Wildcat Buzz

October 4, 2024
Top Buzz
1. Important Info & Updates from our School Nurses
2. NO SCHOOL on OCT 10 & 11
3. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library Closed 10/14
Mark Your Calendar
Important Upcoming Dates to Note
10/08 - InterGen Book Group Meetings
10/09 - Four Winds Training, WCS Community Room @8:30-10:30
10/10 - NO SCHOOL for Students /Conferences & Faculty/Staff In-service
10/11 - NO SCHOOL
10/15 - Walk or Roll to School Day
10/17 - Williston Families as Partners Monthly Meeting - WCS Community Room @ 8:30am
10/25 - 7th & 8th Grade Dance
10/28 - Multilingual Celebration
11/01 - Diwali / NO SCHOOL
11/02 - Williston Craft Fair
A Message from the Williston Schools Leadership Team
by Greg Marino, Williston Schools Lead Principal
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
I wanted to use this space to provide a brief update on the After Action Review process related to the unplanned evacuation at WCS on September 19. This process began immediately following the incident in the form of gathering actionable feedback from students, staff, and caregivers. Here’s a summary of the work that has happened so far.
Last Friday, September 27, the Williston School Safety Committee, along with local emergency responders, the Williston Schools Leadership Team, and Central Office leaders met to conduct an After Action Review of the incident. This review lasted two hours and was facilitated by CVSD Chief Operations Officer, Gary Marckres. Mr. Marckres led us through a protocol that included the following prompts:
What happened - sharing and documenting the chronology of actual events.
What went well?
What could have gone better?
What have we learned?
Careful notes were taken and the process yielded some clear direction about future actions for improvement.
In addition to Friday’s protocol - We are fortunate to have 88 responses to the parent feedback survey and 55 responses to the staff feedback survey. The Williston Safety committee, in addition to partners who were part of the AAR on September 27, will be meeting this coming Wednesday, 10/9 to go over these responses and overlay this information with the outcomes from the September 27 meeting. This team will have access to both the raw survey data as well as thematic summaries that have been created with the help of A.I.
After this second round of the process, outcomes and identified actions will be crafted and shared with the staff and community in as timely a fashion as possible.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out via phone or email if you have questions about this work.
Lunch Menu
Special Announcements & Notices
Important Reminder for Afterschool Program Closures/Changes
If your child's daycare or other after-school activity is cancelled, please be sure to notify the school so that we may ensure your student(s) are safe and in the right place. Thank you!
ABS: 802-871-6200 or absfrontoffice@cvsdvt.org
WCS: 80-871-6100 or wcsattendance@cvsdvt.org
Updates from Williston Schools Health Offices
We are starting to see cases of strep in our schools!
According to the CDC, here are some tips for parents on strep throat:
Symptoms: Symptoms include a sore throat, fever, red and swollen tonsils, tiny red spots on the roof of the mouth, swollen lymph nodes in the front of the neck, headache, nausea, vomiting, and stomach pain.
Treatment: A healthcare provider will usually prescribe antibiotics, such as penicillin or amoxicillin. Treatment should last 12 hours or longer.
Prevention: To prevent the spread of strep throat, you can:
- Wash your hands frequently with soap and water
- Avoid sharing eating utensils with someone who is sick
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze
- Clean and care for wounds
- Wash glasses, utensils, and plates after someone who's sick uses them
Avoid touching your face, particularly your mouth and nose
Take care of your teeth
Gargle with an antiseptic wash
Group A strep bacteria are very contagious and can be spread through respiratory droplets, direct contact, infected sores on the skin, and food that isn't handled properly. Some people infected with group A strep bacteria don't have symptoms or seem sick, but they can still spread the bacteria to others.
October 3rd, 2024
Dear Families,
We are starting to see Influenza-like-Illness (IFI) activity in our schools (main symptoms are cough/sore throat and fever) and we have confirmed cases of Flu type B in WCS. We check the temperatures of all students who come to the health office and this time of year, we are a bit stricter on our return-to-school recommendations. While the number of confirmed influenza cases in our buildings is still relatively low, we wanted to share this important information to help keep your child and our community healthy. In an effort to reduce the spread of illness, we ask that you keep your sick child home until they are healthy (fever-free x 24 hours without medicine and their respiratory symptoms significantly improved), reinforce the importance of covering coughs and sneezes with an elbow or tissue, and encourage your child to wash hands often and well.
Please let the Health Office know if your child is sick with flu-like illness or if they have been diagnosed with Flu. If you have any questions, we encourage you to call your child's pediatrician or refer to the resources we've shared below.
Be well,
Nurse Maria, Nurse Samantha and Nurse Love
Treating the Flu | Vermont Department of Health
Dorothy Alilng Memorial Library Closed - October 14th
DAML will be closed Monday, October 14th. Please be sure your WCS student has an alternative plan if they usually go to the library after school.
Dear CVSD Community,
Earlier this year, the CVSD school board announced the hiring of Adam Bunting as interim superintendent of our district for this school year. At the same time, we announced that we would conduct a thorough search for a permanent superintendent during the 2024-25 school year that included obtaining community input.
The board is pleased to announce that we have begun the process of identifying the next permanent superintendent of our district and extend an invitation to the community to get involved in the process. The search will be facilitated by CVSD’s Director of Human Resources (HR). Information about how to get involved is included on our website, https://www.cvsdvt.org/. Scroll down to the headline for the Superintendent Search.
Throughout the fall and early winter. we will provide the community with periodic updates on our progress. Thank you for your continued support of our schools.
Meghan Metzler, Chair, CVSD School Board
Keith Roberts, Chair, CVSD HR Committee
Now Hiring: Substitute Teachers
CVSD and Williston Schools are currently seeking substitute teachers. Use this link below to learn more and let us know you are interested.
The Buzz at ABS
This week we had our first school wide celebration: STOP, DROP, DANCE! Every student and staff got to celebrate their hard work of being Safe, Kind and Responsible with a fun dance party. All lunch blocks also celebrated their hard work of being Safe, Kind and Responsible at lunch, and last week each group got to watch a wild kratts show while eating lunch in the cafeteria, SO FUN!
Ask your child what they do to be Safe, Kind and Responsible at school!
Questions about PBIS at ABS, reach out to Nicole Pfende at npfende@cvsdvt.org
Allen Brook School
Bus Doors Open - 7:35 am
Start of School Day - 7:50 am
* Early Arrivals: Any students arriving between 7:25 - 7:35 must remain in the cafeteria where they will be supervised until the first bus arrives.
- - - - - - - - - -
Kindergarten Dismissal begins at 2:25pm (1:25 on Wednesdays)
First & Second Grade Dismissal begins at 2:30
Buses depart at 2:35 pm
Attention: End of Day/Attendance Notifications
Any time a student is going to be absent, or has a change to their dismissal/end of day plan,
please notify the following:
The classroom teacher
Front Office: absfrontoffice@cvsdvt.org or this form
ABS Team Assistant Celeste Plouffe: cplouffe@cvsdvt.org
School Nurse (if due to illness): slove@cvsdvt.org
Reminder: If there is any change to your student's typical end of day plan, please be sure to contact the school BEFORE 1:00PM (or 12:00 pm on Wednesdays). Changes in your student(s) schedule will not be accepted after this time unless it is an emergency.
The WCS Wildcat What's Up
Sneakers and cleats needed in the WCS PE Dept
We are reorganizing our sneaker/cleat closet at WCS and need your help.
If you have any old sneakers/cleats that are no longer being used please bring them to us by next Wednesday (October 9th). We need all sizes from kids 12 to an adult size 13.
We will, however, always happily accept donations at any point throughout the year.
Thanks in advance for your support,
WCS PE Department
24-25 Performing Arts Shirt Order
It’s time for WCS musicians to order their WCS Performing Arts shirts! All students in Band and/or Chorus will wear this shirt on concert days, to field trips and other organized events.
Who should order a shirt?
4th Grade Chorus members
5th-8th grade Band and/or Chorus students that are new to the program.
Returning 5th-8th grade Band and/or Chorus members that have lost or outgrown their shirt from last year.
How do I order a shirt?
Order your shirt here. Shirts need to be ordered and paid for by Friday, October 25, 2024. The cost is $13 and financial support is available.
What if I already have a shirt?
__ I found my shirt, tried it on and know it will still fit on concert day.
- If you can check that off, you do not need to order a new shirt.
Can I order a shirt if I am not in Band or Chorus?
Yes! If you wish to support our musicians, you may order a shirt.
Williston Central School
Bus Doors Open - 7:45 am
Start of School Day - 8:00 am
*Early Arrivals: If an early arrival is necessary (starting at 7:30 am) 3rd & 4th graders must wait in the lobby near the west entrance and 5th-8th graders will be in the lobby near the main entrance.
- - - - - - - - - -
Students will be dismissed at the following times
2:35 - 2:45 - Grades 3 & 4 Dismissed (1:35-1:45 on Wednesday)
2:40 - 5th thru 8th Dismissal for buses only
2:40 - 2:45 - Buses load and depart
2:45 - 2:50 - Grades 5-8 Dismissal for all students not riding the bus
Attention: End of Day/Attendance Notifications
Any time a student is going to be absent, or has a change to their dismissal/end of day plan,
please notify the following:
The classroom teacher
Front Office: wcsattendance@cvsdvt.org or this form
Your student's Team Assistant(TA)
School Nurse (if due to illness): wcshealthoffice@cvsdvt.org
Reminder: If there is any change to your student's typical end of day plan, please be sure to contact the school BEFORE 1:00PM (or 12:00 pm on Wednesdays). Changes in your student(s) schedule will not be accepted after this time unless it is an emergency.
Williston Families as Partners
Four Winds Nature Institute
This Year's Theme: Patterns in Nature
All Sorts of Insects (Sept.)
Leaves (Oct.)
Conifer Clues (Nov.)
Snowflakes (Jan.)
Track Detectives (Feb.)
Feathering the Nest (March)
Ferns and Fiddleheads (April)
Frogs and Toads (May)
Contact Four Winds
If you have any questions or would like to volunteer please contact: wsdfourwinds@cvsdvt.org.
Transportation - Food Service - Safety Team
Williston Schools Food Service
Williston Schools Safety Team
Click here for meeting highlights and updates throughout the school year
CVSD: School Board - DEI - Superintendent
Community Connections
Hello from the Dorothy Alling Memorial Library Youth Department! Find out more about programs at http://www.damlvt.org or by calling 878-4918.
Children in 5th grade and up may use the library unattended, while those in grade 4 or under must be supervised by a person over 16 years of age. For information on the Unattended Children Policy, see above or visit www.damlvt.org. Parents and guardians are encouraged to stop by or call 878-4918 to chat with a youth librarian about expectations and the library's after-school experience.
Saturday Storytime
Saturday, October 5, 10:30-11 a.m. Start your weekend off with Cindy’s storytime!
Craft Circle
Monday, October 7, 5-6 p.m. All ages. Bring in a current craft project and work on it in the company of other crafters!
Tuesdays, 10:30-11 a.m. Join Bella for stories, songs, and rhymes. Geared toward preschoolers, but all ages are welcome. On the Town Green when weather permits.
After School Movie
Wednesday, October 9, 2-3:35 p.m. Rated PG. Get a little spooky and kooky for this family road trip!
Preschool Music & Preschool Playtime
Thursdays, 10:30-11 a.m. Sing and dance with Linda Bassick! Followed by preschool playtime from 11-11:30 a.m. On the Town Green when weather permits.
Thursday, October 10, 3-4 p.m. Create something exciting with the Library’s LEGO collection.
VINS: Owls & Their Calls
Friday, October 11, 1-2 p.m. All ages. Meet live owls from the Vermont Institute of Natural Science and learn about the owls that live near us! On the Town Green if weather permits.
French Storytime
Saturday, October 12, 10:15-10:45 a.m. Enjoy stories read aloud in French by a native-French speaker!
Speech & Debate- Grade 5-8. This program will introduce middle school students to speech and debate through fun public speaking activities. Competitions are optional and take place during the winter season. Instructor: Kathryn Kernoff, CVU Speech/Debate Coach. https://willistonvt.myrec.com/info/activities/program_details.aspx?ProgramID=30338
Knitting- Grade 3-8. Does your child love to knit or do they want to learn? If so, this program will teach them how to improve their knitting skills. The program offers the basics for first-timers, as well as provides early and intermediate knitters with specific how-to and help with projects. All materials are provided. Instructor: Christine Heavner, Owner of Knitting Circle. https://willistonvt.myrec.com/info/activities/program_details.aspx?ProgramID=29959
Ninja Kids Intro- Age 4-8 & 7-11. The play-based curriculum increases strength and self-confidence while moving meditation helps children manage their emotions and develop the connection between mental and physical well-being. Instructor: ONTA Studio Staff. Age 4-8- https://willistonvt.myrec.com/info/activities/program_details.aspx?ProgramID=30097
Age 7-11- https://willistonvt.myrec.com/info/activities/program_details.aspx?ProgramID=30206
Ninja Teens Intro- Age 9-15. The play-based curriculum increases strength and self-confidence while moving meditation helps children manage their emotions and develop the connection between mental and physical well-being. Instructor: ONTA Studio Staff
Dangerous Girls- Age 12+. A practical self-defense class designed for teens and young women, with a combination of kickboxing and grappling. It’s fun, it’s social, and before you know if you’ll be able to kick butt. Instructor: ONTA Studio Staff. https://willistonvt.myrec.com/info/activities/program_details.aspx?ProgramID=30092
RecKids Basketball- Ages 5-6- Coed. This is a parent/child program designed to teach the fundamentals of the game. Each week youngsters will be introduced to a new skill and fun activities that will enhance their learning. This program meets on Saturdays in January and February. Instructors: Rec. Staff. https://willistonvt.myrec.com/info/activities/program_details.aspx?ProgramID=29932
1st-2nd Basketball- There are separate boys’ and girls’ programs offered if numbers allow. The program provides the opportunity for youngsters to learn the game, improve their skills, and enjoy playing. The program meets on Saturdays in January and February. The hour session will consist of a practice and scrimmage. Parent volunteers are needed to coach. Sign up to coach when registering your child. https://willistonvt.myrec.com/info/activities/program_details.aspx?ProgramID=30201
3rd-4th Basketball- There are separate boys’ and girls’ leagues offered if numbers allow. Leagues provide the opportunity for youngsters to play and improve their skills. Teams meet twice a week with a weekday practice and a Saturday game. Parent volunteers are needed to coach. Sign up to coach when registering your child. https://willistonvt.myrec.com/info/activities/program_details.aspx?ProgramID=30239
5th-6th Basketball- There will be separate boys’ and girls’ leagues offered if numbers allow. The leagues meet twice a week for 1 hour each time- 1 practice and 1 game. Separate boys’ and girls’ leagues are offered if numbers allow. Parent volunteers are needed to coach. Sign up to coach when registering your child. https://willistonvt.myrec.com/info/activities/program_details.aspx?ProgramID=30239
7th-8th Basketball- There is a league for boys if the numbers allow. The team meets twice a week for 1 hour each time- 1 practice and 1 game. Parent volunteers are needed to coach. Sign up to coach when registering your child. https://willistonvt.myrec.com/info/activities/program_details.aspx?ProgramID=30239
Basketball Referees Needed- Referees are needed for the Basketball Programs grades 1st-8th. Games are Saturdays in January and February. Opportunities are Paid or Volunteer. Contact the Recreation Dept- recreation@willistonvt.org
Communication at Williston Schools
Communication with parents and caregivers is a key component in maintaining family engagement and support. Currently, every teacher/team and school communicates regularly in some way to families. Emails, blogs, newsletters, websites, and Facebook are a few of these methods. If you reach out to a person who works in the district, you can expect a response to your communication within two (2) school days (keeping in mind that weekends and the days school is not in session are not included). In the event that a response will take more time, district employees may acknowledge receipt of your email, call, or otherwise contact you with information about when they will be able to provide resolution to your request. Please remember that if you have a concern, please go to the person most directly involved first. You are also encouraged to use the CVSD Connect With Us page.
One-Click Information
Allen Brook School
Start Time @ 7:50am;
Dismissal for PreK & K at 2:25pm - grades 1 & 2 @2:30pm
Wednesday Early Dismissal @ 1:25 & 1:30
Williston Central School
Start Time @8:00am;
Dismissal grades 3 & 4 @2:35pm - grades 5-8 @2:45pm
Wednesday Early Dismissal @ 1:35 & 1:45
Resources for Families
- First Call - 488-7777: phone support, crisis intervention, assessment and referrals
- In Crisis: 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) (National Hopeline Network: USA)
- National Suicide Prevention Life line- 1-800-273-TALK (8255), call or chat online
- Crisis Text Line - text HOME to 741741 (24 hours a day, seven days a week)
- Outright Vermont - support for LGBTQ+ community
- UVM Breathe In Breath Out - How to deal with stress due to COVID-19
- Vermont 211 -Vermont database of resources and services
- Vermont Support Line (833) 888-2557) - peer support warmline open 247 - 365 for call or text
- COVID Counselors @ VT-211
- Teen Crisis Text Line - Crisis Text Line provides free emotional support and information to teens in any type of crisis, including feeling suicidal. You can text with a trained specialist 24 hours a day. Text “HOME” to 741741.
- Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide - Website where you can find information to help yourself or a friend who may be having thoughts of suicide.
- Trevor Lifeline - 1-866- 488-7386 - provides suicide prevention and crisis intervention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) young people. It offers free, 24/7, confidential counseling. TrevorText—text START to 678-678; TrevorChat—instant messaging at TheTrevorProject.org/help. It also runs TrevorSpace, an affirming social networking site for LGBTQ youth at TrevorSpace.