BCIT Brief
February 2015, Edition #4
Editor: Mrs. Laura Geltch, Coordinator of Program and Community
Please continue emailing your stories, photos, and news! BCIT Brief celebrates BCIT and you!
Superintendent Update
My commendations to all who participated in our first-time, second semester Discovery Night on February 24, 2015. It was by all accounts, an extraordinary success. Both schools’ events were very well attended.
The atmosphere in both schools was filled with excitement and enthusiasm. Each staff member and administrator present were actively engaged with our prospective students and their families. I am sure you are all very proud of our students in our career major areas, who represented our district well with poise and professionalism. Many teachers welcomed alumni who, in some cases, were brining second generation students through BCIT in hopes of continuing their family tradition of a career-technical education.
We received numerous applications for enrollment from both campuses. In addition, students and parents were eager to learn more about our new Summer Camps.
Great job everyone! We begin this weekend administering our new admissions test to approximately 140 candidates, with two separate testing sessions on Saturday.
Dr. Christopher M. Manno,
Superintendent of Schools
Discovery Night February 2015, Burlington County "Discovered their Potential" on our Medford & Westampton campuses!
Teacher Comment, re: Discovery Night
--John Demree, HVAC Instructor
Congratulations to BCIT Westampton National Honors Society inductees!
Chef Witcher (BCIT Westampton) participates in "Taste of Soul", in honor of Black History Month
BCIT Winter Sports
In honor of Career-Technical Month, BCIT students proudly show off their career-technical classrooms to visiting county students.
BCIT Medford students presented their Wheelchair Obstacle Course creations to ROVI. Congratulations to Mr. Persichetti's class!
CTE Spotlight: Sports Medicine
“Success is where preparation and opportunity meet.”
~Bobby Unser
In BCIT’s Sports Medicine program, students are well prepared to meet any opportunity that arises. At the Medford campus, junior Matt Davis explains how well-prepared he is to meet the demands of the trade, “You learn how to practice various treatments on the athletes of the school; you work your way through a college textbook on anatomy, first aid, and the ins and outs of athletic training and other medical fields.” This learning helped him land his current internship with the Philadelphia Flyers and Strive Therapy,
a rigorous, yet exciting opportunity.
Sophomore Maryssa Hodder loves the activities in her career field, though she admits it is challenging. She especially loves her time treating the school athletes as they sustain injuries and the field experiences at athletic training facilities. Brittany Evans, a senior, was initially drawn to sports medicine because of the welcoming feel in the class. Her plan, upon entering BCIT, was to take auto mechanics, however, her exploratory in sports medicine with Ms. Sienkiewicz was so engaging that she trusted her instincts and chose this path, a decision she has never regretted.
Over at the Westampton campus, teacher Gina Valenti offers plenty of opportunities for hands-on learning. Junior Zach Kelly, and senior Phantay-Zha DeVaux, value these fortuitous lessons in spine-boarding, splinting, taping, aquatic therapy, and using the electric stimulator. Using live patients is what makes Phantay-Zha happiest, “I don’t just see it, I can be there to do it.” Zach affirms this sentiment, adding that with sports medicine, “There are so many opportunities; even if you don’t choose it as a career, it is excellent knowledge to have.”
And opportunities there are, for with sports medicine, students can continue their education in occupational training, physical therapy, sports psychology, nutrition, athletic training, and orthopedic surgery, among other highly regarded careers. Just ask Phantay-Zha, who plans on becoming a neurosurgeon, or Zach and Matt, who want to study athletic training. Maryssa wants to major in physical therapy, while Brittany, who has already been accepted into East Stroudsberg University’s Health and Sciences Athletic Training Program, plans to become a certified athletic trainer and work at the high school or collegiate level. All of these students value their time spent at BCIT and eagerly anticipate the benefits they gain from participating in this program.
--Danielle Hartman
BCIT Medford Campus Talent Show
February 27, 2015, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Ticket cost $7.00/ea. Tickets are available at the door
Proceeds will benefit "Christine's Hope for Kids"
Friday, Feb 27, 2015, 06:30 PM
BCIT (Burlington County Institite of Technology): Medford Campus, Hawkins Road, Medford, NJ, United States
Performing Arts Upcoming Events
Saturday, March 7, 11am & 1pm
Snow White - Children's Play
Purchase tickets at http://www.seatyourself.biz/bcit
Friday, May 1 & Saturday, May 2, 7 p.m.
Thursday, May 28 & Friday, May 29, 7 p.m.
Spring Showcase
BCIT Foundation's Coach Bingo SOLD OUT!
This popular event will contribute money toward education-based technology and post-secondary scholarships for students and staff at both campuses. Don't miss out on the fall event! Join the Foundation's mailing list for event updates by sending an email to foundation@bcit.cc. Learn more about the organization at bcit.cc/foundation.
BCIT Accepted Student Day Assemblies
Monday, May 11, 2015, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Westampton Campus
Monday, May 18, 2015, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Medford Campus
BCIT Westampton, TEDx Event: Friday, May 1, 2015 (more details to come)
NEW! 2015-2016 BCIT School Calendar
New Emergency Closing/Delayed Opening Procedures:
In the event of a campus emergency or inclement weather, staff members will be contacted via email, phone message, and text message. In addition, we will post a Special Alert Message on our website.
Staff Members, Help us Contact You.
Have you moved? Have you changed your phone number or email address? Please make sure to update your information with BCSSSD Personnel. A TEST Emergency Notification Message was sent on November 19, to ensure everyone's information is up-to-date and you will receive our future notifications.
Students will be contacted using information stored in Genesis, our electronic student database. Parents should be reminded to ensure their contact information is up-to-date. Any changes should be reported to the main office of the student's school.
2014-2015 BCIT Refrigerator Calendar
This is a District Calendar, for staff, student, parent/guardian reference. The Website Calendar is to be used for school events, i.e.: meetings, trainings, activities, sports, etc.