Mel Maria Catholic Primary School

Newsletter - Term Three Week Ten - 2024
Dear Parents and Staff
It is appropriate to thank a number of people for their efforts and contributions over the past ten weeks. The teachers, support staff, education assistance, office staff and groundsmen of this school are most professional and generous in the assistance and education they provide each of the students within their care. There are quite a few sacrifices made by staff (and the school as a whole) each term, to ensure that we provide each year level with the necessary support to assist in each child’s learning development.
Much has been accomplished in a rather busy Term Three. It is most gratifying to see the achievements of all our students over the term. The students have worked productively in class, to produce some quality work and pleasing results. The ‘Open Night’ was testament to this. Well done to you all.
The Sacrament of Penance in Our Catholic Community
This week our students in Year Three at both campuses received the Sacrament of Penance. At the heart of our Catholic faith is the Sacrament of Penance, a profound opportunity for reflection, reconciliation, and renewal. Through this sacrament, we are invited to seek forgiveness and healing, restoring our relationship with God and others. In our school community, we guide our students in understanding the importance of confession, encouraging them to experience God’s mercy and grow spiritually.
By participating in the Sacrament of Penance, our students not only learn the values of humility, forgiveness, and personal growth, but also develop a deeper connection to their faith. This sacrament nurtures a sense of peace and inner strength, fostering a compassionate heart that mirrors Christ’s love. As a school, we are proud to accompany our students and support the parents on this journey, helping them cultivate a lifelong practice of reflection, forgiveness, and reconciliation within the supportive environment of our Catholic community.
We congratulate all our Year Three students who received this sacrament this week.
Open Night
It was wonderful to see our families (as well as many new families wishing to enrol their child/children into Mel Maria CPS) gather last Wednesday evening as the children shared their learning with their parents.
The Open Night provided an opportunity for parents, children and the school to come together to support, share and celebrate each child’s learning. It was fantastic to hear the students share their learning, knowledge, interests, and abilities with their parents. The children felt really feel proud of the work that they displayed, as I am sure Mums and Dads feel the same way. Many thanks to the entire staff of Mel Maria Catholic Primary School who worked extremely hard over the past couple of weeks to ensure the night was a success. Well done to all involved.
Speak-Up Final
It is with great pleasure that we congratulate both Millie Beaver and Georgia Matthews who both spoke and presented brilliantly last Friday night at the Speak-Up Awards. There were fourteen finalists from across the state in this final and Mel Maria had two. Quite an achievement. Millie Beaver won the award for the most outstanding researched presentation. We were very proud of both girls.
A special ‘Thank You’ to Miss Naomi Smyth who coordinated the Speak Up competition this year.
Tournament of Minds – State Champions
Congratulations! Both of our TOM (Tournament of Mind) teams competed at the WA State Finals on Saturday, 14 September. The States involves a three hour lock in problem received on the day. Students need to work together as a team to script write, answer the criteria and creatively present their solutions to a panel of judges.
Our SJP team won their category Language Literature and have been invited to attend the Tournament of Minds International Final to be held in Sydney next term.
Our PN team received State Honours. We are super proud of their achievements.
The students were so refined in their performances. The joy on their faces, their intellect having fun and the way they worked as a team were all on display. The judges’ comments were so positive and the students had their dedication and hard work reflected back to them in these outstanding results.
CONGRATULATIONS and well done to Mel Maria!!
Craig Silvey Award
Exciting news. Anya Aryaputri is a top three finalist for the Craig Silvey Award. Anya is the first student who has achieved this back-to-back, which is quite an achievement. Congratulations Anya!
Junior Faction Carnival
We congratulate all our students from Pre-Primary to Year Two who participated in the Junior Athletic Carnival last Friday. The weather was perfect, and the students had a fantastic time. It was also wonderful to see so many parents come along and show their support.
A BIG THANK YOU to Mr Damian Williams and Mr David John for organising all the events, running the various trials and coordinating the carnival. It is a HUGE Job.
Thank you to all staff for your amazing 'behind the scenes' work at the carnival. The setting up early the morning, scoring, marshalling, packing/unpacking and crowd control was very much appreciated and made for a smooth carnival. We are very lucky to have such an amazing and supportive staff.
We are also very grateful to the parents who assisted on the day, either marshalling, judging, distributing ribbons etc. Without this assistance we could not run the carnival. Thank you once again to our P&F Association for the morning teas and lunches provided. It was a great day.
Thank You
As this term comes to an end, we say a fond farewell to Miss Briana Ryan, who will be embarking on an exciting overseas adventure. During her time at Mel Maria, Briana has made a valuable contribution both as an Education Assistant and as a Teacher, and she will be greatly missed by students and staff alike. We wish her all the very best in her travels and hope that our paths may cross again in the future. Safe travels, Briana!
School Uniform
Next term, our students move into their Summer Uniform. As is always the case, the students will have a two-week transition from their winter to the summer uniform. I remind all parents about the standard of uniform we expect at Mel Maria CPS. Included in this expectation is ensuring that our children have appropriate hair styles. Please refer to the Uniform Policy on our school website for further information.
New Uniforms
School Uniform – Kindergarten
- Top: Red polo top.
School Uniform – Pre-Primary – Year Two
- Top: Navy sport polo top.
School Uniform – Year Three – Year Six
For summer:
- Bottoms: Navy skort, shorts, or skirt.
- Top: White shirt with logo.
For winter:
- Bottoms: Navy skort, shorts, skirt, or pants.
- Top: White shirt with logo.
- Additional: Tie and jumper.
For sport:
- Shorts: Navy sport shorts.
- Top: Navy sport polo top and Faction polo top.
This provides flexibility and comfort throughout the year, while maintaining a cohesive and professional look. Uniforms will be available to purchase next year; however, there will be a transition period. More information to come next term.
Term 4 Calendar – Key Dates
The Term Four Calendar has been attached to this newsletter. It has been updated to reflect the term and the events scheduled.
Some important events take place in the first two weeks of the term. These include:
· Senior Athletics Carnival - Friday 11 October
· Telethon Speech and Hearing Loud Sock Day - Thursday 17 October
· Grandparents Day - Wednesday 23 October
· World Teachers’ Day - Friday 25 October
· First Communion (SJP) – Saturday 9 November and Sunday 10 November
· Annual Community Meeting - Tuesday 19 November
From My Readings . . .
Parenting Ideas Holiday Survival Guide
Holidays are about kicking your feet up, relaxing and getting away from the usual routines. That’s how kids see holidays.
Holiday time can be stressful for many parents. Keeping kids busy, avoiding arguments and getting time for yourself can be hard parenting work during holidays. But school holidays don’t have to be stressful. It’s a great opportunity to get your family back on track, build strong relationships and set the tone for a positive future. These ideas will help:
Establish a holiday routine
Some kids feel comfortable with the routines of school-life and can feel lost until the new holiday routine kicks in. Be patient with these routine-junkies! Also make sure you begin adjusting the routine as a return to school comes closer, so that the kids are prepared for going to bed and getting up at earlier.
Resist being an entertainment officer
While we want our kids to be occupied, it’s worthwhile remembering that kids also need some downtime. The opportunity to relax and unwind is a prerequisite for good mental health, so make sure the kids have an opportunity to take a break from the usual grind and become bored. “I’m bored” is an invitation for kids to keep themselves occupied rather than for you to keep them amused.
Arrange plenty of green-time, less screen-time
It’s well documented that today’s children spend more time in front of screens, and less time outdoors. It’s no coincidence that this increase in the use of digital devices by kids has been accompanied by a spike in anxiety. Recent research shows how time spent in natural environments is refreshing, relaxing and rejuvenating. Science now supports what we’ve intuitively known. These holidays ensure both you and your family have less screen-time and more green-time.
Create one-on-one time
At Parenting Ideas, we believe that individual relationships are built through one-on-one interactions. If you’ve a child who is struggling or even annoying you a little, consider increasing the number of times you spend in each other’s company these holidays – doing something pleasant together. Just the two of you. It’s like money in the relationship bank account.
Team up with other families
Team up with other families and share the holiday load. You don’t have to holiday together to gain these benefits. Share the child minding with a friend or swap sleepovers where “you look after my kids and I’ll look after yours” for a night or two. This will give you a break while giving children a different family experience.
Prioritise parent education
Holidays and slow times provide a great chance for learning and making a fresh start in any part of your life, including parenting. If most of your recent parenting education has consisted of the learn-on-the-run kind, consider using the coming down time to gain some new skills and knowledge that will positively impact your future parenting. Watch a webinar recording, read a book, take a course. There are plenty of learning opportunities available for you. Just as big hinges swing big doors, sometimes small parenting changes and adjustments can have a massive impact on your parenting.
By Michael Grose
Have a wonderful holiday everyone. Stay safe and I look forward to catching up with everyone in Term Four.
Kind regards
Paul Hille
The Beatitudes of a Different Kind
Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves: They will have no end of fun.
Blessed are those who can tell a mountain from a molehill: They will be saved a lot of bother.
Blessed are those who know how to relax without looking for excuses: They are on the way to becoming wise.
Blessed are those who know when to be quiet and listen: They will learn a lot of new things.
Blessed are those sane enough not to take themselves too seriously: They will be valued by those about them.
Happy are you if you can appreciate a smile and forget a frown: You will bring others to the sunny side of the street.
Happy are you if you can be kind in understanding the attitudes of others even when the signs are unfavourable: You may be taken for a fool, but this is the way of the Gospel.
Blessed are those who think before acting and pray before thinking: They will avoid many blunders.
Happy are you if you know how to hold your tongue and smile, even when people interrupt and contradict you: The Gospel has begun to seep into your heart.
Above all, Blessed are you who recognise the Lord in all whom you meet:
The light of truth shines in your life for you have found true wisdom.
Thought for the Week
Our faith should be our steering wheel, not our spare tyre.
St Vincent Winter Appeal
Our Year 5 teachers and students organised an amazing event to collect food donations for two wonderful local charities: St Vincent de Paul and St Patrick's Care Centre.
A huge thank you to everyone who contributed! Your generosity will make a real difference in our community. Together, we’re spreading kindness and support to those in need.
In Japanese classes, our Mel Maria students have been developing their intercultural understanding through a variety of different art projects this term.
By learning Japanese at Mel Maria, students can notice, compare and reflect on their own linguistic, social and cultural practices, as well as those associated with Japan. They develop knowledge and values that are articulated through the Japanese culture.
Please enjoy viewing our Daruma Dolls, Kendama Toys, Koi Fish and Japanese Scrolls.
A stunning September day provided our Pre Primary to Year Two students the perfect opportunity to compete in this year’s Junior Sports Day on Friday, 13 September. Students had the opportunity to run, jump, throw and catch their way to victory during five team games and a running race. Our students were fantastic as they gave their best for their faction, showing pride in themselves and it was great to see so many of our students smiling throughout the day. Our Pre Primary students were brilliant in their first big carnival at the school, and definitely earned themselves a good night’s sleep on Friday night. The Year Ones and Twos were also amazing, and I can’t wait to see what our Year Twos can do at the Senior Athletics Carnival in 2025!
After a warm day of the students giving their best, Blue faction came out on top largely thanks to their strength of performances on the running track.
1st: Blue, 1207 points
2nd: Green, 1131 points
3rd: Gold, 1082 points
4th: Red, 1036 points
A huge thank you needs to go out to:
- Mr Hille, Mrs Nichols, Mr Popadynec and Miss Figueira for their help in setting and packing up before and after the carnival.
- The P&F for running a hugely successful cake stall and sausage sizzle – thanks for keeping the students fed throughout the day.
- The Year Six Sports Ministry, who helped muster and encourage the students throughout the day.
- The parents who attended to create a great atmosphere, especially those who joined in the Dress Up Relay at the end. The kids love having you there to support them, and love seeing you compete in that spectacle as well!
- The parents who assisted with dropping the shade tents at the end of the day. Many hands make light work and your willingness to help is truly appreciated.
- The students for the way they approached the day. It’s a big, active day but you were all well prepared and tried your best – all we can ever ask.
Open Night
Thank you to all the children and parents who visited both libraries for Open Night. It was wonderful to meet new families and to reconnect with families from the past. It was fantastic to see the children show their families around the libraries, sharing with them their love of books, reading and the experiences they have during their library lessons. A big thank you to the Waste Wise Warriors who helped to create our Rainbow Serpents and to Mrs Scheggia for all our incredible displays.
Waste Wise Warriors
Thank you to the children and families supporting our Waste Wise collection service in the library. All lids, (metal and plastic) batteries, bread tags, ring pulls and stationary (pens, pencils, high lighters, crayons) have been taken to Bottle Top Hill at Piney Lakes for repurposing. Next term we will commence collecting medical blister packs.
Chevron Nature in Focus Photography Competition.
Every year the library promotes the Chevron Nature in Focus Photography Competition. This year not only can school aged children take part, but it is also open to adults. This is a wonderful opportunity for all environmentalists young and old to take part to earn rewards for their themselves and our school. We are very proud of our past winning students and look forward to what is captured this year. Below is the link to enter the competition or information is also available in the libraries on both campuses.
Closure of the libraries.
Due to our transition the libraries will be closed for Term 4. We encourage parents to utilise the services provided by the libraries in our local community. Membership is free.
For further information go to the Melville City Council webpage. https://www.melvillecity.com.au/things-to-do/libraries
If you are needing any support in anyway, please see the library staff.
Lucas Sharp (Year 6 Red PN) will be competing in the Australian BMX National Championships, representing WA in early October. He’s very excited to compete for a top 8 ranking in Australia, especially as the Championships are being held in Perth this year at Westside BMX Club in Balcatta. He is part of the BMX race team, CTD Industries in the Support Team for Inspyre Bicycles and has had a very successful year racing for them placing 5th in WA in the State Series.
Loud Sock Day
As a valued Partner of TSH Outpost School Program and having students in the school who attend this program, we are calling for your support for Loud Shirt Day but at Mel Maria Catholic Primary School, we host Loud SOCK Day.
Loud Sock Day will be held on Thursday, 17 October 2024. Wear your loudest and brightest socks to raise awareness for children with hearing loss.
Help make an impact and empower these incredible young individuals to reach their potential.
Get ready for Loud Sock Day!
Thursday, 17 October, wear your loudest socks for a gold coin donation to help support TSH.
Thank you for your support.
TSH team, Karina op den Dries, Mary Norman and Simonette Chiappini
Past Student
Kade De Luca attended Mel Maria from Kindy to Year 6 - graduating in 2018. (He performed at the Year 6 graduation). He is 17 and will graduate Year 12 at Corpus Christi College this year.
Kade is on this season of The Voice Australia.
Earlier this year ,Kade was scouted by executive producers of The Voice Australia and from thousands of applications he proceeded through the extensive audition tour to be one of 80 artists Australia and NZ wide chosen for Blinds - with only a handful of those under 18.
In between studying year 12 ATAR he flew to Sydney to perform on The Voice stage in front of celebrity coaches Adam Lambert, Kate Miller- Heidke, LeAnn Rimes and Guy Sebastian. What an incredible experience!
After returning from Sydney he was invited to perform live on stage with Voice Coach Kate Miller-Heidke on her Catching Diamonds Tour, and also performed with Perth Symphony Orchestra and Joondalup Symphony Orchestra.
An exceptional achievement to be performing on the biggest stage in Australia at 17 years old
instagram: @kadedelucamusic
Marshalls Tennis Academy Term 4 School Tennis Coaching
Please follow the link to enrol online - marshallstennis.com.au
Use parental controls on your child's iPhone and iPad
With Screen Time, you can turn on Content & Privacy Restrictions to manage content, apps and settings on your child’s device. You can also restrict explicit content, purchases and downloads, and changes to privacy settings.
Apple's parental controls are important tools that allow parents to choose how — and how often — their children can use their devices. Parental controls are built right into each iPhone, iPad and Mac.
Click here https://support.apple.com/en-au/105121 to learn how to enable Screen Time.
Beacon - The Cyber Safety app for every parent and career.
Telethon Kids Institute and Dolly's Dream are proud to deliver Beacon - a cyber safety educational app designed to keep parents and carers up-to-date with trusted, tailored information, to help keep their kids safe online.
Beacon is designed specifically for parents as a personalised, one-stop-shop for reliable information about the online world. It arms parents and carers with the knowledge they need to confidently help navigate their children’s digital behaviour and reduce harms we know are associated with being online and on screens.
Beacon will shine a light on the online world with:
- Articles and videos backed by the latest research
- Tailored content and alerts, unique to your family needs
- An interactive, personalised digital family agreement
- Help and services that are available to you and your family
Beacon is here to support all families
Beacon aims to improve the digital future for Australian children by building parents’ and carers’ digital skills so they can confidently navigate their children’s use of digital technology in a positive way and minimise potential harms associated with being online.
The Beacon app integrates seamlessly into parents’ daily lives, delivering the most trusted and up-to-date information backed by behavioural science research, as well as personalised support, ideas and strategies at their fingertips to navigate the ever-changing online world.
Pre-Kindergarten 2025 – Applications are Now Due
Enrolments are now being taken for siblings and new students wishing to commence Pre-Kindergarten at Mel Maria Catholic Primary School in 2025. Families with children eligible for Pre- Kindergarten in 2025 are required to fill out an Enrolment Application Form. To enrol in Pre-Kindergarten, a child must be three years of age before the 30 June 2025.
Mel Maria Catholic School Primary School will continue to operate full day Pre-Kindergarten groups next year with the days of attendance being Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Classes are filling up fast, with limited positions now available, so it is important that parents submit their applications as soon as possible. Application forms can be obtained from the office or please follow the link provided. https://melmaria.wa.edu.au/assets/Uploads/General/Application-for-Enrolment-Form.pdf.
Kindergarten 2025 – Applications are Now Due
In 2025, we will have a whole new Early Childhood space for students from Pre-Kindergarten to Year Two. This is going to be very exciting for the students, teachers and parents.
Enrolments are now being taken for siblings and new students wishing to commence Kindergarten at Mel Maria Catholic Primary School in 2025. Families with children eligible for Kindergarten in 2025 are required to fill out an Enrolment Application Form. These can be collected from the office or please follow the link provided. https://melmaria.wa.edu.au/assets/Uploads/General/Application-for-Enrolment-Form.pdf.
Kindergarten places are limited so it is important that parents within the Mel Maria Catholic Primary School community submit their applications as soon as possible.
School Term Dates for 2024
Term 1: Wednesday 31 January - 28 March
Term 2: Monday 15 April - Friday 28 June
Term 3: Monday 15 July - Thursday 19 September
Term 4: Tuesday 8 October - Friday 6 December
Pupil Free Days for 2024
Term 1: Monday 11 March
Term 2: Tuesday 4 June
Term 3: Friday 16 August, Friday 20 September
Term 4: Monday 7 October
Sacramental Dates for 2024
SJP - Wednesday 15 May at 6:00pm
PN - Friday 9 August at 6:00pm
PN - Saturday 10 August at 3:00pm
SJP - Sunday 10 November at 11:00am
PN - Saturday 8 June at 3:00pm and Sunday 9 June at 2:00pm
SJP - Wednesday 18 September at 3:30pm
PN - Wednesday 18 September at 9:45am