NMS Tiger Times
September 6, 2024

NMS Transportation
Morning Drop Off
It's very nice to see so many friendly faces in the morning, however, we have experienced an uptick in morning drop offs. We are seeking parent and guardian assistance for a smoother drop-off. At this time, the drop-off is impacting the buses getting to the large bus loop which is creating some delays at the elementary school level.
Please help us keep traffic moving, whilst allowing other cars and buses to access the school with both safety and expedience in mind:
1. NO PASSING in the drop off loop -Some students exit on the driver's side of the vehicle, or have to unload belongings. 2. If you are the first car in the line please pull up, and to the flagpole. -Especially important before 7:35am, as we can only hold so many cars before Tiger Drive backs up. 3. As soon as you are parked along the curb in the drop-off loop please have your student(s) exit the vehicle from the door closest to the sidewalk to keep the flow of traffic moving. -Please do not wait to unload at the ramp unless students have a mobility challenge or other specific reason (need help unloading project/supplies/equipment, etc.
Additionally, for the week of September 9th to September 13th, the Assistant Principals will be outside to receive students at the sidewalk at 7:30 AM as the traffic pattern smooths out.
Afternoon Pick-Up
In the afternoon, there are quite a few students being picked-up from the back door of the school. For the safety of out students, we are seeking some assistance from families during the dismissal time.
While waiting for your student, please keep to the right, allowing room for buses and traffic to flow.
Students must be picked up from the sidewalk. Students will not be permitted to walk through the parking lot between cars to get to families waiting. Students are not permitted to walk through the parking lot and walk down the left side of the driveway without sidewalks to waiting vehicles.
Once you have your student, if safe to do so, please drive up to Ofc. Porter and wait for direction.
Buses will have priority during dismissal. The buses are on a schedule in order to complete the next elementary routes.
DO NOT ENTER the small loop when buses are present
No one will be allowed to make a U-Turn by the small bus loop.
Late Bus
There are four late buses. In the cafeteria, where students gather prior to boarding, there are four books with addresses. Each book tells the students which bus they board based on their address. The bus passes given to the driver has your student's address. This allows the driver to make sure students are able to make it home appropriately.
NMS Contact Information
NMS Front Office
Phone Number: 508-946-2020
Fax Number: 508-946-2019
Office Hours: 7:00 AM - 3:30 PM Monday-Friday
Communication Guide
Please use this link to see the Communication Guide outlines what families can expect for communications about events and important information from the schools.
Transportation Contact Information
Late Busses are available Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Five Star Bus Company
(Regular Bus and Late Bus)
Contact: Terry Carvalho
Phone: (508) 657-2205
Email: tcarvalho@ridesta.com
Mini-Bus/Van Transportation
Department Head: Joan Hall
Title: Specialized Transportation Supervisor
Location: Memorial Early Childhood Center - 3rd Floor
Address: 219 North Main Street, Middleborough, MA 02346
Phone: 508-946-2000 x2121
Email: jhall@middleboro.k12.ma.us
Dispatcher: Kristina Stuart
Location: Memorial Early Childhood Center - 3rd Floor
Address: 219 North Main Street, Middleborough, MA 02346
Phone: 508-946-2000 x2120
Email: kstuart@middleboro.k12.ma.us
Inclement Weather
Please use this link to access the inclement weather smore.
John T. Nichols Jr. Middle School
Nichols Middle School services 6th, 7th and 8th graders and the total enrollment is about 705 students.
Website: https://www.middleboro.k12.ma.us/NMS
Location: 112 Tiger Drive, Middleborough, MA, USA
Phone: 508-946-2020
Twitter: @JTNicholsMS