Miner Message
July 1, 2024

Miner Families,
I hope you are enjoying your summer so far! It is a little too quiet around the halls of Miner School, that is until all of the construction begins over the next few days! Over the next few weeks, we are sharing a few of our classrooms with A Mother's Touch Daycare (our neighbors) while they get some of their windows completed. As my first year has come to a close, I am very grateful for all of the Miner staff, students, and families for being so welcoming, open to new things, and patient during my transition process. Now, with officially one year under my belt, I am ready to dive right into next school year head first! 😁 We have a few changes happening around Miner School this coming school year. See below for more information.
Enjoy the rest of your summer and we look forward to see you and your kiddos in the Fall!
What's Happening in the Front Office??
Message from Dominique Guza
Dear Miner Families,
I am writing to share some bittersweet news with you. I have accepted a position with District 23 as their Director of Student Services for this upcoming school year. Leaving the Miner Community was a very difficult decision to make. It has been an absolute joy to work with you in order to support your children and their success at Miner. I look forward to continue to partner with Miner and NSSEO as a member district and hope to continue to hear about all the growth the students continue to make.
Miner Retirees!
Cindy Barnett (aka The Queen) - Admin Assistant
Jose Barraga - Tech Guru
Dawn Delaney - Occupational Therapist
We will miss you all!! Enjoy your next chapter!
A Few New Faces
New Assistant Principal
It was a difficult process but we have found our new Assistant Principal for Miner School
I am happy to announce that our next Assistant Principal will be Mrs. Jaime Lenhart! She has had various experiences during her career, including administrative roles in both general education and in a cooperative environment. She has a background in behavior management, supporting structured learning environments, PBIS, building community relationships, and knowledge and understanding of IEP/BIP development and planning. Some of her other strengths is that she values the importance of being present throughout the school, building relationships with staff & students, collaboration and partnering with families, and a passion for working with our population of students.
New Admin Assistant
We were also very fortunate to find a replacement for The Queen in the front office. Mrs. Tracy Poduch has joined the office team after being a classroom ESP during this past school year. With her beautiful spirit, big heart, and nurturing personality she has quickly integrated into our Miner family. We are so very happy to have her and one of the faces to greet our families when they come into the school!
We are also welcoming a few new staff this coming school year. More information to come on those Miner friends as the school year approaches.
PTO Corner
24-25 Miner PTO
If you are interested in being apart of the Miner PTO for the 24-25 school year, please contact myself or our incoming PTO President, Erin Rohlena at erine683@gmail.com. We are looking forward to a fantastic new year and want to hit the ground running!
Required Health Documentation - Reminders
As we are preparing for the upcoming school year, we would like to send a few reminders for what would be needed for your child prior to the first day of school.
If your child requires specific health/medical documentation for school, you should have received a packet prior to the last day of the regular school year. In this packet, there was specific information related to what is required for your child prior to the start of next school year. It is important that any documentation be provided to the school nurse in the Miner Health Office on or before August 2, 2024. This is to ensure that there will not be a delay in your child starting school on the first day, which is August 15, 2024.
We wanted to make sure that we provided you with ample notice so that you can work on scheduling your child's appointments and contacting any necessary health professionals that care for your child.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to our school nurse, Joy Borkowski, at jborkowski@nsseo.org or (847)463-8451.
Information to Share?
Are you aware of any events or opportunities outside of school that might benefit some of our Miner students or families? If so, please share them with us! Please reach out to either tjeffrey@nsseo.org or jlenhart@nsseo.org to help spread the word. We’d love to share any information that might help to support opportunities or resources outside of Miner!
Important Dates
- August 12th-14th: Teacher Institute Days
- August 15th: First Day of School for Students