TAA News
March 9, 2025
Please see each section for more information on:
Upcoming events to SAVE THE DATES:
- Parent Surveys for Accreditation are due please turn them in as soon as possible!
- Spring break starts after school this Thurs - March 14-23. No Friday enrichment days on the 14th or the 21st. Please enjoy this time!!!
- OUTDOOR Education at Camp AuSable 5th/6th grades - April 1-3
- Reminder - SPRING Concert TROY Sabbath, April 5th & Warren Sabbath, April 26th! ALL Students need to be in Church clothes and arrive by 10:40!
- TAA Accreditation - Wed, April 9, 2025 - Regular School Day
- Field Trip to Greenfield Village, Tuesday, April 29th - Drivers NEEDED!
- ART FAIR/Potluck - Thursday May 1st at 5:30pm. Noon dismissal.
- Graduation FINAL DATE - ALL Students to attend the Awards Festival (for ALL students) and graduation for Kindergarten and 8th grades. TUESDAY, May 13th @ 6pm. Please have students there by 5:45 in church attire. Games and treats in the gym afterwards. More information to follow. Please plan to attend and invite family and friends.
- Last day of school at Boulan Park - Mon, May 19th 9am - noon. Parents welcome to attend and join in the fellowship. We hope to see everyone there!
- TAA Vegetarian Food Store Hours - OPEN as needed
- School Board Positions INFO
- Be sure to like & follow our Facebook Page @TroyAdventistAcademy
Many of the items in our Newsletters can be found in our TAA Handbook. Remember this was put together by our school board. If you want to be a part of making changes, join our TAA School board - We would LOVE to have you!
Parent Surveys for Accreditation are DUE NOW!
Please be sure to turn in your family's anonymous survey for the accreditation process. They request we get 100% participation in this.
Thank you!
TAA Spring Concert at Troy Adventist Church - Sat., April 5th & Warren Sat., April 26th
Please mark your calendar for Sat, April 5th and plan to attend the Troy SDA Church with your child(ren). This is a great event to invite grandparents, aunts/uncles, other friends/family members, and anyone you know who is interested in their child attending Troy Adventist Academy next school year. We will be doing a Spring Music Concert with our music teacher, Mrs. Rebecca White. There is potluck at the school gym afterwards, please plan to bring a dish to share if your family is staying. Students MUST be there by 10:40 please. In Church attire.
Also, please plan to come to Warren SDA Church (12100 13 Mile Rd, Warren, MI 48093) on Saturday, April 26th for our Spring Concert part 2 at Warren, there IS a potluck afterwards. Please plan to bring a dish to share, if you stay for lunch. Students MUST be there by 10:40 please and in church attire.
It is very important that ALL students to plan to attend these concerts, as each student play a special part in the concert and will be missed. THANK YOU!
Please plan now to attend. (Put it in your phone calendar). This event will be during regular church service, starts at 11 am. Children and adult Sabbath school starts at 9:30. Students MUST be there by 10:40 please. Please DO NOT make us wait on your family!
Field Trip to Greenfield Village - Tuesday, April 29th - Drivers NEEDED
We have tentative plans for our field trip to Greenfield Village on Tuesday, April 29th. Please plan now to drive for this day, if you are able. We did apply for a field trip scholarship. We will provide more information as it gets closer.
Art Fair Thurs, April 1 from 5:30pm-7:30pm
Please join us and bring a vegetarian dish to share!!!!! We will have potluck together, fellowship, and enjoy the art students have done throughout the school year.
- Students will be dismissed at Noon to return for this event
- Students and families should come back at 5:30pm for food, fun, and fellowship
- Please bring a dish to share
- Please invite friends and family to attend too.
- Book Fair will be open after dinner
- Other surprises to come, please do NOT miss this event!
Students should attend, no uniform necessary.
Box Tops & TAA Food Store,
There are many little ways you can help raise funds for TAA.
- Download the Box Tops for Education app! No more cutting out box tops and forgetting where you placed them. All you have to do is download the app, register it to benefit Troy Adventist Academy, take pictures of your grocery receipts. It is that easy! Here is a quick video to help you get started.
- Shop at our TAA Food Store Open Tuesdays from 3:30-5. We have a great Vegetarian food store right in our school. Mrs. Lydick runs this amazing little store to help benefit TAA. So if you need anything, please let us know. If you have never checked out this store, please do. Proceeds from sales goes to help keep tuition costs down. Brands include: Worthington, Morning Star, Loma Linda, and others.
TAA Food Store
Just ask teachers to open store. There is not much due to ordering issues.
TAA School Board Positions
We have current openings to join our school board. This is a great way to get involved in our school and to have your voice heard. There is currently no one in these positions, so as they might seem overwhelming, someone doing something - is better than nothing getting accomplished!
School Board Offices Available
- School Board Chair (Troy SDA Church Board approved position) - the school board chair oversees the school board. This person will act as a voice to guide the board in decision making and must be flexible to meet the needs of both staff and our student families.
- Bible Labs Coordinator - this position helps coordinate outreach efforts to help students learn service for Jesus. In the past we have baked cookies for local police and firefighters, sang at local nursing homes, packed boxes at the local food bank, and even read to the preschoolers or made them homemade play-dough. We have also packed socks with gift items for the homeless. During these challenging times, we now more than ever need to learn how to meet the needs of the community around us. Students are vital to this! We need to ask ourselves "If we weren't here would our community miss us?" Let us work to ensure they know we are here to help serve them as Jesus did.
- Home & School Team - this position helps our school connect to our church and helps the school families connect to the school. The team needs to be able to communicate the great work we are doing to our constitutes. This position also helps to choose and organize our fundraisers (along with other helpers/teachers): Fall Festival, Spring Fling, fruit orders, Rada products, books or other sales. We want to hear your ideas and get to work to help keep our tuition down and lights on!
- Safety Team - the Safety Team is a special team of people who will help TAA work carefully with the local health, fire, and police departments to ensure the highest safety for our students and staff at all times.
Adventist Learning Community (ALC) offers free board training
ALC 1hr School Board Membership Training
ALC 1hr School Board Leadership Training (Board Chair)
It is very important that parents hold positions on the school board. This helps the school be led according to parents' votes. Please take time to pray about being involved in our school board. We are a great team to work with and we want to hear your voice!
TAA Staff Contact Information
Best Way to Contact Teachers
We take pride in giving students our full attention, so we may not always answer the school phone or our cell phones. Please text us if you have any information you need to relay to us during the school day. In an emergency, please text and call our cell phones. We will get back to you as soon as we can.
Thank you for your patience!
Mrs. Denise Moore, Principal/5th-8th grades
- 248-563-2214
- dmoore@misda.org
Mrs. Nicole Hadley, K-4th grades
- 530-306-6871
- nhadley@misda.org
Ms. Pat Cook, Treasurer/Extraordinaire
- 586-344-6357
- taatreasurer3@gmail.com
TUITION (see your families 2024-2025 Payment Plan) Statements go out in parent mailboxes on the 10th of each month payments are due on the 1st of the following month, unless other arrangements have been made with the School Treasurer. Our Treasurer is Ms. Pat Cook, please call or email her if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you
Troy Adventist Academy
Email: dmoore@misda.org
Website: TAA.education
Location: 2777 Crooks Road, Troy, MI, USA
Phone: 248-563-2214
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TroyAdventistAcademy/?ref=bookmarks