All Souls Catholic School
Parent Bulletin: May 26 - June 1, 2024
Number 38
School Theme: We are the Body of Christ
May SLE of the Month: Life Long Learner
- Posses a solid foundation of basic skills with which to communicate effectively and solve problems independently.
- Demonstrate curiousity and enthusiasm for learning while thinking critically and creatively.
- Recognize and utilize their own strengths and weakensses as guidelines for self-improvement and enrichment.
- Apply organizational and study skills to promote success in the classroom and beyond.
May Virtue of the Month: Diligence
What is Diligence?
Diligencce is the virtue of steadfast effort and carefull attention to tasks. It involves persistence, dedicatioin, and a commitment to completing tasks thoroughly and effectively. In a school context, fostering diligence in students can lead to a better academic performance and a stronger work ethic.
Diligence is like the steady flow of a river, continuously moving forward despite obstacles in its path. It's the quality that drives individuals to persevere through challenges and setbacks, ensuring that they give their best efort in all endeavors.
Encourage students to practice diligence by setting clear goals and deadlines for assignments and projects. Provide regular feedback and support to help them stay on track. Recognize and celebrate their efforts and chievements, reinforcing the importance of hard work and determination. By instilling a sense of diligence, students develop the resilience and discipline needed to succeed academically and in life.
Sunday, May 26, 2024
Next School Mass
- Tuesday, May 28, 2024
- Student Body Farewell Mass to the 8th Graders @ 8:00 AM Morning Mass
- Hosted by Grades 5 & 6
- All students need to wear their full school uniform.
Updated Masses & Prayer Service Schedule
May Lunch Menu
Thank You Outgoing School Board
Outgoing 2023 - 2024 School Board
Thank you to:
- Agrawal, Nitish
- Giusti, James,
- Mason, Tina-Marie
- Martinus, Venus
- McCann, Kelly - Vice President
- Mena Ready, Angie
- Nicolas, Eilijah Giiuseppe
- Planas-David, Mia - President
- Suarez, Guilber
- Wong, Derrick
- Allen, Maureen - Vice-Principal
- Ryan, Joe - Principal
- Rev. Kazimierz Abrahamczk - Pastor
Announcing Next Year's School Board
2024 - 2025 School Board
Included in the list below are the grade or grades of each members child or children. Also, the year that they will be serving in their 3 year commitment.
- Calavano, Vanessa - Grade 1 - Year 1 of 3
- Giusti, James - Grade 1 - Year 2 of 3
- Martinez, Alvaro - Grade 1 - Year 1 of 3
- Mason, Tina-Marie - Grades 1 & 4 - Year 2 of 3
- Nicolas, Elijah Guiseppe - Grades 2 & 4 - Year 2 of 3
- Ready, Angie - Grade 5 - Year 2 of 3
- Suarez, Bogart - Grade 4 - Year 2 of 3
- Planis-Davis, Mia - Grade 7 - Year 2 of 3
- Wong, Derrick - Grade 4 - Year 2 of 3
- Allen, Maureen - Vice-Principal
- Ryan, Joe - Principal
- Rev. Kazimierz Abrahamczk
Volunteer Parent Hours - 2 Requirements Must Be Met
Complete these now!
Dear Parents,
Please be advised that if you intend to be on school grounds during the school day, chaperone on field trips, be a lunch and recess monitor, serve as a room parent, and volunteer to be a coach, the Archdiocese requires you to meet two requirements.
- You must complete the online Virtus course.
- You have been lived scanned (fingerprinted) and are cleared to work with minors.
Please contact the office if you need more information regarding these Archdiocesan requirements.
Re-Registration for 2024 - 2025 School Year
The $50 Re-Registration Late Fee will be applied to any Re-Registration for 2024-2025 school year made after Monday, April 8, 2024. Also, if you referred a family to All Souls Catholic School, it's not too late to get your 10% reduction on your 2024-2025 Re-Registration Fee.
End of the Year Report Cards
Dear Parents,
Please review your child's progress on schoolspeak. If your child is not earning the grades that you expect, reach out to your child's teacher ASAP. Students make the most progress when their parents and teachers work together as a team.
Bingo Helpers Needed
Dear All Souls Catholic School Commiunity,
Bingo allowed us to raise tution no more than 5% for the 2024-2025 School Year. I know we are nearing the end of this school year and all of us are beginning to experience spring fever. However, I encourage as many parents as possible to volunteer for Bingo for the remainder of this school year. Your help is greatly needed.
Thank you in advance for any assistance that you may provide to our Bingo events.
2024 - 2025 School Year Calendar
Athletics - Coaches
Requirements for All Coaches
The Archdiocese of San Francisco requires that all coaches have the following:
- You have completed the online Virtus course
- You have been live scanned (finger printed) and are cleared to work with minors
The due date for these requirements is Monday, June 3, 2024. Coaches that complete these requirements after June 3rd will not be placed on the list of approved coaches. Therefore, be aware that the Live Scan process can take up to 2 weeks to clear.
On June 4th, the Athletic Board will receive a list of coaches from All Souls School that have completed these two requirements. All parents that have expressed an interest in coaching and meet the criteria stated above will be considered for the coaching positions available in the program by the Athletic Board. It is however the Athletic Board, with the approval of the school principal and pastor that make the final decision. All head coaches must also work with 2 assistant coaches. Therefore, the coaches must be willing to collaborate with one another and is a requirement for the position of coach of any All Souls School athletics team.
Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation on this very important
Athletics - Fall 2024 Sign-ups
Girls Volleyball & Boys Baseball
Dear Parents and Students in Grades 4 - 8,
If you are interested in playing Girls Volleyball or Boys Baseball in August / September 2024, please complete the sign-up forms by uising the links provided below.
All sign-up forms and registration fees must be completed by August 15, 2024.
The Week in Preview
Monday - May 27
- Memorial Day Holiday - No School
Tuesday - May 28
- Dismissal @ 3:00 PM
- Farewell Mass @ 8:00 AM
- All students wear their full school dress uniform
- Buddy Breakfast @ 9:00 AM - Grades 8 & 1 - School Cafeteria
- 8th Grade Graduation Rehearsal @ 1:00 PM in the Church
- Fall / Spring Awards Ceremony @ 5:30 PM - School Cafeteria
Wednesday - May 29
- Dismissal @ 3:00 PM
- Field Trip to the Giants - Grades 5 & 7
- 8th Grade Dinner Dance @ 6:00 PM
- Dominics at Oyster Point
Thursday - May 30
- Dismissal @ 3:00 PM
- 8th Grade Graduation Mass @ 6:00 PM
Friday - May 31
- Dismissal @ 3:00 PM
- Mass @ 8:00 AM
- All students meet their class at church
- 7th Grade Readers should arrive no later than 7:50 AM
- Field Trip to SF Zoo - Grades 1 & 2
National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools
Has Four Domains
- Mission & Catholic Identity
- Governance & Leadership
- Academic Excellence
- Operational Vitality
School Mission Statement
All Souls Catholic School is a diverse community working together to teach and live the Gospel message. We prepare our students, in a safe and supportive environment, to become active Christians, confident communicators, and fully integrated individuals. Our students developt he skills needed to move forward as lofe long learners and responsible global citizens.