2024-03-18 - RPS E-News
March 18, 2024 - BOE Meeting Summary
Hawes Elementary's 5th Grade String Quartet Shares Music
Hawes Elementary School 5th Grade String Quartet
A quartet of 5th grade instrumental music students from Hawes Elementary School, Siena Choi, Ina-Kate Jeon, Minah Lee, and Misha Thakur with elementary strings teacher Alina Lee, opened the Board of Education Meeting, playing four short classical pieces. Thank you to these talented students. View the videos of their performance below.
Student Representative Report
Sarah Bronstein - RHS Student
- The French Club went to the 2024 Montclair State University French Festival.
- The French Exchange program for the 2024-25 school year has been announced. Student interest meeting was March 15th and another one is scheduled for March 20th.
- A trip to the Galapagos was announced for 2024-2025 school year.
- Summer Trip to Bali planned to work on the coral reef for the World Challenge.
- DECA travelled to states and 30 students qualified for the next round in California.
- Project Interact helped at Super Science Saturday, is helping with the Rotary drive, and looking ahead will be assisting at the Daffodil Festival.
- Spanish Honors Society just finished up a book drive with the Paterson Boys and Girls Club and also participated in the Pulsera Project.
- This project entails selling bracelets to raise money to send Guatemalan students to high school.
- The Psychology Club's Dr. Alvarez and Mr. Feeley came in to talk about mental health resources in the school and what they do to help students. This will help prepare the members for Mental Health Awareness month in May.
- The Green Club is preparing for Earth Day next month, applying for grants, and preparing to release the trout soon.
- NJGPA statewide testing is complete.
- Virtual sophomore parent/caregiver meeting was held on college admissions.
- Spring sports have officially started on Thursday March 14th.
- A very successful nationals meet for Ridgewood. In the boys distance medley, Ridgewood placed sixth in the nation, the girls shuttle hurdle relay team also got sixth in the nation, and the girls 4x8 placed 9th in the nation
- Tryouts for Flag Football were March 7th, 8th and 11th.
Presentation of the Tentative 2024-2025 Budget for Submission
Tentative 2024-2025 Budget Review Presentation - (Starts at 33:54)
➢ Dr. Mark Schwarz, Superintendent of Schools
➢ Julie Kot, Business Administrator/Board Secretary
Superintendent Report
- Superintendent Coffee was last week. Next coffee is April 25th. Please join us.
- ThoughExchange on dress code is live. We did try a new feature of the software that enables us to combine the exchange with survey questions, however, it appears that this has caused some confusion. Moving forward we will keep the exchanges to just thoughts and star ratings. We understand that some people want to comment on the comments, but the star ratings enable us to truly gather some valuable weighted data on the topic. Your thoughts are very important, so although not required to complete the exchange, we do appreciate them.
- Enjoy the spring break.
- I wish everyone celebrating a high holy day of any kind a blessed season.
- I am withdrawing item D under Finance on the Resolutions and Motions Not Included in Consent Agenda for now.
Attendance at Conferences
Conference attendances were approved.
The Board approved the Receipt of Suspensions and Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying Reports, Second Reading and Adoption of Revised/Abolished Policies and Regulations, and the 2025-2026 School Calendar.
Curriculum and Instruction
- Field Trips listed on Attachment C of the agenda
- Professional Development Agreement with Natalie Wexler
- Elimination of one Ridgewood Elementary Development (RED) Preschool Disability (PSD) Program at the Glen School.
Human Resources
A complete list of appointments, changes of assignments, resignations, retirements, and leaves of absence can be found in the Human Resources section of the agenda.
Best wishes to our retirees:
Wendy Padykula, Speech Language Specialist - GWMS/RHS
Mark Syvret, Science - RHS
Monica Bostler - Administrative Assistant to Principal - Willard
A complete list of approvals can be found in the Finance section of the agenda.
Thank you to:
- Ridgewood High School Boys Lacrosse - $3,088.50 to be used to purchase Varsity and Freshman Boys Lacrosse uniforms
- Ridgewood High School Boys Lacrosse - $4.366.64 to be used to purchase Varsity and Freshman Boys Lacrosse uniforms
- Ridgewood High School Student Activity Account - $3,900.96 to be used to pay for 2 chaperones for the trip to Barbate, Spain
- Learning Services Home and School Association - $63 to be used to enhance the Ridgewood Unified Program.
- Educational Leadership Foundation of NJ - $2,500 to be used to enhance the Applied Engineering InvenTeams program at Ridgewood High School
- Ridgewood High School Lacrosse - $1,623 to be used to pay for the extra costs of a charter bus for the Boy’s Lacrosse Team
- Federated Home and School Association - $2,750 to be used to pay a $250 stipend to each of the 2023-2024 Teacher Recognition Honorees to purchase classroom supplies
- Hawes Home and School Association - $800 to be used to pay for field trips that support curriculum at Hawes Elementary School
- Somerville Home and School Association - $6,395 A gift in kind of furniture and supplies to enhance Somerville classrooms
- Ridgewood High School Student Activity Account - $5,102.68 to be used to pay for the ski club chaperones.
Resolutions and Motions Not Included in Consent Agenda
- The Adoption of the 2024-2025 Proposed Tentative Budget for Submission to the Executive County Superintendent of Schools
- Adoption of 2024-2025 School District Travel Maximum
- Adoption of 2024-2025 Travel and Related Expense Reimbursement
- SDA Delegation of Authority to School Business Administrator for Glen School HVAC System Upgrades - NJ SDA Project No. 4390-080-23-G5RA SDA Grant Execution and Delivery of Grant Agreement/Ridgewood High School HVAC Systems Upgrades - NJ SDA Project No. 4390-050-23-G5QZ
- SDA Grant Execution and Delivery of Grant Agreement/Ridgewood High School HVAC Systems Upgrades - NJ SDA Project No. 4390-050-23-G5QZ
- Use of Capital Reserve for Local Share of SDA Projects/Ridgewood High School HVAC System Upgrades - NJ SDA Project No. 4390-050-23-G5QZ
- SDA Grant Execution and Delivery of Grant Agreement/Ridgewood Glen School HVAC Systems Upgrades - NJ SDA Project No.4390-080-23-G5RA
- Use of Capital Reserve for Local Share of SDA Projects/Glen School HVAC System Upgrades - NJ SDA Project No. 4390-080-23-G5RA
- SDA Grant Execution and Delivery of Grant Agreement/Ridgewood Ridge Elementary School HVAC Systems Upgrades - NJ SDA Project No. 4390-090-23-G5RB
- SDA Delegation of Authority to School Business Administrator for Ridge Elementary School HVAC System Upgrades - NJ SDA Project No. 4390-090-23-G5RB
- Use of Capital Reserve for Local Share of SDA Projects/RIdge Elementary School HVAC System Upgrades - NJ SDA Project No. 4390-090-23-G5RB
- Acceptance of FY2024 SDA Grant for Emergent Projects and Capital Maintenance Needs
- Acceptance of FY2024 SDA Grant for Emergent Projects and Capital Maintenance Needs
Item D was withdrawn at this time for further review: Adoption of 2024-2025 Maximum Expenditures for Professional Services
Approval of Bills
The Board approved the payment of bills as listed in the agenda.
- Shout out to the RHS New Players for Shrek the Musical. The actors, orchestra, and crew were amazing. Thank you to Kelly Van Zile and Gary Fink for their hard work.
- Thank you to BOE Member Muhammad Mahmoud for his invitation to celebrate with the Ridgewood Muslim Society. It was very moving.
- The paperwork relative to the changing of position terms for the November 2024 election has been filed.
- Reminder: Angst documentary will be shown on Wednesday, March 20th at 7pm at GWMS and again on April 5th at 11am at the Ed Center.
- A celebration of Youth Art Month will be held this Wednesday, March 20th from 6:30-8:30pm at the Ed Center, 3rd Floor. Please stop by.
Committee Reports
- Curriculum Committee - The Middle School Program of Studies was reviewed. There was a presentation by Dr. Julie-Anne Walsh Matthews on the Science of Reading.
- SEPAG - The next Sensory Friendly Dinner is on Monday, March 25th. On March 20th, there is a virtual coffee chat. On April 11th, there is a literacy presentation. The New Players also hosted a sensory-friendly dress rehearsal performance for our SEPAG families.
- Finance - The preliminary budget was reviewed.
- Facilities - ROD grants were discussed. We are moving forward with the HVAC at Glen, Ridge, and the Maker Space area at the high school. The new architects have already visited the buildings. A timeline for the district facilities feasibility study was discussed. Water filtration options were discussed. And it was confirmed that the Orchard remediation project is still open.
- Communications - The website redesign is underway and scheduled to go live at the end of the school year. Training will occur in May 2024. The State of the Schools surveys are scheduled to go to students, families, and staff in April.
- Fields - The Village referendum and Master Library were discussed.
Discussion Items
- The BOE's attorney contact guidelines and proposed revisions to them were discussed.
Acceptance of Minutes
- N/A
Upcoming Board of Education Meetings
April 8, 2024 Regular Public Meeting
April 29, 2024 Regular Public Meeting/Final Budget Adoption
District Events
Documentary ‘Angst’ Raising Awareness Around Anxiety
Funded through a grant secured by the Village of Ridgewood Health Department
Wednesday, March 20th, GWMS Auditorium - 7:00 pm
Friday, April 5th, Ed Center - 11:00AM
Screening Includes a post-film panel discussion and Q&A. Film plus panel discussion will last approx 90 minutes.
Register (optional) for home tip sheet and at-home discussion guide.