K8 Community Memo
Monday, May 6
How will your child show their
appreciation to staff this week?
Here are a few helpful ideas...
A handwritten note for student or parent
Custom art from student
Gift card or coffee card
A Chocolate Treat
Personalized Bookmark
Smarter Balanced testing started today, May 6th!
A Parent Guide to Understanding - State Testing
OSPI SBAC: Parent Guide is Available for Download
For more information about the Smarter Balanced and WCAS tests, visit: https://ospi.k12.wa.us/student-success/testing/state-testing, and click on the name of the test.
How can I help my child get ready for the test?
You are an important part of your child's education. Some things you can do to help your child are:
Discuss the test with your child. Make sure they are not scared or anxious.
Take a practice test with your child. Practice tests can be found at the Washington Comprehensive Assessment Program (WCAP) Porta: https://wa.portal.cambiumast.com/index.html and click on the Practice and Training Tests button.
Make sure your child gets a good night's sleep and a nutritious breakfast before testing.
Review test results with your child and discuss with their teacher where they might need additional help.
Your child's teacher is the best place to start if you have other questions about testing or available accessibility resources.
This Weeks Testing Schedule
MONDAY - 6-8 ELA CAT Testing
TUESDAY - 3-5 ELA CAT Testing
WEDNESDAY - 6-8 Math CAT Testing
THURSDAY - 3-5 Math CAT Testing
Parents Tips for Testing
- Ensure that your child gets ample rest the night before the test.
- On the day of the test, allow enough time for your child to wake up without feeling rushed.
- It is important to provide your child with a nutritious breakfast, as research suggests that children perform better on tests when they have had a good meal.
- Do your best to create a comfortable and calm environment, and avoid saying anything that may increase your child's anxiety.
- Ensure your child that you will always love them regardless of the test results, and encourage them to give their best effort.
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MS Sports Schedules
K8 Calendar Events
May 6th - SBAC Testings Begins
May 9th - Softball & Baseball At Home
May 13th-16th - Little Spike Volleyball
May 15th - High School Decision Day
May 17 - Outdoor Club Field Trip-Liberty Lake Hiking Trail