Addison Middle/High In the News
January 16
Principal's Corner
There has been an exciting change within our staff and I would like to welcome Mr. Joshua Lindeman as the Middle/High School Assistant Principal while still remaining as the athletic director. Mr. Lindeman will be the primary disciplinarian but will work closely with me as he navigates his new role as the assistant principal. Mr. Lindeman can be reached at I am thrilled to be working alongside Mr. Lindeman and having the extra support with culture and discipline will allow me to be able to be an instructional leader. I plan on getting into the classrooms and supporting students and staff to maximize instructional outcomes.
In addition to Mr. Lindeman, I would also like to welcome Ms. Mariah Kelley. Ms. Kelley will assist with academic, behavioral, and truancy monitoring. She will provide interventions for at-risk students. Duties will include monitoring truancy, behavior, academics, and communication with families and staff. Additionally, she will provide Tier 2 academic and behavior support to students. You can contact Ms. Kelley at if you have any further questions.
In the High School Classroom
These phenomenon-driven units involve students in making sense of the natural world through the use of authentic data while integrating different areas of science together when they are necessary to solve a problem. This allows for much deeper and longer-lasting learning because everything is taught in context. And the students genuinely excel at a much higher level because of their deeper understanding.
The Next Generation Science Standards clearly state "Students need to be able to make sense of the world and approach problems not previously encountered—new situations, new phenomena, and new information. To achieve this level of proficiency students need a solid grasp of key science concepts and the ability to relate that knowledge across disciplines." This is at the heart of this national push for putting students in the driver's seat of their own learning. If you would like to read more about the need to better prepare students for their post-secondary experiences, click below for the NGSS document that directly relates to why we are working to be more student-centered and student-driven in our science classrooms:
Teacher Spotlight
Number of years in education: 23 years and all have been at Addison Community Schools
Subjects/Grade Level Currently Teaching: High School Science ( Biology, AP Biology, Anatomy, and Horticulture).
Why did you decide to become an educator? "My father was a teacher for 40 years and I had been around it my entire life. I enjoy helping others learn and look forward to the challenge of presenting information in a way that students understand."
What hobbies do you enjoy? " I love to go camping with my wife. I also play a lot of golf."
What is the highlight of being a teacher at Addison? " One of the biggest highlights of teaching at Addison is seeing how the community rallied together to help raise money to purchase and build a greenhouse for the school."
Additional Information: "Addison is a great school and community. I am blessed to have been able to spend my entire teaching career here."
Counseling Corner
The year is moving quickly and it’s hard to believe we are already in 2023! Seniors, this is your reminder to make sure you have joined the Class of 2023 Google classroom. Important information about graduation, college, and jobs will be posted here for you to be able to reference. If you haven’t joined yet, check your school email for the link that I sent out. Any seniors who are considering attending a college or trade program, make sure to fill out the FAFSA as soon as possible if you haven’t already. New this year is the Michigan Achievement Scholarship which will be available to many of our students! It does require completing the FAFSA to determine eligibility. For more information, go to Don’t forget to fill out the LCEF applications while you are at it, as they are due by February 28 at 11:59 pm.
In the Middle School Classroom
Middle School Math with Ms. Davis
Students in Ms. Davis’ classes have been busy learning a variety of topics. Sixth grade started the year reviewing whole number operations and moved into GCF, LCM and prime factorization. They also improved their skills with fractions. Chapter three allowed them to work with algebraic expressions and mathematical properties. They also completed a multiplication quiz with 100 problems in less than three minutes. Students who earned a 100% in three minutes or less will receive a prize.
Seventh grade students started the year learning integer rules. They were able to utilize number lines they made in the parking lot to help them understand how to add and subtract integers. These rules were then used in chapter two with rational numbers. Chapter three allowed them to solve equations and they are now using those skills to solve inequalities.
Eighth grade students have had the opportunity to solve a variety of equations, solve problems using the Pythagorean Theorem and they are now graphing and writing linear equations. The class also had a good competition when learning the square numbers 1-20, 25, 30, 40, and 50. They were very quick with their answers. It was nice to observe how well they knew their facts.
The activities in math class students have used their graphing skills to make pictures of a variety of animals including a horse, fish, and lion. Ms. Davis also taught the probability and statistics unit in this class period. Students were able to use M & Ms and coins to learn the standards. She would also like to take the classes bowling and use the scores to reinforce the content. The first class of roller coasters are also finished. It is always interesting to watch the process and see how students work together and problem solve to create a working roller coaster.
The students in the WINN class have improved their skills and continue to help each other excel. They are currently working to go trail riding and have calculated the amount of money needed. This has required them to identify fundraisers to help and profit margins. They were also able to go to Hillsdale Municipal Airport last fall. They were able to learn about a variety of topics at the airport.
The Equations team is made up of eleven middle school students. The team has played well in the last two practice sessions. Scores have been impressive! The super tournament is in April. Hopefully, we will be able to bring home a trophy or two.
The top five awards for the second marking period will also be awarded to each grade level. Students will receive a certificate as well as a sweet treat.
Ms. Davis has also enrolled in professional development through the LISD. She is currently reading Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics. This book discusses little changes that can be made in a class to help the class become a thinking classroom and not one that just mimics the teacher. She has tried several different moves in the classroom and has positive results. Some of the moves she has implemented include: using visibly random groups, holding groups responsible for the learning of every member of the group, grouping desks in groups of three, having the groups in proximity to each other, when asked a proximity or stop-thinking question, answering with a question or smiling and not answering the question. One of the moves discussed in the book is to be deliberately less helpful. This is hard to do as a teacher.
Homework has also evolved. Students are completing the practice problems and are allowed to keep their papers during the review of the practice problems. They have been able to correct any mistakes and learn how to complete the problems the following day. The goal is for all answer keys to be in Google classroom. Students will then be able to check their answers as they are completing the problems. The worked out solutions will then be given or discussed the following day.
Family Engagement
What is one of the proven predictors of academic achievement? Studies show that a family’s engagement has a direct positive impact on a child’s learning success.
When families are engaged in their children’s school lives, students have the home support they need to develop a lifelong love of learning.
What is Family Engagement?
Family engagement describes a situation in which families and teachers share the responsibility to help students reach their academic goals. It happens when families commit to making their child’s education a priority, and teachers commit to listening and collaborating with families.
Family engagement in school is different from family involvement, though both support student success. Involvement includes family participation in school events or activities, while teachers provide learning resources and information about their student’s grades. With involvement, teachers hold the primary responsibility to set educational goals. They relate to families and caregivers as an academic advisor for their child rather than their partner in learning.
Think of family involvement as the first step to family engagement. While teachers can offer advice, families and caregivers also have important information about their child that teachers may not know. A student’s learning experience is enriched when both bring their perspectives to the table. With family engagement, home and school come together as a team.
Family Engagement = Student Success
Children with families engaged in their education are more likely to:
- Earn higher grades and test scores
- Graduate from high school and attend post-secondary education
- Develop self-confidence and motivation in the classroom
- Have better social skills and classroom behavior
They are also less likely to:
- Suffer from low self-esteem
- Require redirection in the classroom
- Develop behavioral issues
Personal Best, Act Responsibly, With Integrity, Show Respect (P.A.W.S.)
Tuesday, Feb. 28- LCEF Scholarships for seniors are due by 11:59 p.m.
Upcoming Events
Monday, Jan. 16 – No School for Students; Teacher PD
Friday & Monday, Jan. 27 & 30 – January Break/No School
Friday, Feb. 10 – Homecoming vs. E Jackson Girls & Boys Basketball
Sat., Feb. 11 – HS Winter Homecoming Dance 8:00-10:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Feb. 28- LCEF Scholarships for seniors are due by 11:59 p.m.