Franklin County R-II School
Better Together...Our Community Empowers Students
What is your favorite season?
October 2024
Students will not be in session on Friday, October 11th. This is a professional development day for our staff. On October 14th, the district will be closed for a short fall break. We hope that our families will enjoy this 4 day weekend!
Mid terms were emailed on September 20th for 1st-8th grade. Please contact the office if you did not receive this notification. With your Lumen login, you can access your child's grades at any time. The end of the quarter is October 21st. You will receive your child's grade card at parent teacher conferences. All remaining mid terms and report cards will be mailed.
This month, you will be receiving a survey from the school district. The survey will be sent to the primary email on file. Please make sure we have a working email that is checked regularly. This survey is part of our MSIP 6 review that is being performed by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. It is very important that every family complete the survey. The results are anonymous and the feedback will help us make R-II a better place to learn and grow. This is your chance to tell us what we do well and where we can improve. In addition to the family survey, our students in grades 4-8 will be completing surveys along with our staff. The students will complete their surveys during their school day.
Our Student Council, staff, and board members will be providing the Friendship Plate meal at St. Peter's Church on October 12th. One of our CSIP goals is to be more involved with our community. This will be a great opportunity for us to support the community that does so much for us. The menu will be chili, cheese, crackers, fruit salad and desserts. This meal is free of charge for anyone who would like to attend. Drive thru is also available.
NO SCHOOL October 11 for staff professional development.
NO SCHOOL October 14th- District is Closed
Parent - Teacher Conferences
Parents may start contacting the office to schedule your conference on October 10th. No conferences will be scheduled prior to that date. We have to allow our Special Education team time to schedule IEP meetings first. 573-237-2414
Our goal is 100% participation!
Lunch Accounts
Lunches are $2.95 per day
Breakfast is $2.45 per day.
Milk is .50 per carton.
We have two wonderful prizes that have been donated, 1/4 beef that includes processing and $500 cash! Students will sell raffle tickets two weeks prior to the chili supper.
Our PTO is raising funds to replace our score board in the gym. Peoples Savings Bank recently donated $2000 for this future project!
Missouri Day is the third Wednesday of October
Husky News
Be on the lookout for our first edition of the Husky News! Mrs. Brune and her broadcasting team are almost ready to release their first edition. This will be shared via a YouTube link.
Parents As Teachers
Our new parent educator, Nancy Peirick, will be finishing her training this fall. Mrs. Peirick will begin contacting families to schedule screenings and visits soon. You can email her at
8th Grade Night
Field Trips
Veterans Day Breakfast
Emergency Drills
Bus Notes
CSIP Goals
Goal 1: Student Achievement
Objective 1.1.1
The District scores on state assessments will be at or above the state average on an annual basis. Once again, our scores for the 23/24 MAP show that we did exceed the state average across the board.
Objective 1.1.4
90% of our students will be in attendance at least 90% of the time. Our average attendance for our first 30 days of school is 94.98%. (as of 9/30)
Congratulations to 3rd and 5th grade for winning the attendance competition for August and September.