The Star Gazette September 3rd
Walker Dismissal
Mahanay Walker Dismissal Protocol
Effective Tuesday, September 3rd, students in grades 1st through 4th will need a signed permission slip to walk alone.
Solo Walkers
Solo walkers will be escorted by staff members to the crosswalk on High Star. Parents are not permitted to remove students from the line. You may wait across the street for your student.
Walkers To Be Met
All Pre-K, Kindergarten, and students in grades 1-4 without a signed permission slip must be picked up by parents displaying a red walker placard.
Parents should wait behind the cones on the sidewalk in the designated walker area, forming a single-file line with their red walker placards prominently displayed. A staff member will call for students to be released to the parent holding the placard.
Parents without placards must report to the front office with a valid ID to have their child released.
Early Student Pickups
Early Pickups MUST be made prior to 2:30 p.m. Students will not be released until 3:20 p.m., dismissal time. Students picked up prior to dismissal are considered as being absent for part of the school day, similar to a morning tardy, unless the school receives a doctor’s note within three school days.
Attendance Matters
Mode of Dress
- Any solid color collared shirts
- Pants or knee-length shorts (khaki, navy, or blue jeans)
- Leggings may not be worn unless they are worn under a skirt or dress.
- Dresses and skirts must be knee-length (Khaki or navy)
- Fridays are college shirt day! Wear the college shirt of your choice!
- Mahanay School Shirts can be worn any day of the week.
- Jeans may be worn with a Mahanay School Shirt any day of the week.
- Shoes: Close-toed shoes- No Crocs
Grandparent's Day Lunch RSVP
Please click on the link to RSVP. We look forward to seeing you.
Fun Lunch Friday Date Correction:
Please review the corrected dates for Fun Lunch Fridays! Fun lunch Fridays will be held once a month on a designated day.
Looking Ahead
September 13th- Dot Day
September 15th- Marks the Start of Hispanic Heritage Month
September 18th- Open House