October 25, 2024
9th Grade Newsletter
Weekly Updates
We are looking forward to our KU Field Trip next Wednesday October 30th. Please have students bring their permission slips back to the school on Monday if they have not already. 9th grade will also be taking the P-ACT on Friday November 1st.
World History:
Students have started their 3rd Unit of the year and will be covering European monarchs for the next couple of weeks. There will be a few more quizzes throughout this unit and that is something that has been relayed to the students. If you have any questions please reach out!
- Mr. Bottom
Physical Education
All is well in PE! Mr. Amon’s classes will be playing Alaskan Kickball and Mrs. Dreiling’s Scatterball. Students in Sports Conditioning have finished fitness testing and are back to normal workout routines. Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have for your student!
*We will look to go outside as much as possible for PE (weather permitting). Please help us in reminding our students to bring water bottles and tennis shoes every day they have PE.
Contact Information:
Coach Amon
Phone 913-651-7371. Ext 4111 Email pamon@usd207.org
Coach Dreiling
Phone: 913-651-7371 Ext. 4110 Email: tdreiling@usd207.org
Coach Turner
Phone: 913-651-7371 Ext. 4138 Email: cturner@usd207.org
Avid 9:
This week in AVID students finished up our unit on the Critical Reading Process. We used strategies such as "Reading for the Gist" and "Says, Means, Matters". Both of these strategies they can use in other classes to help with reading different content.
We also had another grade and binder check! This is a helpful tool for organization and to make a plan for missing/late work (if any).
Finally, we had our 2nd official Tutorial of the semester! We will have seven more by the end of the quarter for a total of nine!
Just a reminder that students can check Google classroom for the Weekly Learning Plan, Vocabulary, Lesson Recordings, and Completed Notes.
Please continue to check Skyward regularly to check that students are completing assignments.
9th grade will be attending KU on Wednesday, Oct. 30.
7th/8th grade will take a State Interim on Wednesday, Oct. 30.
9th grade will be taking the PSAT on Friday, Nov. 1.
Algebra students finished up Module 3 “Relations & Functions”. We took a quiz on Wednesday and have the Module Review due Monday. The Vocab quiz and Test are scheduled for Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 28 and 29.
Pre-Algebra students are working in Module 4 “Exponents and Scientific Notation” and took a quiz on Friday. We will continue working in Module 4 in the coming week.
Geometry students are finishing up Module 3 “Logical Arguments and Line Relationships”. The Module 3 Vocab quiz and Test are scheduled for Thursday Oct. 31 and Monday, Nov. 4.
Thank you and have a great weekend! Mrs. Blount
7th, 8th and 9th grade artists have been working with linear perspective this week. 8th and 9th grade artists are drawing abandoned houses in 2-point perspective, and 7th grade artists are drawing Fictional Characters’ Dream Bedrooms. 6th grade artists are drawing 3D word art designs.
Culinary Essentials:
Students are working on the Flow of Food. This follows food from the time it is received at the restaurant until it is served to the customer. This allows students to practice skills to keep foods safe at all stages of the process. Students should expect to have their Unit 1 on Friday, September 20th. Students have access to notes and slides provided in class to begin studying. ALL students will be required to earn a minimum of an 80 on the Safety test before cooking in class. **Reminder that all assignments from Unit 1 can be submitted up until test day to receive credit. All remaining assignments will remain a 0.
If you have any questions, please contact me at kcox@usd207.org
Foods and Nutrition:
Students are wrapping up their first Unit in F&N. Wednesday, September 18th will be the Unit 1: Safety Test. ALL students will be required to earn a minimum of an 80 on the Safety test before cooking in class. PLEASE encourage your student to study using the notes and slides supplied in class. **Reminder that all assignments from Unit 1 can be submitted up until test day to receive credit. All remaining assignments will remain a 0.
If you have any questions, please contact me at kcox@usd207.org
Principles of Biomedical Science:
Students have been learning about changes in the body after death occurs and what forensic scientists can do to help determine the time of death. I know this is a sensitive topic for most students and hope you will ask them about it at home to provide support. A great way to start the conversation would be to ask to view the PLTW website so you can see the material, how it is presented, etc. In addition, we will be briefly discussing the University of Tennessee’s Forensic Anthropology Center, sometimes referred to as the body farm. The scientists have human bodies in different stages of decay and study what happens at each stage. This is helpful to law enforcement personnel as it gives them first hand experience of what happens when a person dies and helps them determine the time of death.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Elder
Spanish 1:
Quarter 2 will include more note-taking and a switch to more instructions being given in the target language of Spanish. We will continue to supplement with Señor Wooly, but we will be utilizing the structural components through using our Savvas curriculum.
Next week: Turn in any missing work.
GP pages (10/21) 53-58,
(10/23) 59-62, & (10/25) 63-68
QUIZ over six-box format
Quiz 10-100 & 100-1,000 will be on 10/28.
Nuggets 1-6 Encerrada En La Escuela deadline is 28 October.
Dicho #5: La necesidad es la madre de la inventiva. (Necessity is the mother of invention.) Quiz 1 November
Monday - Finish Notes over 8.4, prep for Mini Assessment #4
Tuesday - Mini Assessment #4, Review for Chapter 8 Test
Wednesday - KU Field Trip
Thursday - Chapter 8 Test
Friday - Pre-ACT Test
It's been a great week in ELA 9. Students read “A Chance in this World,” and did a narrative analysis and some vocabulary writing relating to the text. We are starting an argumentative text, “Is Survival Selfish?” and will write out an argumentative outline to use in a class debate next week.
They will be going on a field trip to LU on Wednesday (the 30th) and taking the PSAT on Friday (the 1st, which is also an early release day).
Please reach out if you have any questions!
–Trace Gibson (tgibson@usd207.org)
Drama 8/9:
After days of auditioning, the play is cast. This wonderful troupe of thespians will begin learning lines and blocking next week. We can’t wait for you to see How to Get Away with a Murder Mystery on December 3rd.
Ms. Paradies pparadies@usd207.org
Students have applied for their long-term jobs. They will begin these this coming week. When not working on their news tasks, students are working on at least 3 independent projects from the choice board. These activities are all due 11/8.
Engineering Essentials:
In Unit 2, we are developing a conceptual model to accurately represent information or important characteristics of an object or design idea. Students will use VEX kits to build a physical representation of an object, system, or environment. Concepts we will apply are force and both simple and complex machines.
We have completed our study on writing an essay. This week we will study text features in nonfiction texts. Students will learn how authors use text features to help readers understand the information they are reading about.
Nina Hewitt ESOL Teacher
Patton Jr. High: 913-651-7371
Have a great weekend!
- 9th Grade Team
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