Pasco High School Weekly Newsletter
December 1, 2024
Mission Statement/Declaración de la misión
La misión de Pasco High School es crear un ambiente de colaboración que fomente el aprendizaje, el respeto mutuo y una fuerte ética de trabajo, ayudando así a desarrollar futuros ciudadanos para los desafíos que se avecinan.
Important Links to District Information
Parent Bill of Rights Information:
Student Code of Conduct:
Weekly Announcements
Student Progress:
We are entering week 6 of quarter 2. Progress reports are now available to review on MyStudent. Please take a few minutes and review your students’ progress. It is important to remember that the quarter 1 grade is averaged with quarter 2 grade to determine the semester grade. The semester grade is what is on student transcripts. If you have questions, contact your student’s teachers. If you would like to schedule a parent/teacher conference, contact Ms. Collige at 352-524-5539. Remember we have free tutoring on Monday’s and Wednesday’s. See the flyer in the newsletter for more information.
Please take a minute and review the testing calendars below for December and January. Have your student reach out to their teachers or administration with any questions. Their attendance is mandatory for all of their required tests.
Parents and Guardians, we really need your support with communicating with your students the importance of coming to school daily and getting to class on time. I encourage you to check your parent portal and look at your student’s attendance at least weekly. Please make sure you are aware that the school day begins at 7:15am.
Student Parking:
If your student plans to park on campus, please make sure they have purchased their parking permits. Parking permits are required and strictly enforced.
Community Service:
Community service opportunities are available. Sign up on your CRC Canvas Course. See Ms. Edwards for details.
Attention Seniors! Now is the time to take your Senior Portraits for the Yearbook. The deadline to have these pictures taken is Dec 13th. Gigante will be on the PHS campus on Dec 12th. However, if you want personality portraits, then you must go to the studio in Wesley Chapel. The link to make appointments for this Senior tradition is in the Senior Section of the Weekly Newsletter. If you have questions, please see Ms. Bromley or Mrs. Vogel.
Please stop by the main office back desk to verify the spelling of your name for your high school diploma. No nicknames allowed. You must verify by December 20th. Also be sure to pick up a cap and gown brochure, the deadline to order is March 1st. Brochures are available in the main office or see the QR code below.
Are you interested in the National Honor Society? All sophomores, juniors, and seniors with a GPA of 3.2 and higher will receive an invitation to apply at the beginning of January. You must maintain your high academic standing, have at least ten volunteer hours, and have three faculty recommendations to be considered as well as complete the application packet. More information will be coming soon. Please reach out to Mr. Pless if you have any questions.
Anyone interested in Tennis needs to come see Coach Wilks in Portable 11.
Parent Volunteers:
If you are interested in being a volunteer for PHS, please make sure you have visited the Pasco County Schools website and complete the volunteer application.
Pasco High School has a very active PTSA. We would like to invite all parents that would like to be a part of this phenomenal group to the next meeting on December 17th @ 6:00pm in the front office.
Testing Calendars
Bell Schedule
Wireless Communication Device Policy
Please make sure you are aware of the Wireless Communication Device (WCD) Policy for Pasco High School. There is a change from last year. Students will only be able to use their WCD's during lunch. Also, it is important to note that the policy includes headphones/earbuds. It is imperative that you understand and plan to follow this policy starting on day one of the school year. If you have any questions, please reach out to administration. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Student Services Contact Information
Need to schedule a meeting with your counselor? Scan the QR code below.
Home Events For December 2nd-6th
12/2 Girl's Basketball vs. Santa Fe Catholic
12/5 Boy's Basketball vs. Hollins High
If you have questions about Winter athletics, please contact Coaches:
Wrestling Coach Lennard
Boy's Soccer Coach Montelongo Jr.
Girl's Soccer - Coach Mutombo
Boy's Basketball Coach Davenport
Girl's Basketball Coach Lawson
Girl's Weightlifting Coach Tejada>
Competitive Cheerleading Coach Hicks
Athletic Director Jim Ward
Senior Information
Parent Involvement
Parent Portal Information
Step by Step instructions for filling out your Emergency Card
Due to unforeseen circumstances, it is very important to make sure your contact information is always current and accurate. The school needs to be able to communicate with you regarding any changes or emergencies. Please review the step-by-step instructions below on how to access and fill out the emergency forms.
Teachers Out of Field
Florida Statutes require that we report to parents any teacher who is teaching a subject(s) outside his/her certification area. The following teachers are in the process of taking the required course work to earn their certification: Virginia Kirk, Brian, Singleton, and Madison Vogel
English and Reading teachers who teach students that qualify as English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) are required to take 300 hours of additional course work beyond their teaching degree to earn an ESOL Endorsement to their teaching certificate. The following teachers are in the process of taking the required course work to earn their ESOL Endorsement: Samson Crazy Horse Clark, Charles Greener, and Mark Valdez
All of our out-of-field professional educators are dedicated to helping students succeed in their learning!
The Environmental Protection Agency has issued a final rule, 40 CFR Part 763 Subpart E, Asbestos Containing Material in Schools. This rule requires all Local Education Agencies to identify asbestos containing materials in their school buildings and to take appropriate actions to control the release of asbestos fibers.
An Asbestos Management Plan for Pasco High has been completed and describes the results of the inspection, if applicable, and the action plan to control any asbestos found during the inspection. A copy of this plan is located in the administrative office of this school and at the Pasco County Schools Maintenance & Facility Services Department and is available for review upon request.
Looking for more information?
Location: 36851 County Road 52, Dade City, FL, USA
Phone: 352-524-5500