Thomson Tidbits
December Edition 2024
Dear Thomson Families,
As the year draws to a close, we’re filled with gratitude for the wonderful first half of the school year. December is a magical time at Thomson Elementary, and we’re excited for the events and learning opportunities ahead!
This month, our Thomson Teddies will continue to explore, create, and grow as they participate in engaging classroom activities and special celebrations. Teachers are working hard to provide meaningful learning experiences, and we appreciate your partnership in supporting our young learners.
Here are some highlights to look forward to this month:
- Wojo's Greenhouse Holiday Fundraiser Pick-Up will be on Thursday, December 5th in the Thomson Gymnasium from 3:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. ALL items must be picked up at this time!
- Handsome Harry comes to Thomson to read Polar Express on Monday, December 16th!
- Holiday Celebrations: Each classroom will hold special activities that celebrate the season. Stay tuned for more details from your child’s teacher!
- Winter Break Reminder: School will be closed from December 23rd to January 3rd. Classes will resume on Monday, January 6th.
As we reflect on the past few months, I want to thank each of you for your continued support and involvement in our school community. Your encouragement and care make a difference in your child’s education.
Wishing you and your family a joyful and peaceful holiday season. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Warm regards,
Andrew Criswell
Principal, Thomson Elementary
Santa Clause is Coming to Thomson! - A PTO Event 🎅
Please take a look at the flyer below.
Santa is coming to Thomson!! Pizza and water will be available to purchase for $1 each! We hope to see everyone there!
Cool to Care Campaign
Thank you for your generous donations to the Cool To Care Campaign. This campaign benefits our local community through Outreach East as they work to help families in need. Please remember that Outreach East cannot collect cans because they have changed their space. It will be cash donations only this year. Our building goal is to raise $1,000! Please see the flyer below explaining the Cool to Care Campaign in greater detail. We hope your student will join us for the Cool to Care Spirit Days! Thanks for helping!
Attendance.... It Matters!
Attendance is essential for all students, even our youngest learners in Developmental Kindergarten (DK) and Kindergarten! Regular attendance builds the foundation for lifelong learning habits and ensures that your child doesn’t miss out on important lessons and activities that support their growth and social development. Each day provides valuable opportunities to learn new skills, engage with friends, and build routines that foster confidence and curiosity. Thank you for helping us create a strong start for your child by making daily attendance a priority!
Attendance Line:
(810) 591-0916
Arriving on Time! ⏰
Arriving at school on time is essential for your child’s success! When students arrive on time, they have the opportunity to settle in, prepare for the day, and engage in morning activities that set the tone for learning.
Our school doors open at 8:35 a.m., and we encourage all families to aim for arrival a few minutes early to ensure a smooth transition. Starting the day together helps students feel confident and ready to learn.
Thank you for your support in making punctuality a priority—it truly makes a difference! If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Thomson office at (810) 591-0911.
From our Specials Teachers!
Fun to Be Fit! ⚽🏀🏈
Happy Holidays families! I have to stress the importance of wearing tennis shoes on your child's gym day. The bulkiness of boots makes it difficult for students to engage in physical activity and they also make black marks all over the floor. Currently in physical education, we are working on the introduction to basketball. Students have had the opportunity to dribble, pass, and shoot the ball. Towards the end of the month the students will engage in holiday themed events such as The Grinch snowball fight, stuff Santa's sack, lollipop gingerbread house, and ice hockey. Over this next long break please encourage your children to engage in outside play and take advantage of the time at home to do something fun! Remember a body in motion stays in motion!
Mrs. Lints
Hello Thomson Families,
This month in STEM we heard a story called “Turkey Trouble”, and discussed some of Turkey’s good and bad ideas to disguise himself and escape from Farmer Jake on Thanksgiving. Students got to work on engineering skills and build a hiding spot for a turkey with KEVA plank blocks, as well as work on a turkey story on www.starfall.com. They also loved working on a new website - https://www.abcya.com/grades/k. This is a free website with many educational games and activities for kindergartners to sixth grade and above.
I am very thankful for my Thomson Teddies and I hope you all had a very Happy Thanksgiving!
:) Ms. Lockrey
Library 📚
Happy Holidays from the Thomson Media Center!
For the month of December we will be engaging in Winter readings and activities! We are starting the month with There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Bell! By Lucille Colandro. Students then filled their own sacks with what they are wishing for from Santa Clause. Next week we will be making snowmen after reading Snowmen at Night by Caralyn Buehner. Before break we are diving into I got the Christmas Spirit by Connie Schofield-Morrison. No books will be checked out this week due to the length of break.
Please have children return their books the following week after check-out so others can enjoy them as well.
Library Schedule
Monday: Miss Wheeler, Mrs. Ruzicka, Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Driskill, Ms. Wheatley, Mrs. Waite
Tuesday: Miss Maule, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Schwab
Wednesday: Mrs. Tober, Mrs. Seeley, Mrs. VanEvery
Thursday: Mrs. Newsom, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Romanik
Wishing everyone a happy, healthy, and safe holiday season!
Music Class🎵🎹🎺
Please be sure to check out Mr. Romanik's monthly newsletter titled, "Music Notes."
When To Stay Home Visual 🤧
🧣 Dressing for Winter Weather 🧤
As we head into the colder months, it’s important to ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the winter weather. Students will continue to go outside for recess whenever possible, and we want them to stay warm and comfortable while enjoying outdoor play.
Please make sure your child comes to school each day with the following items:
- A warm coat
- Hat and gloves or mittens
- Snow pants
- Boots
These items are essential for keeping your child safe and warm during outdoor activities. Labeling your child’s winter gear with their name can also help prevent items from getting lost.
Thank you for helping us keep our Thomson Teddies cozy and ready for fun this winter!
Did You Know.....
Did You Know This Service is Available
There are many great resources for families in the area. This month we are featuring Genesys Health System Access, Crisis, and Urgent Care: Call (810) 257-3740 for multiple services:
Access Services: To discuss services available call M-F 8 AM-5 PM
Intensive Children’s Crisis Stabilization Services call 8AM-7PM, 7 days a week
Crisis Services 24/7/365 Help available - Text FLINT to 741741
November Students of the Month! ⭐ 🏅
We work hard at Thomson to teach and reinforce the Cardinal Code behavior expectations in all areas of the building. We wanted to create a way to recognize students that consistently follow the Cardinal Code in an exemplary way.
Each month classroom teachers will nominate one student from their class to be STUDENT of the MONTH. Each student of the Month will receive a certificate, medal, and their photo will be on display in the hallway during that month.
We are pleased to recognize students for consistently demonstrating excellent behavior. Thank you for sharing your outstanding children with us. I am pleased to announce our Students of the Month for November were:
- Mrs. Harris' Preschool - James Mager
- Mrs. Romanik - Minala Stowe
- Mrs. VanEvery - Dominic Snider
- Ms. Seeley - Evelyn Riley
- Mrs. Driskill - Norah Brooks
- Mrs. Williams - Harrison Wilson
- Mrs. Ruzicka - Grace Williams
- Mrs. Schwab - Kya Jones
- Mrs. Bell - Peyton Veit
- Mrs. Smith - Styles Trevino
- Mrs. Tober - Wyatt Hough
- Miss Maule - Charlotte Gleason
- Mrs. Newsom - Nolan Jacot
- Ms. Wheatley - Makenna Freel
- Ms. Wheeler - Brooks Beaty
- Mrs. Waite - Avianna Torres
**Make sure to check out the January Tidbits to find out who the winners for the month of December were!!**
-Upcoming Dates-
- Monday, December 2nd - Board Meeting @ 6:00 at PAC
- Wednesday, December 4th - Cool to Care - PJ Day for $1
- Thursday, December 5th - Wojo's Greenhouse Holiday Pick-Up 3:30 - 6:00 (Thomson gym)
- Wednesday, December 11th - Cool to Care - Dress Like a Candy Cane for $1
- Thursday, December 12th - Family Fun Night w/ Santa 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
- Friday, December 13th - PTO Pals
- Monday, December 16th - Handsome Harry visits Thomson!
- Wednesday, December 18th - Classroom Holiday Parties!
- Thursday, December 19th - Classroom Holiday Parties!
- Friday, December 20th - Holiday Sing-Along w/ Mr. Romanik
- Monday, December 23rd - Friday, January 3rd - NO SCHOOL! Winter Break!
- Monday, December 6th - School Resumes!
- Monday, January 6th - School Resumes!
- Friday, January 17th - End of 1st Semester
- Monday, January 20th - MLK/Records Day - NO SCHOOL!
- Wednesday, January 29th - Early-Release
Thomson Elementary
Website: https://www.davisonschools.org/
Location: 617 East Clark Street, Davison, MI, USA
Phone: (810) 591-0911