CSRA RESA Newsletter
November 2024

October Happenings at CSRA RESA
Brian Buffington
Tech innovator and presenter Brian Buffington worked with media specialists, tech coaches, and teachers at CSRA RESA Thursday, October 24, to share his knowledge about A.I. and technology in order to create more authentic and engaging learning activities focusing on student literacy. After 13 years as a tech innovator at Pioneer RESA, Brian has branched out on his own as a full-time presenter. His technology and literacy session included writing and illustrating short stories, skits, and even songs, plus getting the most out of your prompts! Brian brought his Buff Magic and shared lots of Buff Nuggets, as well as live demos, to inspire all who were in attendance.
Growing Readers
Growing Readers hosted Regional Meeting 4 for instructional coach candidates from Richmond and Jefferson counties at CSRA RESA on October 18, 2024. Coaches engaged in collaborative tasks focusing on project principles, facilitating content to teachers via adult learning strategies, empowering teachers with knowledge of newly introduced High Impact Phonics Routines and Comprehending Theme, and building relationships and partnerships. It was a great day of learning and fun!
PLCs for School Leaders
Being part of a network or collaborative PLC gives you the opportunity to:
- improve your skills and knowledge
- re-ignite your motivation and purpose
- work on generating solutions with like-minded peers
- be the change you want to see in education
Classroom Conversations
Episode 504: Mathematics Storytelling: Connecting Math to Students' Lives
Unlock understanding in mathematics with the power of storytelling! Join us in conversation with Jabal Moss of the Richmond County School System to learn how.
Let's Read Georgia - Early Literacy Updates
November Newsletter from Kayce Tyler
National STEM Day
November 8th
Design Process - Engineering Process to Attach for National STEM Day.docx (sharepoint.com)
Book Audio - "The Mess That We Made" - Storyline Online - The Mess That We Made
Lesson Plan - "The Mess That We Made"
- The Mess that we Made Lesson Plan.docx (sharepoint.com)
Book Audio - "When Pigasso Met Mootisse" - Storyline Online - When Pigasso Met Mootisse
Lesson Plan - "When Pigasso Met Mootisse" - When Pigcasso Met Mootisse Lesson Plan.docx (sharepoint.com)
Book Audio - "The Sound of Silence" - Storyline Online - The Sound of Silence
Lesson Plan - "The Sound of Silence" - The Sound of Silence Lesson Plan.docx (sharepoint.com)
National STEM Day Submissions Folder - National STEM Day Submissions Folder (office.com)
Children's Book Week
📖 November 4th - 10th📖
Established in 1919, Children's Book Week is the longest-running national literacy initiative in the country. It originated in the belief that children's books and literacy are life-changers.
Children's Book Week is not only a celebration of books, but of connection. It is a vehicle to unite kids and adults with books, authors, and illustrators in order to foster a love of reading.
National Young Readers Week
November 11th - 15th
National Young Readers Week has its roots in the "BOOK IT!" program, created by Pizza Hut in 1984. The initiative was born after then-president Ronald Reagan urged U.S. businesses to take an active role in supporting education. The president of Pizza Hut at the time was inspired by his son's struggle with eye issues that made reading difficult, motivating him to find a way to make reading more accessible and rewarding for children.
"BOOK IT!" became the longest-running and largest reading initiative supported by a corporation, aiming to motivate children to read by offering a fun incentive.
Over its decades of history, "BOOK IT!" has reached more than 14 million students across over 620,000 classrooms. It has gained recognition from presidents Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton for its positive impact on literacy. In 1989, Pizza Hut extended its efforts by launching National Young Readers Week—a week-long event designed to promote the importance of reading, especially in schools. During this week, school principals are often involved, emphasizing the value of reading by actively engaging with students.
American Education Week
November 18th - 22nd
Distressed that 25 percent of the country's World War I draftees were illiterate and 9 percent were physically unfit, representatives of the NEA and the American Legion met in 1919 to seek ways to generate public support for education.
The conventions of both organizations subsequently adopted resolutions of support for a national effort to raise public awareness of the importance of education. In 1921, the NEA Representative Assembly in Des Moines, Iowa, called for designation of one week each year to spotlight education.
American Education Week is always celebrated the week prior to the week of Thanksgiving.
- Monday, November 18: Kickoff Day
- Tuesday, November 19: Family Day
- Wednesday, November 20: Education Support Professionals Day
- Thursday, November 21: Educator for a Day
- Friday, November 22: Substitute Educators Day
K-12 Mathematics Resources
Making Sense of Standard Computational Algorithms
The purpose of this document is to enhance the understanding of standards algorithms and student-centered approaches to mathematical computation and problem-solving.
Mathematics Resource Companion for Supporting Students with Disabilities
This Mathematics Resource Companion is intended to provide teachers with specific, evidence-based strategies and supports for students with mild cognitive disabilities or autism as they work towards mastery of Georgia’s K-12 Mathematics Standards using the GaDOE mathematics instructional resources.
Within this resource, educators of students with disabilities will find information, resources, and tools for implementing Georgia’s K-12 Mathematics Standards. Sample exemplars of the universal strategies addressed within this resource are provided and are aligned to the 4-part instructional design and includes a diagnostic assessment sample along with evidence of student success sample; which are all components of the GaDOE mathematics instructional learning plans.
Planning for Student Learning Supports Graphic Organizers
Sample graphic organizers to support effective planning of Tier 1 supports.
- Anticipation and Determination Rubric
- Student Learning Supports Monitoring Sheet
- Evidence of Learning Targets Checklist
- Tracking Progress by Learning Targets
- Goal and Plan
- Goal, Status, Plan
- Formative Assessment Observation Rubric
- Strategy Observation Sheet
- Anticipated Student Thinking
Upcoming Professional Learning
November 1: GaLEADS Training for Leaders and Teachers (virtual)
*November 6: Georgia's Emergency Management and Homeland Security Behavior Threat Awareness Training for Schools (Use this link to register: https://forms.office.com/r/7QE121Vk3h)
November 13: A Domain Day: Texts - Georgia K-12 ELA Standards
November 14: Emotional Poverty
December 13: Have Assessment Data, Now What? Data-Driven Decision Making using I-Ready
(Grades 6-12)
December 13: Have Assessment Data, Now What? Data-Driven Decision Making using I-Ready
(Grades K-5)
To register for any of these sessions: registration.csraresa.org/PL_Session_List_Public_View.asp
East GLRS Professional Learning
November 8: Significant Cognitive Disabilities: How Do I Teach Them?
November 8: Initial Eligibility and IEP: How do I Interpret the Psychological for Eligibility and Develop the IEP?
November 14: Documenting Assistive Technology in the IEP
Registration: Log In