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The Olive Branch
What's Up At The Nest...
National Walk to School Day on Tuesday was just what we needed to kick-start our week. We so enjoyed spending extra time with our students and families on a gorgeous day. It was a great reminder of how lucky we are to live, work, and play in such an engaged school community!
Don't forget parent-teacher conference registration closes this Tuesday, 10/16 at 10 am, and there is no school for students on Thursday, 10/18 and Friday, 10/19 due to the conferences. Also, please make sure you complete a Halloween Permission Slip for each of your children by October 24th. Links to complete the permission slips were in last week's Olive Branch.
Have a great fall y'all weekend!
Becky & Erin
5th Grade Book Talks
Congratulations Dr. Bein!
D25 District Office Administrative Assistant/Receptionist Position Open
Arlington Heights School District 25 has a district office administrative assistant/receptionist position open.
This is a twelve-month position and full benefits are offered. The starting salary is $37,000.00 and this position works in the Personnel and Planning Department.
The application link is listed below. Please feel free to share the link below with any individuals that may want to apply for this awesome position.
One Book One School Event Starts October 15!
The whole school community (families and staff of OMS) will begin reading Wishtree on October 15. Thanks to the generous support of the OMS PTA, a hardcover copy of the book was purchased for each family and sent home today with the youngest child in the family. Enclosed within the book is a packet that includes the reading schedule and letters explaining how the program will work and how to send in photos of your children with their favorite tree. The official start day for reading the book will be October 15, but if you are excited to start, of course you may begin this weekend. Please try not to read beyond the pages designated for Week 1. We plan to discuss and celebrate this book at OMS over the next four weeks.
Mrs. Brown, the LMC Director, introduced students to the One Book One School program at an all-school assembly at the end of the day on Friday. Here is a copy of the presentation: Wishtree Slideshow
If you would like more information about the One Book One School program, please visit the LMC website: http://olivemarystittlmc.weebly.com/ On the One Book One School tab, you will find links to discussion questions, the reading schedule and more. OMS staff members and other district employees and administrators, as well as community members such as the mayor of Arlington Heights, have recorded their voices reading each chapter of Wishtree. So, if you find that you don’t have time to read some of the chapters as a family, please help your child visit the LMC website in order to listen to the chapters being read aloud. If you have any additional questions about the program, please contact Mrs. Brown at nabrown@sd25.org.
Here is a statement by Jesse White, Secretary of State and State Librarian of Illinois about the importance of family reading time: “Time spent reading together is one of the most valuable gifts a family can share because early reading sets young people on the path to lifelong learning.”
Video of the Week - National Walk to School Day 2018
Staff Shout-out - Mrs. Kappelman
Olive-Mary Stitt Elementary
Dr. Becky FitzPatrick, Principal rfitzpatrick@sd25.org
Ms. Erin Davis, Assistant Principal edavis@sd25.org
Website: https://www.sd25.org/Olive
Location: 303 East Olive Street, Arlington Heights, IL, USA
Phone: 847.398.4282
Twitter: @ahsd25Olive