AES January Principal's Corner
What's really happening at AES
Welcome Back
We are so happy to have your students back at school rested and relaxed. We are entering into a very important portion of the school year. This is the time of year where we begin to see our students make great strides towards mastery of their standards. You have been a great help so far and we ask that you continue to support our efforts at home. Reading nightly with your student or having them read to you is a great way to help your student become a stronger reader. We are on the downward slope of the year and May will be here before we know it. Thanks again for letting us share in your children's lives.
Mr. P
Why Do We Do Encoding?
I know that encoding tests take getting used to and can lead to frustration for parents and students. Below is an article that explains the "why" behind encoding. Hopefully it helps.
Our New Character Anchor Stone For AES!
In an ongoing effort to help mold students of good character, AES has began implementing our character education program based on our B.A.R.K. anchor stone! Beginning with these 4 traits and with help from home, we will continue to build strong, confident, and contributing members of society!
Our Students Are So Excited About The New Piece Of Playground Equipment!
Your Wonderful Front Office Folks!
ACAP Practice Testing Will Begin In Early February For 2nd And 3rd Grade
Students Diving Into Their Own Data In Mrs. Adam's Room!
Lunch Menu
Congrats To Our Teacher And Support Person Of The Year!
Mrs. Countryman and Mrs. Pantoja
November And December Birthday Book Club!
A Little Bit Of Christmas Fun!
School Closed January 20th In Observance Of MLK Day!
Good Citizens December- Honesty
Employees Exhibiting The Character Traits Of Responsibility And Gratitude!
Awards Day
Invite Only Awards Day on the 30th for 2nd -4th Grade!
One Of Our Young Authors Showing Off His Comic Book To His Class!
2nd Grade Students Exploring Science Through STEM Activities!
Annual Mother/Son Dance February 7th From 5-7PM! More Details Soon!
Volunteer Information / School Volunteer Process (sccboe.org)