Distance Education Newsletter
Kapi‘olani Community College | September 20, 2021
Coping with Uncertainty
There are no easy answers, but anything created online can be adapted for future hybrid classes or to supplement in-person classes, or can be used as fall-back if there's another stay-at-home order. And the process of thinking through our course material in terms of student learning needs and student outcomes achievement will undoubtedly result in a richer learning environment in any format.
The way to save time and bolster energy may not be to skimp on online class development, but to build community with one another, sharing innovations, techniques, and tools, and celebrating mistakes as learning opportunities as well as celebrating successes. We are in this together--let's support each other through it.
---Important Updates---
UH ITS Reviewed Instructional Third Party Online Tools or MIcroservices (widgets) for Faculty
Was your Web/third-party online tool reviewed and approved by the UH System?
Student Privacy Review (FERPA)
Third-party tools, if not approved by the UH Data Governance Office, may risk exposing students’ accounts and/or their education records. Until your tool has been approved for acceptable student privacy standards (i.e. they will not sell or expose student data), UH Data Governance recommends that you ask students to not use the same password for logging into their UH Gmail. (See the systemwide announcement regarding FERPA Notice, Best Practices, FERPA Records and Online Platforms.)
ADA Accessibility Review
UH ITS has reviewed the ADA Accessibility statements for online tools. If your tool was not approved or is not listed in the UH ITS Reviewed Third-Party Online Tools or Microservices (Widgets), you can still use it as long as you are able to provide an equivalent opportunity for students requiring accommodations.
Not finding your tool on the UH ITS Reviewed Tool List?
Please submit a request for FERPA and ADA Accessibility review.
Peer Evaluations Are New and Improved!
Kapi‘olani Community College’s Faculty Senate Distance Education and Evaluation Committees are pleased to present to you the new peer evaluation forms for teaching responsibilities for fully online and not fully online courses. The documents are now available in Google Docs (force copy). You will see a few revisions to the content of the evaluations and we hope the new format will improve the collaborative process.
Please find the links below. Forms will also be available on our ‘Ohana site shortly.
- Peer Evaluation Form Teaching Responsibilities (Not Fully Online)
- Peer Evaluation Form Teaching Responsibilities (Fully Online)
The Evaluation Committee is working on revised counseling and academic support peer evaluations this academic year.
DE Class Review Has Begun
Thanks to HEERF, we have begun to implement the Faculty Senate-approved DE Class Review system.
Trained peer reviewers are working with DE instructors to ensure that our DE classes meet federal and ACCJC requirements, and to ensure that DE instructors have the support they need to create and facilitate effective online learning spaces. This semester, the focus is on classes that were online prior to COVID. For Spring 2022, we hope to have a better sense of which newly-online-since-COVID classes will remain online moving forward.
If your class is slated for review this semester, you should have already received notification. If your class is slated for review in Spring 2022, you’ll be notified by the end of this semester, and will have the opportunity to choose which rubric you'd like to work with. The BaRe (Basic Requirements) Rubric focuses tightly on the 5 federal and ACCJC requirements. The CoRe (Collaborative Reflective) Rubric offers an opportunity for a rich, collaborative conversation about course design and facilitation.
Want more information? Check out these Quick Facts about DE Class Review. If you have questions, please direct them to Leigh (ldooley@hawaii.edu).
---Online Andragogy---
The Magical Unicorn: Tips to Enchant and Enhance Your Online Class
There is value in getting to know your students as individuals, but let's be real: building rapport in an online class is tough. One strategy you can use is to ask students to complete a confidential survey (it’s really easy to send out using Google Forms). Here are several suggested questions:
Your name and the name that you would like to be called (if different from your name on the registration). What are your pronouns?
Where is your hometown?
Are you physically in Hawaii? If not, tell me where you are taking this class from.
Why have you chosen Kapi‘olani CC?
What are your goals for this class?
What are your current career goals and how does this course fit into them?
What responsibilities do you have outside of school? Work, family, extra curricular, church, etc.
What motivates you?
How comfortable are you with technology?
What can I do to help you succeed in this class?
What would you like me to know about you?
Be sure to share the same information about yourself to the entire class. I still recommend everyone introduce themselves to the whole class using tools like Laulima Forums, Flipgrid or Padlet, but the confidential survey can dig a little deeper. To students, that extra effort you took to get to know them counts!
---Data to Ponder---
---Professional Development Opportunities---
UHCC OER Incentive Program
The UHCC OER leads from our seven colleges have put together a systemwide professional development program and awards for modification and creation projects. Professional development opportunities include textbook review workshops and more in-depth UHCC OER 101 workshops and courses. There is a call for proposals for those interested in modifying an OER resource or creating ancillaries for a TXT0 course. We are also inviting proposals to create an OER course or textbook to convert a class to TXT0.
Virtual eLearning Conference | Sept. 21-23
Adobe eLearning World is one of the FREE virtual eLearning conferences that will be hosted through September 21 - 23 this year. Speakers are invited on a wide variety of topics ranging from hands-on workshops to tailor-made sessions. Check out the 3-day schedule if you are interested in connecting with industry experts and staying updated with the latest trends in the ever-changing world of eLearning.
What I Wish My College Knew: A Student Panel
Students from across the UHCC system will be sharing with us things that they wish we knew as their teachers, counselors, academic support providers, and administrators. Join us to hear from them in this virtual session brought to us by the UHCC Professional Development Consortium.
- Wednesday, September 29 at 2:00 – 3:30 pm
- Zoom session: http://go.hawaii.edu/PHt
For more information, contact Jeff Mexia (Kauai CC): jmexia@hawaii.edu
Leeward CC's Getting to Know Our Students Workshop Series
Leeward CC's "Getting to Know Our Students" Workshop Series gives students center stage to share their journeys, stories, experiences, and advice with us. For AY21-22, we will feature one student group per month. We kick off this series featuring our Native Hawaiian students and Leeward's Kīpuka Native Hawaiian Center at Puʻuloa!
Thursday, September 23rd
3pm - 4pm
Zoom Link: go.hawaii.edu/fx3
RSVP here! All UHCC employees are welcome!
Free Live & On-demand Webinars
Currently, Kapi‘olani CC has a subscription with Go2Knowledge, which offers Kap‘olani CC faculty and staff free access to dozens of Innovative Educators webinars, both live and on demand (pre-recorded). Many of them are quite good! Here's a sampling to pique your interest:
Upcoming live webinars:
Designing Student-Centered Flexible Assignments while Still Meeting Curricular & Pedagogical Goals (Tuesday 9/21, 7:00 - 8:00 am HST)
Creating Inclusive Classroom Environments: Addressing Implicit Bias, Microaggressions & Exclusion (Wednesday 10/6, 9:00 - 10:00 am HST)
Designing Effective Micro-Learning Lectures to Engage & Inspire (Thursday 10/14, 9:00 - 10:00 am HST)
Mental Health: How To Identify, Intervene & Refer Students Exhibiting Anxiety, Panic & Stress (Friday 10/15, 7:00 - 8:00 am HST)
Recently-added on-demand webinars:
Developing a Proactive Culture of Well-Being in the Aftermath of COVID-19 (60 min)
How to Transition Your Face-to Face Content to Online Delivery in 48 Hours
(60 min)10 Strategies for Dealing with Online Fatigue (60 min)
Using High-Impact Practices to Advance Equity & Student Success Outcomes (90 min)
And many, many more. Sign up at Kapi‘olani CC's G2K account page and browse through the offerings.
---Helpful Tech Tips---
Upgrading Zoom to the Latest Version
We now rely more than ever on Zoom (or similar video conferencing tools) to deliver instructions or communicate with students/colleagues on a daily basis. Please be sure to upgrade your Zoom to the most recent version (see the how-to) to avoid unwanted tech glitches.
---Celebrating Good Work---
Congratulations, Helen!
Our own Helen Torigoe has been awarded the 2021 UPCEA West Region Outstanding Service Award! This award recognizes the exceptional contributions made by the staff or faculty/instructor member for outstanding work in advancing the field of professional, continuing, and online education. UPCEA is the leading association for professional, continuing, and online education. For more than 100 years, UPCEA has served most of the leading public and private colleges and universities in North America.
Helen would like to share that "the success of Distance Education at Kapi‘olani CC is due to the collaborative efforts of many: our amazing faculty and staff, supportive admin, talented DE team, and most of all, our resilient students. I am honored to be a part of the team and I'm grateful that I can serve Kapi‘olani ‘Ohana." She was asked by UPCEA to create a short award acceptance video to post on their website, and you can watch that video below.
Congratulations and great job Helen! We appreciate everything you do to support the mission of Kapi'olani Community College.
---The Cool Stuff at the End---
What We Are Reading, Listening to, and Watching Now
- Here’s What Free Community College Might Look Like (article, Inside Higher Ed)
3 Things New Federal Data Reveal About How Colleges Fared During the Pandemic (article, The Chronicle of Higher Education)
- In Early Days of Pandemic, Teaching Suffered (article, Inside Higher Ed)
A global survey reveals that even though learning objectives were largely met, the education students received at their colleges and universities early in the pandemic may have been of lower quality.