Teacher Business Boot Camp 2025
Ottawa County - 2025
About this experience...
This summer, teachers, career coaches and school counselors from districts in Ottawa County will have the opportunity to participate in the FIFTH ANNUAL “Teacher Business Boot Camp” being organized by Ottawa County’s Business Advisory Council, North Point Educational Service Center, and the Ottawa County Improvement Corporation.
This program will show teachers what really goes on behind the scenes in the manufacturing, healthcare, tourism, and marine trades sectors of the county. Participants will gain first-hand experience about the rewarding careers available in these industry sectors of Ottawa County and the skills students need to obtain and retain these positions.
The schedule for the five-day Boot Camp experience includes:
Day 1 (June 6, 2025) – Orientation: 8:30 AM – Noon
Day 2 (June 9, 2025) – Interactive tours of two different companies and a conversational lunch with industry leaders: 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Day 3 (June 10, 2025) – Interactive tours of two different companies and a conversational lunch with industry leaders: 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Day 4 (June 11, 2025) – Interactive tours of two different companies and a conversational lunch with industry leaders: 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Day 5 (June 16, 2025) – Wrap Up/Presentations: 8:30 AM – 12:30PM
Teachers and counselors who are selected for participation in the Boot Camp will receive the following benefits:
· Three graduate level credits from Ashland University. (This is a $540 savings being funded through a generous workforce development grant by the State of Ohio and local sponsorships)
· Materials to use in the classroom based upon information learned throughout the week. All educators will be required to create a project/unit to use with students during the 2024-25 school year.
· Instruction and guidance from top-level professionals at participating businesses, North Point Educational Service Center, and Ottawa County Improvement Corporation.
The cost for each participant is only $50 for this dynamic five day experience.
The deadline to apply is April 11, 2025. Notification of acceptance letters will be sent out by mid April.
What did participating teachers and counselors from previous years have to say about the Boot Camp Experience?
“This experience was outstanding. Not only did it open my eyes to a world of opportunity for my kids, but it made me proud to be part of a county that has such hard workers! I want my students to know there are amazing options outside of college or the military. I believe strongly that every teacher should go through "Boot Camp." A huge thank you to ALL!” (Kerry Fial, Port Clinton City Schools)
"I highly recommend this Boot Camp for teachers! The entire experience was great. I was completely unaware of the some of the companies in our county, and the wide variety of jobs available." (Dan Hoover, Benton-Carroll-Salem Local Schools)
"The Teacher Manufacturing Boot Camp was a great opportunity for me to explore another option for my students after high school. I appreciate the businesses that opened their doors to us and took the time to explain what they do. The event was well organized, and you tell a lot of time and effort was put into it. I would definitely recommend this experience to other educators and administrators." (Paul Patterson, Genoa Area Local Schools)
"When I applied for the Boot Camp, I thought I had a good grasp of what the skilled trades businesses included - wow, was I wrong! After this Boot Camp, I realized I was missing many opportunities students could take advantage of! I am much more equipped to guide parents and students towards the education and career opportunities that are available, particularly those in Ottawa County! " (Vicki Ward, Danbury Local Schools)
"This week of Boot Camp was intense but at the same time left me chomping at the bit to get back into the classroom to begin using what I learned. I have been telling many of my co-workers about the week and what we saw and experienced. I not only know so much more about the companies and what they are looking for in employees, but I have met a group of teachers I can reach out to in different schools in the county to bend their ear on what they experienced and learned." (Donna Katafias, Woodmore Local Schools)
“This experience was incredible and I would do it again in a heartbeat. I am excited to implement my ideas for teaching needed skills in my classroom this fall. I have already begun gathering the tools, creating the rubrics,etc. I am equally excited to start working with the other educators in my building on a career exploration workshop and Workforce Wednesdays. By far best professional development ever! “ (Deb Cook, Port Clinton City Schools)
North Point ESC
Email: csanchez@npesc.org
Website: www.npesc.org
Location: 4918 Milan Road, Sandusky, OH, USA
Phone: 419-627-3900
Twitter: @NorthPointESC