RI Children's Book Award
The time has come to vote!
Voting Information
The time has come for your students and patrons to vote for their favorite book among the RI Children’s Book Award nominees for 2017! For over 20 years the Rhode Island Children’s Book Award has generated widespread enthusiasm for reading. Thank you to the many schools and libraries in Rhode Island that participate.
All voting and program evaluation will be done online. Beginning January 30, your school or library’s voting results can be entered at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ricba2017.
Important voting information:
- Your school or library does not need to register to vote. Any school or library that would like to participate is encouraged to do so!
- The online survey is to collect your school or library’s voting results, not a way to collect individual children’s votes.
- Distribute ballots to students or patrons who have read 3 or more of the nominated books, collect all completed ballots, and tally your school or library’s results on a blank ballot.
- The total number of votes for each book should be entered into the survey.
- Each school or library may only complete one survey; the system does not allow you to make corrections or to enter additional results. If you have any difficulties, or need edits done, please email Youth Services Coordinator, Danielle Margarida by 12:00 p.m. on Monday, March 6.
- All votes must be entered by Monday, March 6, 2017.
- A different school hosts the award presentation each year. Be sure to fill in the information on the survey if you would like your school’s name entered in the drawing to host this year’s award ceremony.
The Rhode Island Children’s Book Award aims to encourage reading and allows children to make critical choices about their reading. While we speak of one author as the “winner,” we consider all books that engage children’s interest to be winners. Please let your students or patrons know your school or library’s “best loved” book, and then share with them the statewide results that are announced in March.
More Information
About us
Email: danielle.margarida@olis.ri.gov
Website: http://www.olis.ri.gov/services/children/ricba/index.php
Location: RI Office of Library and Information Services, Providence, RI, United States
Phone: 401-574-9309
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Rhode-Island-Childrens-Book-Award-1353731481320472/?ref=page_internal