DHS Rotary Newsletter
March 2022
Message from our President
IT’S SHOWTIME! Big Hearts is just a few weeks away. This event is our largest fundraiser of the Rotary year. With many moving parts, this event takes several months of planning — location, food, sponsors, ballots, awardee letters and bios, printing, audio visual, entertainment, speeches — whew…I’m sure I didn’t mention it all !
For those who have never attended a Big Hearts event, this is our Rotary Clubs Vocational Project. Vocational Service is one of Rotary’s Avenues of Service. Vocational Service calls every Rotarian to contribute their vocational talents to the problems and needs of society. This event honors and recognizes those individuals and businesses that have gone above and beyond for Desert Hot Springs.
Funds that we raise through sponsorships, ticket sales, gift baskets and donations go directly to the scholarships, RYLA camp, projects and programs that us Rotarians work so hard at providing throughout the year.
This is the time for all of our club members to step up. Volunteers are needed at the event to run this huge evening. All of us should be making every effort to contribute in some way, by attending, helping out, financial support and inviting others to join us.
Thank you’s go out to all of the planning members. Meeting weekly for several months is not so easy. I would especially like to call out Yesenia Preciado. The Vocational Chair of our club, she is the main driver behind this event. What a great leader!
I am so excited to be part of this event and of course our club. Please join us the evening of March 31st at Miracle Springs Spa and Resort. Please purchase your tickets if you haven’t already. Time, talent and treasure. This evening represents all three.
Yours in Rotary Service,
Brian Brodowsky, President
Past President Jeff Hohman's Demotion Party
Location : Las Palmas Restaurant
Time : Thursday, March 17th 6-8PM
Cost : $ 20.00 (Different Menu than Lunch - $5 for dessert and soft drink only).
Alcoholic beverages available for purchase.
Our regular lunch meeting that day will be dark.
Please RSVP - Ivan@theonlyprintshop.com
Big Heart Awards Planning from Yesenia Preciado
Please reach out if you would like to be involved in the planning. Email Yesenia at yeseniapreciado@yahoo.com.
Meetings Every Thursday!
Thank you to the our guest speakers in March!
March 3 - Cynthia Breunig
March 10th - CV Mosquito
We look forward to hearing from our guest speakers this month!
Happy Birthday to you!
Amber Gascoigne - March 12th
Dana Johnson - March 19th
James Nindel - March 20th
Ruby Rivera - March 30th
Rotary Cares, From Jessica Gilbert
Mary Gerardi’s father passed away.
RIP Dean Hutchenson. He was 91 years young.
Yvonne Parks is out of rehab and Dorothy Warren is watching out for her.
From Jackie Chatman, Community Service Chair
Sign Up Link: https://volunteersignup.org/CBCJ7
Community Service Calendar
Vocational Service
District 4-Way Test Speech Competition
Led by Alan Ochsenbein
The District 4-WayTest speech competition will be held in late April 2022. We hope to make this a regular event each year. The Vocational part will focus on employment opportunities in various fields. Speech and communication skills are a significant part of jobs for the future. This year the team of mentors include Rotary Club Members Jim and Mary Wilson both of whom have spent careers in education, and Alan Ochsenbein whose career included a large amount of public speaking.Interact Club
Live Scan Reminder
Early Act
March Is Clean Water and Sanitation Month
Clean water, sanitation, and hygiene education are basic necessities for a healthy environment and a productive life.
When people have access to clean water and sanitation, waterborne diseases decrease, children stay healthier and attend school more regularly, and mothers can spend less time carrying water and more time helping their families. Learn more here: https://www.rotary.org/en/our-causes/providing-clean-water
Rotarians At Work!
Desert Hot Springs Rotary Club
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DesertHotSpringsRotaryClub