Weekly Recap

Mr. Jeffrey Swiatowicz, Principal
Ms. Catherine Graybosch Assistant Principal - 6th & 7th Grade
Mr. Mike Pompa Assistant Principal - 8th Grade
- SCHOOL HOURS: 8:10 a.m. - 2:48 p.m.
- MAIN OFFICE HOURS: 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
- MAIN OFFICE PHONE: 914-763-7500
Hello JJMS Families
Important Upcoming Dates:
- Sept. 9: Modified Sports Tryouts Begin
- Sept.16-20: Spirit Week
- Sept. 18: Picture Day
- Sept. 19 & 20: 6th Grade Team Building Field Trip
- Sept. 23-27: PTO Book Fair
- Sept. 25: 6th Grade Open House 6:30pm (Parents only)
- Sept. 26: 8th Grade Team Building Field Trip
- Sept. 26: 7th & 8th Grade Open House 6:30pm (Parents only)
- Oct. 3 &4: School Closed for Rosh Hashanah
- Oct. 8: 7th Grade Team Building Field Trip
- Oct. 11: 6th Grade PTO Conversations 9:30am/ACR
- Oct. 14: School Closed for Columbus Day/Indigenous People's Day
- Oct. 30: Picture Re-takes
Safety Drills
Today, we had an unexpected Evacuation Drill and the student behavior was fantastic. Next week, we will be conducting a scheduled evacuation drill as part of our ongoing commitment to safety. It is important to us to ensure our school community is prepared in case of an emergency.
Internet Safety
We want to ensure that our students use the internet safely and responsibly. Please take advantage of the free internet safety presentation by PNW BOCES linked below, which offers valuable guidance for both you and your child.
Calling 7th & 8th Graders! Homebase Leaders Needed!
We are still in need of more Homebase leaders! Please talk with your 7th or 8th grader about this opportunity. Students who are interested in learning more and applying, should complete this form. More information to follow soon. If you have any questions, please see assistant principal, Ms. Graybosch.
After-School Clubs
After-school clubs are now being offered to the students and many will start in the next few weeks. Next week, we will start to advertise for these clubs on the bulletin boards as students head to the cafeteria. The 2024/2025 club brochure is also on the JJMS website under the Athletics & Clubs tab, or you can click here. The after-school club program is an excellent way for students to connect with each other, make new friends, and connect with their teachers outside of the classroom.
Students have the opportunity to join clubs that cover all interests. Please encourage your child(ren) to sign up for at least ONE new club or activity this fall. Please take some time to review and discuss the different clubs being offered and encourage your child to join the fun!
Picture Day
Picture Day is September 18th. Please see that attached flyer for details.
Our first BEAM (Belonging and Equity At the Middle School) Team meeting will be October 23rd in the ACR from 2:50-3:50. We will be discussing events for the year and plans for our team. We would love to have you join us! Please email Catherine Graybosch at cgraybosch@klschools.org if you have any questions.
If you haven’t done so already, please provide the necessary information regarding your JJMS student via Final Forms. Final Forms is used by the Katonah-Lewisboro School District to collect annual updates from parents, and to register students for HS and MS sports. You received an email from KLSD on July 26th.
In partnership,
Jeffrey Swiatowicz
Principal, JJMS
Catherine Graybosch
Assistant Principal, JJMS
Mike Pompa
Assistant Principal, JJMS