a school is required to obtain volunteer clearances.
You will not be permitted to volunteer without valid clearances on file with the district.
Updates from the WES PTO
Hour of Code
Last week, the Hour of Code, a national movement to highlight and prioritize coding and programming education, came to WES! Your kids had the opportunity to practice coding through fun and educational games with guidance from teachers and parent/guardian volunteers. Thank you to everyone who took the time out of their day to help make this program a huge success. The kids had a great time and got to learn a lot of coding fundamentals. If you're interested in seeing the games, or if your kids want to play them at home, they're all available on the WSSD Hour of Code website as well as on the WES PTO Website. If you have any questions about the program, the games on the website, or volunteering next year, please contact Bobby Griffin or Marisa Ciarrocki. Thank you!
Bingo Night - Register Today!
WES’ Annual Bingo Night is back! Register here!
Join us on Friday, January 24 at your choice of two sessions (6pm or 7:30pm). Mr. Fantozzi and Mrs. Gaur will continue their tradition of leading the fun! Dinner is covered, too! Order a cheese pizza in advance (sold by the pie, plain only, must order in advance) to enjoy while you play. Please consider donating gently used books to the bin in the lobby as they are used for prizes.
Advance registration is required as this event usually sells out with the gym capacity. Don’t forget the raffle tickets! You can purchase raffle basket tickets in advance or during the event to try your chances at one of our great raffles. Among the prizes: Breakfast with Mr. Krall, the perennial favorite “Principal for a Day”, and many more! Prizes will be on display during the event. 3 tickets for $5 or 7 tickets for $10. 50/50 will be sold at the event only. Thank you for supporting our WES Community!
Watch for sign ups to come out soon for bake sale, event volunteer, or donate to raffle prizes. Please contact Jessica Diamond with any questions.
WES Re-Prize Drive - December 2 to 13
From December 2 through December 13, the WES PTO Sustainability Committee will be collecting like-new and gently used small toys and trinkets in the front lobby of WES. This year we are also collecting pre-used plain or holiday gift bags. These items will be given new life in our Holiday Shop on Sunday, December 15th. Please see the attached information sheet *here* for full donation guidelines before contributing. Questions? Please reach out to Erin Stancill, Amanda Hemmer, Christina Forwood, Shannon Swierczek or Danielle Grugan.
WES Holiday Shop for Kids - December 15
Save the date! On Sunday, December 15 from 1 to 4 pm, the WES Sustainability Committee is hosting a secret holiday shop where kids can purchase small gifts for family and friends. All products are sourced from the school Re-Prize Drive. Items will be priced 3 for $1. More details to come!
Girls on the Run at WES
Girls in grades 3-5 are invited to join the WES Girls on the Run team this spring! Registration is open until December 10th at www.gotrpa.org. Practices will begin on February 24th and will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:30-5pm, for 8 weeks. Please reach out to Christine Greco or info@gotrpa.org with any questions or to express interest in volunteering as a coach. Please note that all volunteers must have clearances on file with WSSD.
Have a question? We are here to help!
Mrs. Zwitch , Executive Assistant to the Principal- jzwitch@wssd.org, 610-892-3470 ext. 4305
Mrs. Brown, Building Secretary, Attendance, - pbrown2@wssd.org, 610-892-3470 ext. 4306