Online Elementary Weekly Newsletter
November 17, 2024
Office Information
Application for Education Benefits
Please help us get there and make sure to complete a form for your children attending SPPS Online School! OES is only a few applications away from 100% completion!
It is critical that all families complete an Application for Education Benefits each school year. These applications determine how much funding your child’s school receives for educational programs and supports. Additionally, eligible families can qualify for other benefits. Paper applications are available at school or can be completed online at schoolcafe.com/spps.
Principal News
Dear OES Parents,
You've already decided that your child's best option right now is an online school. We are very grateful that you trusted us with your child's education. We are available to offer direction and assistance so that you and your kids can have a successful time.
Parents and caregivers play a crucial role in guiding students in finding suitable online learning approaches, ensuring accountability, and providing necessary support.
The following tips for parents were sumarized from an online study conducted by an online company called edmentum.com. They shared this informative tips about online schools for parents: Five Things Parents Can Do to Support Virtual Learning
Here is the summary of these important tips for parents:
1. Build a Schedule
Virtual learning offers flexibility but can be challenging for some students, especially young ones. To manage this, students need to establish their own routines and manage their time effectively. Parents can help by discussing their responsibilities, realistic time commitments, and other commitments. They can also involve their virtual teacher(s) in the conversation. After discussing everything, help them create a weekly schedule with designated work time for online courses and hang it in a noticeable place.
2. Model Hard Work and Persistence
Online learning requires intrinsic motivation and self-directed effort, which may be more natural for some students than others. Acclimating to online platforms and managing productivity can be challenging. Parents and caregivers can help by demonstrating the importance of these skills in the real world. Talking to your child about your own work, goals, and challenges can help them understand the importance of these skills. Taking time to tackle projects of your own while working on online coursework can help your child adopt a similar approach.
3. Set Up a Designated Workspace
The right workspace significantly impacts students' mindset and focus. When utilizing virtual learning, it's crucial to create a personalized environment that suits their needs. Consider your child's personality and preferences, and have a conversation about their preferred workspace. For quiet students, a desk and chair in the room, while for hands-on learners, a table in the living room or kitchen may be more suitable. Ensure easy access to necessary materials and supplies.
4. Get to Know the Virtual Learning Platform
Virtual learning involves students spending their school days in online programs. Parents should familiarize themselves with the platforms, their usage, and available resources. Explore orientation resources, communication tools, parent portals, and materials for parents and caregivers. Ensure students are comfortable navigating content, completing tasks, and completing assignments. By familiarizing themselves with online tools, parents can better understand their child's learning and provide effective support.
5. Stay in Communication with Your Student’s Teachers
Online learning requires open communication between students and teachers, with parents and caregivers playing a crucial role. School or district leadership may set communication parameters, such as daily video lessons or weekly phone check-ins. Parents should be aware of expectations and proactively reach out to instructors. Sharing successes and recognizing goals can also help students appreciate positive feedback from multiple angles.
You can find more detailed information in the accompanying PDF link. The article is worth reading. A Parent Guide: Support Your Child During Virtual Learning
John Osorio
Assistant Principal
651-744-6368 / john.osorio@spps.org
School News
Kindness Drawing Contest
The 5th grade leadership team is hosting a kindness drawing contest November 15-19, with winners being selected on November 20. Students can find the contest information in SeeSaw!
4th and 5th Grade Family Tree - Health Presentations
4th grade lesson is tomorrow - November 18.
A health educator from Family Tree Clinic will be coming to the 4th grade classroom on November 18 to discuss puberty and students’ changing bodies. This presentation covers Health Curriculum Standards and allows students to ask questions of experts in this topic. Please review the attachments that Family Tree Clinic has provided us and let us know if you have any other questions. You only need to return the letter if you DO NOT want your child to receive the presentation.
Attendance Matters
It is important for your child to show up to class on time everyday. If your child will be absent from class please contact Belinda Vang via phone or email at your earliest convenience.
Attendance Line: 651-774-4707
Attendance Email: oes.attendance@spps.org
How to report an absence:
Student Name
Parent Name
Student # or DOB
Date(s) of Absence
Reason for being absent
Grade Level News
Our Kindergarten newsletter shares our theme, the lessons and goals we have throughout the theme, and important dates. It also has links to the Big Skills Document, where you can see exactly what your child should have mastered at this time and a link to our Kindergarten Weekly Photo Drops. Please reach out with any questions, comments or concerns to 651-447-8866.
1st Grade
2nd Grade
Click here for the Second Grade Running Newsletter. There is new information on this link weekly!
3rd Grade
Welcome to 3rd grade! I will be the substitute teacher while Ms. Moua is out. I look forward to learning with your students! You can email me at: lkoelfgen-faust.toc@spps.org
4th Grade
4th grade began our Division unit this week! We’ve been talking about multiplication and division as inverse operations and practicing our facts up to this point.
We also began cursive writing this week! It’s vital that students learn to draw individual letters by hand in the correct form. If your child wants to practice on their own, please have them follow a youtube video and practice individual letters one at a time.
Lastly, we have been discussing how to read charts, tables and graphs as well as learning about the Mississippi river by looking at data.
Please contact me any time:
5th Grade
Hello 5th grade families!
This week students have started a new writing unit, finished a novel in reading, and are learning about a new topic in social studies. I am so thankful for those of you who took the time to join us for conference to know how your student is doing and what we have been working on.
Ms. E
(651) 456-8606
Specialist News
This week 2nd in Innovations 2nd Grade used Skillsville, this is a website to build and practice executive functioning skills such as memory, organization and many skills that help to be successful as an online learner. 2nd Grade also got creative using their favorite video app to showcase Kindness.
5th graders were given a challenge to create a traditional indigenous home based on research, natural resources, and the design process. The designed and create models with materials around their homes. They then tested their design to see if it could hold a small toy, and withstand weather by testing with water and wind. 5th Grade STEM
If you have any question please contact Kelly Jenson.
(651) 764-8082
Boozhoo, an Ojibwe greeting meaning hello or welcome. Welcome to week 11 of art! This was my third rotation with 1st and 4th grade art students! We are observing National Native American Heritage Month in our art lessons.
1st grade artists read the story We Are Water Protectors by Carole Lindstrom a proud member of the Turtle Mountain Band of Ojibwe. We then learned about the MN state bird, the Loon, and we shared ideas about why it’s important to keep the lakes clean and to care for things in nature. The 1st grade artists shared some really thoughtful ideas about caring for things and they created amazing drawings of the MN Loon!
We also read the book, Remember by Joy Harjo member of the Muscogee Creek Nation and we learned how to say “Thank you” in the Muscogee language, “Mvto” (Mah-doh). This story is all about giving thanks and for remembering the people we love and the people who love us. It shares the notion that we are of the earth and we are all connected. Students created drawings of the Turtle often found in stories of the earth being created and we drew trees on top of the turtle shells to represent this connection.
The 4th grade artists looked at mural works found in the Twin Cities that demonstrate representation of Native American identities. Students brainstormed parts of their identities and what makes them special. We then read the book, Perfectly Norman by Tom Pervival. This story shares the message about how important it is to be yourself and that we all have “wings”. Sometimes the world makes us think we need to hide our wings but in 4th grade we talked about all the ways to let our wings be seen. Students made drawings of themselves with their own set of wings incorporating symbols, words, and colors that represent all the great things that make them who they are.
Ms. Haug
Physical Education
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at 651-603-4652 or shaw.wiczek@stpaul.k12.mn.us
Check out what we are doing in Science in this Newsletter
Check out our Science video here: Science Presentation
Contact me:
Dr. Magalenn Cotton
Student Support Services
Ms. Silva - MLL
Ms. Claudia Perez Inzunza (Ms. P.I) and Ms. Sherri Silva work with all English Language Learners in OES Kinder- 5th grade. If you or your child needs support, please contact them via email, calls or text at claudia.perezinzunza@spps.org 651-419-6605
sherri.silva@spps.org 651-252-4470
The OLS MLL Team is continuing to administer the Spanish Language Proficiency evaluation: STAMPS to LCD eligible Spanish speaking students at OES in person at Como Park Elementary School.
Ms. Deacon - Special Education
Hello families! A reminder that special education services with Ms. Deacon are provided in the morning (before lunch) - having your child on time and present is the best way to maximize resource room services. Ms. L. also provides support throughout the afternoon, with homework support from 2 - 3 using the same code as services. Progress reports on IEPs will be shared in November around conference time. brooke.deacon@spps.org
Ms. Zallaps - Special Education
Click here for the class newsletter for November: Zallaps' New Class Newsletter
Ms. Steph - Special Education Social Worker
Hello everyone! I’m Ms. Steph and I support families that work with Ms. Zallaps and Ms. Deacon. Please call, text or email me with any questions: stephanie.abbas@spps.org or (612) 548-1841
Ms. Brown - Reading Intervention
Reading groups are in full swing! If your 3rd - 5th grader has a reading group with me, please help them attend daily.
My contact information is: molly.brown@spps.org or 612-568-4212 (call or text).
Ms. Kim - School Social Worker
Please contact Kim Stout for support around family, community, or school stressors. kim.stout@spps.org or (651)401-5595
Ms. Love - School Counselor
I'm Maki Love, the school counselor. For the next few weeks in our classroom counseling lessons, students will be learning about community and skills to help them be successful learners in school.
Have a question or need support?
Email: maki.love@spps.org
Google Voice Text or Call: 612-405-8056
Ms. McConnell - Navigational Intervention Specialist
I’m Ms.McConnell, I’m the Navigational Intervention Specialist in the Online Elementary school. Check out my newsletter here.
If you have needs, and may not be sure where to go, contact me at 6126994177 or at Kiowona.mcconnell@stpaul.k12.mn.us.
Ms. Shanaz - Onboarding Specialist
I’m Ms. Shanaz, the onboarding specialist. If you have questions, please call or text me at (612)568-6624.
News from Nurse Jenny
Pertussis, or whooping cough, is a disease caused by a bacteria that affects the lungs. Pertussis is spread through the air in droplets produced during coughing or sneezing. The best way to prevent pertussis is for all children to be fully vaccinated on time, for adolescents and adults to get a booster shot, and for women to be vaccinated during each pregnancy. There has been a large uptick of cases in Minnesota.
Please contact Contact Nurse Jenny if you want more information on pertussis or any other health related topic at 651-419-1219 or Jennifer.martineau@spps.org.
Community Resources
St. Paul Family Resources
Check out this link for a list of family resources.
New resources!
Thanksgiving Resources
Union Gospel annual Thanksgiving Food Distribution REGISTER HERE.
Registration is required to receive a grocery bag. Provide your name, email and zip code.
Sign up for a pickup time. Pickup will be on the Monday before Thanksgiving (11/25). Tickets and correlating time slots will be available on a first-come/first-serve basis. If you do not see any available spots, that means our registration has been filled out, and we are not able to give you a ticket for a Thanksgiving grocery bag and turkey.
Print your ticket with QR code. You will receive your tickets via email. Each ticket will have a specific QR code which we will scan upon your arrival. You must have a printed or digital copy of your ticket to pick up. We will not be able to give groceries to anyone without a ticket.
Holiday Resources
LOTS of new holiday/winter resources listed here. Don’t wait to register. It is often too late if you wait until December.
Salvation Army Toy Shop: Registration beginning November 1st. You can register online at: saangeltree.org. Email required for registration. Each child may only be registered once, you may call 651-746-3595. Monday-Friday 9am-4pm. Limited spots available.
PRISM: Holiday Toy Shoppe. For more information and registration https://prismmpls.org/events/holiday-toy-shoppe/
Christmas Toy Giveaway: North Anoka County (Andover, Anoka, Coon Rapids, Bethel, Blaine, Burns, Cedar, Circle Pines, East Bethel, Ham Lake, Lino Lakes, Nowthen, Oak Grove, Ramsey, St. Francis, Stacey, and Wyoming) Register online starting October 1st https://www.christmascommittee.com/application-instructions/ . For more information https://www.christmascommittee.com/application-instructions/
Need winter gear?
Visit the Neighborhood House for winter gear for children and adults. Monday - Friday, Starting October 28th, 9:30-12pm & 1- 3:30PM, Wellstone Center 179 Robie St. E. Saint Paul, MN 55105. For more information call 651-789-3602
Additional needs?
If any additional needs, please reach out to Kim Stout our school social worker (651)401-5595 or kim.stout@spps.org
Tech Support
Need technology or iPad support?
For quick at home fixes, call
Joshua Thao, iPad Manager:
612-699-4161 / joshua2.thao@spps.org
For in person appointments to change out or fix technology, make an appointment below.
Title I
Title I Resources and Important Links for Parents:
Feel free to contact John Osorio at john.osorio@spps.org with any questions about Title I or any of these documents and services.
Important Dates
November 28 - No School
November 29 - No School