Welcome Back to School 😊
From Principal Erika
Greetings BPMC #32 Community!
It’s BACK to SCHOOL!! We are all so very excited for our students to return! One of the most important components of a great school is the partnership between the school and families who work together for the best interest of children. The close partnership between home and school is one of the exceptional strengths at Bennett Park Montessori Center. I appreciate and encourage families to be actively involved. It is my hope that all of us - families, teachers, and staff will work together to continue to foster in our students an enthusiasm for learning and an appreciation for education. Looking forward a great year!
Our Mission:
At Bennett Park Montessori, our mission is to cultivate an inclusive learning environment where each child’s unique potential is recognized and nurtured. With a commitment to academic excellence, our staff, with the support of parents and caregivers, provides a developmentally appropriate, multi-aged, child-centered curriculum which fosters respect and celebrates our differences through the Montessori approach.
Our Vision:
Our vision is to be a leading public Montessori school that sets the standard for educational excellence and innovation. We envision a community where students are inspired to reach their highest academic and personal potential, supported by dedicated educators and engaged families. By fostering a culture of respect, curiosity, and resilience, we aim to prepare our students to excel in a rapidly changing world and to make meaningful contributions to society. Through continuous improvement and a commitment to the Montessori philosophy, we strive to create an environment where every child can thrive and achieve their dreams.
As always, please continue to reach out with questions that you may have to me at elamar@buffaloschools.org.
We encourage you to stay hopeful and connected. See you all soon! 😊
Important Information
K-8 first day of school
For all K-8 grade students, the first day of school is Thursday, September 5th. All returning students should report to their previous homerooms on the first day of school. All new students, we will have staff to greet you and direct you where to go.
FYI - Spectrum News will be using our school as their live Back to School story background tomorrow morning. They will not be videotaping students nor will they be engaging or interviewing staff, students or families.
Phase-in dates
- Monday, September 9th - AM only. Students may take the AM bus to school. Only on September 9th, parents are permitted to walk their child to his/her class. Please plan to pick up your child by 12:15pm on this day.
- The first full school day for our 4-year-old students is Tuesday, September 10th. PM bussing will begin on September 10th for our 4-year-old (PK) students.
- Thursday, September 12th, Friday, September 13th AND Monday, September 16th - AM only. Students may take the AM bus to school. Only on September 12th, parents are permitted to walk their child to his/her class. Please plan to pick up your child by 12:15 pm on these days.
- The first full school day for our 3-year-old (PS) students is Tuesday, September 17th. PM bussing will begin on Sept.17th for our 3-year-old (PS) students.
Parent Coffee Hour - hosted by our parent group MCA (Montessori Community Association). Please join our MCA from 9:15am - 10:15am in the Common Hall for a Parent Coffee Hour on September 5th, September 9th, and September 12th.
Ways to stay connected:
· “Bennett Park Montessori BPS 32 Community”
· “Bennett Park Montessori News and Events”
· Buffalo Parent Teacher Organization (BPTO)
· bennettparkmca
School Hours
- Student Hours: 9:10am – 4:05pm
- Doors will open at 9:10am. Please do not drop your child(ren) off early and leave them unsupervised. We do not have enough staff to appropriately supervise. Our school is located on a busy street, and we want everyone to be safe.
- Dismissal times:
- 3:35pm - PS, PK & K ONLY
- 3:45pm - 1st – 3rd grade
- 3:55pm - 4th – 8th and students with older siblings in 4th – 8th
If you will be picking your child up from school, please park on surrounding streets or pull up to the Cedar Street door.
- ALL changes in dismissal require school notification. A parent signed note is best, and phone calls can be accepted before 2:00pm.
- Early Dismissal (Pick-up before 3:20pm) - This is strongly discouraged. Completing the full school day is important to your child’s success.
Immunizations and Student Physicals 24-25
All students will need an updated physical for the required grades in 24-25. Updated medical records must be received by 9/18/24 or else students without proper immunizations will be excluded from school starting September 19, 2024, in accordance to NYS Public Health Law 2164. District link with important information: https://www.buffaloschools.org/o/dept-social-emotional-and-wellness-supports/page/immunization-requirements