Performing Arts Spring Newsletter
Manning School of Academics and Arts
Upcoming instrumental concert and field trips
The band spring concert will be on Thursday, March 7th at 7:00 p.m. Just like previous concerts, students need to arrive by 6:30 p.m., with their instruments,wearing concert black. Expect the concert to end between 7:45 and 8:00.
Purchase tickets here:
As always, we need a few parent volunteers before the concert to make things run smoothly, specifically running tickets and supervising the warm up areas. If you are willing to help, you do not have to pay admission, and may pick your seat before the doors open for the auditorium. If you are able to help, just send Mr. Page an email. Thanks in advance!
The Symphonic (8th Grade) Band has been invited to perform in the Colorado Bandmasters Association Music Festival. This is the state competition and highest level for middle school concert band. This performance will take place at Mountain Vista High School in Loveland on Tuesday, March 5th. Information and permission slips were emailed home. Please reach out to Mr. Page if you did not receive information.
Students will get to travel to Loveland, watch some of the best middle school bands in the state perform, followed by an opportunity to perform themselves for both judges and other schools from across the state. After their performance, students participate in a clinic from a world class educator who just attended their performance. This is an amazing opportunity, and this is the first Manning band that gets to attend this competition!
There will be a parent meeting on Tuesday, 3/12 at 6:00pm in the auditorium regarding the Grand Junction Band/Orchestra trip on April 19-20. This meeting is mandatory for parents of any students attending the trip, but parents may also attend if they are interested. Information was emailed home. Please reach out to Mr. Page and Mrs. Montgomery for more information.
The 7th Grade Band and Orchestra, as well as several percussionists, are invited to perform in the Jeffco Band/Orchestra Festival, which is the regional competition. This performance happens to be on the same day as the band concert - Thursday, March 7th. This performance takes place entirely during the school day, so it should not conflict with the concert at all. Permission slips were emailed home. Please reach out to Mr. Page or Mrs. Montgomery if you did not receive information.
Students will travel to Bell Middle School after lunch, and both perform their music for judges, as well as watch performances from other schools. Students had a lot of fun on this trip last year, and we are excited to get to do it again this year!
Congratulations on recent performances!
CMEA went extremely well! We are very proud of Resonance and their polished performance. We had an amazing crowd at the Broadmoor and we are grateful for all of the support!
Upcoming musical
Please see below for our Lion King Jr. final dates. These can't be changed and we had blacked out all of these dates on our theatre syllabus until we were able to finalize which class performs which night. Please double check calendars; the dress rehearsal is 100% required to be in the performance.
Dress rehearsals:
Monday, April 29th - 1st period
Tuesday, April 30th - 2nd period
Wednesday, May 1st - 3rd period
Thursday, May 2nd - 5th period
Friday, May 3rd - 6th period
Show nights:
Monday, May 6 - 6th period
Tuesday, May 7 - 1st period
Wednesday, May 8 - 2nd period
Thursday, May 9 - 3rd period
Friday, May 10 - 5th period
Tickets are $10 and will be available March 15th at
Need some help!
We are looking for some parent volunteers in musical theatre! Please see this sign up genius to help out! We must have a signed volunteer form on file in the main office if you volunteer as a ticket taker or hallway monitor. Let Mrs. Mendez know if you need a volunteer form. Volunteers will get free tickets and choice of seat before doors open.
Summer theatre is back!
Mrs. Mendez is once again hosting summer theatre workshops! We consistently have inquiries about theatre camps or workshops that might be offered around our community and many families are priced out of some of the expensive camps or they fill up before students even have a chance to register. We will be hosting three separate one week long workshops this summer. See this link for more information and to register. Registration closes April 5, 2024 and auditions will be due by April 12, 2024.
Workshop 1: June 3-7, 2024
Workshop 2: June 17-21, 2024
Workshop 3: July 8-12, 2024