Newport News
May 1, 2024
Hello May!
Greetings Newport Families!
It is hard to believe that this is the last newsletter for the school year. We have had an exciting and productive school year. The last day of school is on May 24th. May 24th is a full day of school. Although the year is nearing an end we still have a lot of learning to do. Kids thrive on routines. That is why it is essential that students continue to be present everyday. There is still a lot of learning that needs to continue to happen before the end of the school year.
I am beyond thankful to have served our school community as your principal and I look forward to continued growth with all of you in the upcoming school year.
Let's Celebrate Island and Noeh!
Illinois Principal's Association Student Recognition Breakfast
Each year the Illinois Principals' Association of Lake County recognizes student success. Students are nominated and then recognized for their success for their leadership and their academic achievements. This year Island Cooper and Noeh Escobar represented Newport School. School administrators along with students and their families celebrated about 900 students over the course of two day. Island and Noeh not only were recognized for their achievements but their families were present to celebrate them. This also gave these students the opportunity to listen about others in various grade levels and see how their accomplishments have paid off as they grow as learners. Congratulations again to Island and Noeh.
PTO Monthly Update
The Newport Elementary School PTO would like to say thank you to all the students, families and staff that supported us for our DoubleGood Popcorn Fundraiser last week!
This month's PTO meeting will be held in person at Newport Elementary School and virtually via Google Meet on Thursday, May 2nd starting at 5:30pm. The Google Meet link will be sent out prior to the meeting.
If you are interested in helping the PTO, please don't hesitate to contact us at emailnewportpto@gmail.com or by attending our monthly meetings. Please know that you don't have to dedicate much of your time! All the parents and staff on the PTO know that your time is valuable, and we understand everyone has a busy schedule, but you don't have to volunteer for every event; even just a few minutes a month could help make a difference. Every little bit helps! If you would like to donate a couple items for a fundraiser; if you know you are good at decorating for events, if you have great fundraising ideas or even just ideas to help bring families and staff closer, we are open to any and all suggestions.
This is our last PTO meeting for this school year! Time sure does fly by! At this month's PTO Meeting, the PTO will be discussing the final details for the Teacher Appreciation Week May 6-10th and our Summer Kick-Off event on Friday, May 17th! We will also be finalizing dates for all the fundraisers for next school year!!
We look forward to seeing you at the meeting!
Newport PTO Summer Kick Off
Friday, May 17, 2024, 06:30 PM
Newport School, West 21st Street, Wadsworth, IL, USA
No Outside Food or Drink Allowed
We have been seeing an increase in students bringing in outside food such as Dunkin and Starbucks in the morning when they get off the bus. As a reminder we do not allow students to bring in outside food other then what is in their lunchboxes.
No outside food deliveries from parents or food delivery drivers such as Uber Eats, and Door Dash will be allowed in school. If food is not part of your child's cold lunch that is packed in their lunchbox, they are not allowed to bring in any outside store bought food or beverages in to - go containers such as Dunkin, Subway, Starbucks and Mcdonald's, just to name a few. If you forget to send a lunch with your child you can bring in their lunchbox with food packed inside. However, it is disruptive to the school day to have a food delivery sent to the child as the food doesn't always arrive when it is the child's scheduled lunch times. It is also an issue of safety to have food delivery drivers drop off food for students. Your child can always get a hot lunch each day if they forget their lunch. If you wish to treat your child, wait for after school. Thanks for your understanding.
Local Mobile Markets in Lake County
Tips from Mrs. Pelli, Administrative Assistant
Registration for the 2024/2025 school year is open! If you did not receive the snapcode the District provided, please check your SPAM folder or reach out to me and I can provide you with that information.
If you need access to a computer or need assistance with the registration process, please feel free to contact me and I would be happy to assist you.
If you know that your child will not be attending Newport or any other BPD3 school next year, please let me know.
Please remember to call when your child is absent. If I do not answer my phone, you1 can leave a voice message with your name, your students name and the reason for their absence.
The lost and found bin is filled with sweatshirts, hats and coats! If your student is missing any of these items, please tell them to check the lost and found bin outside of the office. Items not claimed by the end of the school year will be donated
Remember to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to get a glimpse of what's going on at Newport.
Tips from Ms. Schnettler, Health Clerk
School registration is now open. Here are some important reminders for health records. When you register your child each year, all students must be up-to-date with their physical examinations and immunization requirements. Below find the link to the department of public health website with guidance on student immunizations and physical requirements. Students currently enrolled (2023-2024 school year) in kindergarten, second grade must submit a Proof of School Dental Examination form by May 15, 2024. Please reach out to me if you need the exam form that is to be filled out by the dental provider per State of Illinois requirements.
All of our standard vision and hearing screenings have been completed and referrals may have been sent home with the students. If you received a referral, please complete the next steps for your child and return any necessary forms back to the school.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by email or phone.
Stephanie Schnettler 847-599-5319 or sschnettler@bpd3.org.
💡Newport Staff Spotlight💡
Lunchroom and Food Service Staff
Everyday we could not be as productive without the support of our Lunchroom and Food Service Staff. As food service staff they arrive in the morning to help prep for lunch for the day. Maria and Claudia always serve our students with a smile. Our lunchroom supervisors Martha, Wontaya, Cathy and Bessie help support teachers in the lunchroom and outside on the playground each and everyday. We appreciate all of them in helping to make sure Newport is running smoothly in the lunchroom and playground every single day!
Monthly Family Focus
Concert in the Park
Each summer the Zion Park District holds weekly free concerts in the park on Thursdays beginning on June 20th @7:00 P.M.. You can bring a blanket and a lawn chair and even pack a dinner or snacks and enjoy a free concert weather permitting. It takes place at the band shelter. A PDF map is located on the link before for you. If you click on the photo it will take you to the events page.
Parent Portal - Have You Looked at Your Child's Grades Yet??
Access and Information
Here are some step by step directions to get you started. You can click the Student and Parent Sign in Link at the bottom of this section to get you started or just copy and paste the information into your browser.
From the PowerSchool Parent Portal start page, click on Student Reports (Report Card) or Student Logs (Behavior Data) from the menu at the left.
Click on the current Report Card to open it, you may then view, download, and/or print the report card.
Click on the log entry to view it.
Here is the information on how to retrieve your PowerSchool Parent Portal account login information if you should need it:
Log in to the PowerSchool Parent Portal: https://bpd3.powerschool.com/public/
Click on “Forgot Username or Password?”.
Click on the “Forgot Username” tab.
Enter the email address you submitted to the school district.
Log into your email and open the “PowerSchool Username Request” email.
Note your username. Click the link to return to the PowerSchool Parent Portal sign-in page.
Click on “Forgot Username or Password?”.
Click on the “Forgot Password” tab.
Enter your username and email address.
Log into your email and open the “PowerSchool Password Reset Request” email.
Click the link in the email.
Enter your username and create a new password.
Congratulations! You are now logged into the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Remember your username and password for future use.
📆Upcoming Dates📆
📆Upcoming Dates:
May 1st 2nd/3rd Grade Squirm the Musical 6:30 P.M.
May 2nd 1st Grade Field Trip
May 6th - 10th Teacher Appreciation Week
May 7th School Improvement Day Early Release @1:10
May 10th Kindergarten Field Trip
May 10th 3rd Grade Field Trip
May 13th BPD3 School Board Meeting
May 16th 2nd Grade Field Trip
May 17th - PTO Kick Off to Summer Movie Night @Newport
May 20th Field Day
May 22 School Picnic (Chromebooks are turned in)
May 24th Last Day of School!
🎈May Birthdays!
Elias Rogers
NaSaan Irby
Takyla Lucas
Daniel Barboza Rodriguez
Aliyah Schroff
Remington Raudales Jahen
Coraline Lizzio
Kaeden Copen
Jacob Kovach
Jade Jasso Perez
Terron Williams
Roman Barajas
Levi Mynor
School Hours and Drop Off and Pick Up Information⏰
- School Hours:
- Student arrival 8:20
- Hours: 8:30 - 3:10
- If you drop off your child after 8:30 you will have to come inside to the office to sign your child in for the day.
- Below you will find our drop off and pick up map. Staff members will have your child ready and waiting for you as you move through the pick - up lane.
Pick Up Tips:
- Please contact the office prior to 2:30 PM if you are going to be picking up your child @ 847 - 599- 5330. You can also email our Administrative Assistant Mrs. Pelli @ jpelli@bpd3.org with your child's First Name, Last Name, Classroom teacher, who will be picking up your child and please include any siblings too.
- If you have to pick your child up prior to dismissal for any reason during the school year you still need to come inside the building show an I.D. and sign your child out.
🏫Dr. Laurie A. Garris, Principal
Here is how you can contact me:
💻 send me an email
☎️ give me a call
Phone: 847-599-5304
Email: lgarris@bpd3.org